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in West Africa and the Lake Chad basin, where

the Boko Haram Islamist terrorist group is

implanted and also in the Central African

Republic, where a religious war broke the

country since 2013. Another terrorist group, the

Al Shabab is implanted in the eastern region of

Africa. The religious intolerance in Africa is not

only the fact of terrorist groups (either Muslim

and Christians), but also caused by different

restriction of religious freedom by religious

rules; it’s the case of the Maghreb region where

the offense of blasphemy has been adopted in

criminal law, like in Algeria (2012) and recently

in Morocco.

In all these cases, the violation of religious

freedom is generally caused by exacerbated

conservatism or nationalism (I) and a religious

radicalism with an unpredictable future.

I. Exacerbated nationalism in Africa

It is a strategy of some governments to

control religious movements essentially in

Muslim African countries. Draconian rules

passed in different parliaments and close

control of religious institutions decided. In

Sudan and Eritrea for example, religious

minority movements are harassed, and police

raids and incarcerations have become regular.

The introducing of blasphemy and apostasy in

different African criminal law is the illustration of

the religious situation of countries where Islam

is the majority. In 2017, the Islamic Conference

Organization (ICO) took distance from the

United Nations Human Rights commission, by

adopting a resolution condemning “the offense

of defamation of religion”. The same year, the

American federal of religious freedom report

listed over 70 countries in the world where

apostasy and blasphemy offenses are practice

and among them, twenty African countries are

concerned. In 2006, the Algerian parliament

took a prescription introducing a penalty for

all religions reaching out. The same Algerian

parliament prescription reserve Algerian

citizenship to only Muslims. The penalty is more

violent in Mauritania, Libya and Egypt where

the criminal law predicts a death penalty to all

religious proselytizing and where intolerance

towards religious minorities is a current fact.

The violation of freedom of religion in

Africa is also a consequence of a religious

radicalization of some African societies.

Guy Bucumi

Lecturer at the

Faculty of Law

of the Université

de Sherbrooke.

Researcher at the

Research Chair

in Law, Religion

and Secularism of

the Université de


However, despite

these significant



religious freedom

is being tested in

several African


II. Radicalization as a religious freedom

violation cause

Religious radicalization in Africa is a fact

of many Islamist and Christians groups or

movements. It is the case of Islamist groups like

Boko Haram in Western and Central Africa, Al

Shebab in Eastern Christians radical groups like

Anti Baraka in Central African Republic or the

Lord Resistance Army in Democratic Republic

of Congo and Uganda. All those radical groups,

both Christians or Muslims, are responsible

for many religious intolerance acts in their

influence area and occupied regions. Their

only presence provokes massive movements

of non-tolerated religious groups.

The pregnancy of religion in African societies

needs a particularly careful monitoring of

question from African authorities because of

its sensibility. The religious war in the Central

African Republic since 2013 is the object lesson

of the importance of the religious question in

the African continent.



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