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<strong>PART</strong> S: Arrest<br />

‘Here comes that one disciple who betrays<br />

the Son of Man into the power of those<br />

whose minds are closed and who are steeped in sin.’<br />

And as he spoke, from darkness they could hear<br />

commotion… footsteps… and could see the lights<br />

of lanterns and of torches getting close.<br />

A troop of High Priest’s Guard: with them a squad<br />

of Roman soldiers, helmeted and armed,<br />

came into view with Judas to the fore.<br />

He had been paid by the authorities<br />

to point out Jesus at a time and place<br />

where he could be arrested without fear<br />

of interference from the people – folk<br />

who dogged him everywhere. All that they lacked,<br />

which Judas could provide, was certainty.<br />

They needed to be sure that the man<br />

they hoped to seize was really Jesus, not<br />

some nobody in semi-darkness grabbed<br />

in too much haste. So, smiling furtively<br />

and with an action that would make his name<br />

for ever execrated in the world’s<br />

long history, false Judas took the hand<br />

of Jesus with a kiss. This was the way<br />

a student, follower, disciple or<br />

an acolyte would show acknowledgement<br />

of his teacher. The gesture was a mark<br />

of public deference and of gratitude.<br />

Of course, the irony did not escape<br />

the Lord. ‘Thus, Judas it is with a kiss<br />

that you betray me!’ Then deliberately<br />

he stepped out from among his followers<br />

confronting those who sought him, quite alone.<br />

‘So, who exactly are you looking for?’<br />

The High Priest’s Guard Commander raised his voice.<br />

‘A Nazarene named Jesus. He’s the one.’<br />

The Roman Officer confirmed the name.<br />

‘Jesus of Nazareth. Do you know him?’<br />

‘I am Jesus of Nazareth’, he said.<br />

What happened next is not entirely clear.<br />

Instead of surging forward to arrest<br />

the man who had quite openly confessed<br />

to be the so-called ‘criminal’ they sought<br />


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