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<strong>PART</strong> S: Arrest<br />

for people whom you gave to me as mine.<br />

Yes, all are Yours, but all now count as mine<br />

and by this I am glorified. The world<br />

I do not pray for. I leave it behind:<br />

But those whom I’ve made Yours will still remain.<br />

For them I pray. Please know them by the name<br />

You’ve given me. I want them to be one<br />

as You and I are one. Judas, I lost.<br />

Perdition’s son was he. The prophets warned<br />

that he’d betray your cause: and they were right.<br />

So now I’m heading heavenwards, but I’ve shared<br />

my knowledge of these things with those I leave<br />

for it will bring them happiness today<br />

and later on. For now, they have to face<br />

the hatred of the world which hated me,<br />

for neither they nor I belong to it.<br />

I pray that you’ll protect them from the grasp<br />

of Satan, but, not take them from the Earth.<br />

Instead, may they be sanctified by truth–<br />

the truth with which you sent me to their world.<br />

For then they’ll spread the power of your love<br />

among those who’ll believe when I am gone<br />

to join you, Father, and have left your work<br />

to them. I wish them to be One as You<br />

and I are One. May they be One with us<br />

and so convince the world your love for them<br />

is just as strong as is your love for me.<br />

Jesus and his disciples sang a hymn,<br />

then, made their way towards Gethsemane.<br />

The name means ‘oil-press’ and it was a place<br />

of shading olive trees, which they knew well -<br />

a fitting place to meditate and rest.<br />

Jesus expressed a wish to go and pray.<br />

Accompanied by Peter, and with James<br />

and John, the sons of Zebedee, he found<br />

a favoured spot a little way away.<br />

Then, pausing as he left them there, he said,<br />

‘I am consumed with sorrow and distress.<br />

I’m overwhelmed with thoughts of pain and death.<br />

Stay here, and stay awake and watch with me.’<br />

With this he disappeared from view among<br />

the olive trees, where, falling to his knees<br />


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