CRWH and CPWH In House Module Catalogue - Feb 2019-1 (1)

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Creative & Professional Writing

Module Handbook 2019-20

You have in front of you the BA Creative Writing and Creative & Professional Writing programme

student module handbook for academic year 2019-20. It has been created by the staff team at

Winchester to assist you in making module choices for your next year, whether that is Year 2 or

Year 3, of your studies.

This handbook should be seen as a supplement to the more formal module catalogues that are

produced by Registry that are specific to your pathway; you will still need to get hold of copies of

those (in fact both the Creative Writing, English Literature module catalogues produced by Registry

if you are to fully appreciate the choices that are available to you) but the idea of this particular

handbook is to provide you with additional information on the Creative Writing modules written by

the tutors who actually teach them. By utilising the Registry catalogues in conjunction with this

handbook we hope you will be able to make more informed choices about your future studies.

As such, this handbook contains all you (should) need to know about modules. That said, if you

have further questions to ask you can e-mail any of the relevant module tutors or else sign up for

tutorials with them (or with me, as Programme Leader).

As a final note, please be aware that you are not always guaranteed your first choices (so choose

your ‘reserve modules’ wisely) and that certain modules may not run due to lack of interest. If a

module needs to be cancelled, we will contact you at the first opportunity.


Glenn Fosbraey

Programme Leader,

BA Creative Writing / BA Creative & Professional Writing

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