CRWH and CPWH In House Module Catalogue - Feb 2019-1 (1)

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PW2213 Media Writing

ASSESSMENT: 1 essay + 1 piece of media writing

POSSIBLE TUTOR(S): Vanessa Harbour

From tabloid articles to celebrity-gossip snippets, from radio to television broadcasts, to web-writing and

blogging, this module will allow you to develop your own writing skills in relation to an array of media genres

and forms. The key concern will be with the various ways in which you can get your writing ‘out there’ whilst

at the same time better understanding these media contexts and outlets. The emphasis will be very much on

students taking the initiative and developing their own media-related writing projects, using their newlygained

knowledge of the contemporary media as they conceive, design and develop their own work.

“Everything seemed challenging and fast-paced - in a good way”

‘I found this module very exciting and intriguing.’

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