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Sultan's Maze

the patience to wait

for every turn for

the scene to be

drawn, I cannot be

chewed to have to

find a jewel, then

head back and

dump it at Hampton

Palace, rinse repeat

because you literally

could only carry one

jewel at a time, and

it just made it a

sheer boreslog!

This one holds a few conundrums for me. For one, the

cover art shows you being chased by a werewolf style

monster, in game, its a ghost, and two, I’m torn with it…

Without going deep into the plot, your in a maze, there’s

jewels you need to pick up, there's a ghost chasing you,

and as you can see, this is all in primitive 3D. Sounds

lovely, but, it really bores the shite out of me when I play

it. I really want to like it because this thing does 3D, and

makes a half decent job creating a 3D world, like, this was

1984, and written in BASIC, running on an interpreter… I

am amazed (No pun intended) on the technical level, its

great, I can really really appreciate what it is, yet, I haven't

I know people liked

this, I know people

played it a lot, I’m

defo not one of

them people mind,

not my type of

game, even though, I can

see the brilliance behind it!


Another educational game,

about the best of the

educational bunch here. It’s

basically a cross between a

crossword, and, well, an

anagram word finder. You

basically are told the letters

of the words, and then you

have to place each letter in

the correct place for points,

get a guess wrong, and you

lose a few points. Complete

the Xanagram and you get

a nice little jingle for your

efforts. Not much to go on

otherwise, theres no clues

at the start so the first few

tries are sheer luck really

until you hit a few letters.

Cute little spelling game

with settings for young and

old. Nothing really to add

to it really, for a basic

puzzle game, you could

waste 15 minutes in it

easily enough I suppose.

Do I still play it?


The Galactic Plague

We all love Space Invaders, it defined so much

all them years ago, and as soon as I saw the

tape cover of this, I was like “Ohhhh, its a

Space Invaders game!”. In it went into the tape

deck, loaded up, and I set myself away… Sadly,

its not a Space Invaders clone, but in some

ways, its a little better, for one, the bugger is

hard, you really need to remember the

patterns of the enemies hurtling towards you,

because they come from all angles, honestly, if

you can picture the scene where a pack of

dogs go completely crackers running about the

house, while shooting doggy chocolate drops

at you, and all the while you’ve got to dodge

them, and the chocco drops, and as you

manage to get the numbers down, the remainder ones go

faster and faster… You’ve got level 1 of The Galactic

Plague, lol!

Seriously, your

lives are gone in

a crack, and

your sitting

there like “Bloody hell, what happened there?”, the game

area itself isn't very big, there's no bases to hide behind,

once your playing, your in… And I like that in a game,

some may think its an inferior clone of Space Invaders,

but, it doesn't pretend to be, it is different, and in the

most part, its just a straight up shooter that I like!

The graphics again, are okay, not breathtaking, but, they

do, and the sound is minimal, basic shooty shooty

sounds, explosions and what not… Bit of a shame, but, it

is what it is!

For a freebie, you cannot

complain, I play this still, cannot

remember what my highest level

is… But it’s always a battle…

And for me, that's the point,

and why I loved old games back

in the day, no cotton wool to

be wrapped up in… A game

would really try to beat you!

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