CRWH and CPWH In House Module Catalogue - Feb 2019-1 (1)

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CW2109 Playwriting 1

ASSESSMENT: 1 essay + 1 play script


In this module you will be introduced to conventions of naturalistic/realistic stage writing to develop your

understanding of both the demands and potential of this exciting performance medium. You will then put

this into practice by developing and writing your own play-script.

In this module:

‣ we look at examples of naturalistic/realistic plays

‣ the focus is on plays with clearly identifiable central characters and stories

‣ we identify key elements of stagecraft and how these operate in good stage writing

‣ we look at the particular demands of writing for the stage, such as an awareness of

theatrical space and its possibilities

‣ we explore how, as playwrights, we might look to ‘build’ a naturalistic/ realistic play

In the latter stages, you will work together to develop your ideas into workable play-scripts that are, in

theory, ready to be staged. This will involve sharing your scripts in progress with the group and hearing them

read aloud to work shop dialogue, action and staging possibilities. If you’ve never acted or directed before,

the experience can be a valuable insight into what does and doesn’t work on stage. It’s not an acting class

and no one is required to ‘perform’ but we aim to replicate the writer’s role in what is increasingly a

collaborative medium. Ultimately, we are aiming, as writers, to understand what producers, directors, actors

and, of course, an audience, are looking for in a stage-worthy play script.

There will be two submissions for this module. The first is an academic analysis of an existing play, and the

second c.15 minutes of original play-script, which can be either a short play in its entirety, or the opening 15

minutes-or-so of a longer, hypothetical piece.

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