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Animal Vegetable Mineral

Not really a game, sorta educational in some respects, let me explain… The idea behind

Animal Vegetable Mineral is for the user to “teach” the computer to guess the right word

after it asks a few questions. Now, that's all well and good, but, like, I never really

understood the point of it even back then, even when I was little, because I was the one

pumping the thing with questions and answers, and, I was hardly surprised when it

would churn out the right answer after it asked the questions I gave it, which I answered

because I know what the answers are because I… Never mind!!!

Anyway, yeah, it was a text based application so not very exciting to look at, you could

save the data you were putting in and reload it later, but, I had no reason to do so,

maybe in a class room this would have been better suited, it got used once, then put

back in its cassette case and we never spoke of that thing again… Until now!

Timeman One

Another educational one from Amsoft, which, I only

loaded up the once for a peek. As you can guess, the

premise behind this one is to teach kids the time, this is

achieved by playing little setting/reading the time games,

when playing, if you get any timing whatsits correct, a

little bloke climbs up the ladder while the big arsed

emoticon pops a smile, get it wrong, and said emoticon

goes all sad on you and you drop down the ladder. Once

you get to the top, it belts out a jaunty little jingle, geezer

does a little jig and you get a flag and rinse repeat. So,

not the best, I can see the point of it (More then Animal

Vegetable Mineral), does what it says on the tin and I

reckon kids would of learnt to tell the time using this.

Replay value if you can tell the time? Absolutely none!

Oh Mummy

A maze game that isn't

very mazey really, but,

actually quite good

back then and another one

that I used to play a lot

when I got my CPC. The

basic premise was that you

walked around the pyramid

floor being chased by

mummy’s. If you walked all

the way around a room on

the floor you would open

up the item contained in

that room. These items

contained stuff like a key, a

tombstone, scroll or even

another baddie mummy.

You could keep track of

where you hadn't been on

the level pretty easily, as

when walking on new

areas, you’d leave foot

prints on the ground, a bit

like an inverted Pacman

setup really. To exit the

level you needed to find a

key and tombstone in the

rooms. The

scroll let you

wipe a

mummy out

by running

into it.


wise, again,

basic but it

all works very

nice, the

sound is

pretty good,

nice little effects and we

have music here too, which

is a nice rendition of “The

Streets of Cairo”, which

becomes a little bit of an

ear worm after a while! :D

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