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escaped abroad, but whose health was seriously compromised

by years of slave labor in the camps. While I have researched

mostly CAG cases, for a book I published on the subject, there

are similar horrific (horror?) stories of slave labor about Uyghurs,

Falun Gong practitioners, and others.

All this raises serious ethical and political problems for

governments, the business community, and consumers in

democratic countries. Our shops and homes are full of products

made in China. How many of them come from the slave labor

of prisoners sentenced for their religious beliefs? Is the blood of

Sister Liu Jixia and her fellow prisoners of conscience in the Ji’nan

camp on the toy horses my grandchildren play with?

In August 2019, the NGO Citizen Power Initiatives for China

published a detailed report, Cotton: A Fabric Full of Lies. The

report revealed that Xinjiang has been transformed into the

largest cotton production area in China, something it was not

before. The reason for this development is the slave labor of more

than three million Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and other Muslims

detained in the dreaded Xinjiang’s transformation through

education camps – where not all inmates are Muslim since CAG

members are forced to work and be “re-educated” there too.

Because of the report, legislation was introduced in the U.S.

preventing American companies from importing or purchasing

products manufactured in Chinese labor camps and jails. Europe

should follow suit.

OUR WORLD | 2019

In these cases, all dully

documented, slave labor led

to death. I have personally

interviewed dozens of CAG

members who survived and

escaped abroad, but whose

was seriously compromised

by years of slave labor in

the camps.


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