COMMANDO Edition 1 2020

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Useful Links

Cannabis Doctors Australia:


Cannabis Access Clinic:


TGA Guidance:


NSW Government:


Australian Medicinal Cannabis information mailing list:



Omega-3 and Endocannabinoid System:



Informative Videos, Dr John Teh Cannabis Clinician




DVA Funded Report on Hallucinogens as treatments for

PTSD, anxiety, and depression:





Introduction to the Endocannabinoid System by Ethan

Russo, MD:







The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) may consider

funding medicinal cannabis for its clients in certain

circumstances, under a framework with criteria as set out

below. The framework ensures decisions on whether or not

to fund medicinal cannabis are based on the best scientific

evidence available, and are consistent with Common -

wealth, State and Territory laws. This framework was ap -

proved by the Repatriation Commission and the Military

Compensation and Rehabilitation Commission in July

2018. For any queries, please call the Veterans’ Affairs

Pharmaceutical Advisory Centre on 1800 552 580.


Under this framework, DVA may consider funding

medicinal cannabis for its clients only under circumstances


DVA has an existing liability to treat the medical

condition, such as for Gold Card holders, for non-liability

healthcare, and for accepted disabilities; the amount of

cannabis taken is determined by clinical need; the

treatment is supported by several high quality scientific

studies with very few or no credible opposing findings that

it is effective in treating the condition; first line treatment

(if available and appropriate) for the condition has been

attempted and has failed; the treatment is legal, i.e. it is

consistent with Commonwealth, State, and Territory laws

(DVA would require a copy of relevant approvals); the

treatment is listed under the Australian Register of

Therapeutic Goods, unless approval is sought from the

Therapeutic Goods Administration under the Special

Access Scheme or Authorised Prescriber Schedule; and

DVA has received a written assessment from the treating

specialist that medicinal cannabis would clinically benefit

the patient and the specialist has advised the patient of

potential contraindications; the specialist has undertaken a

suicide and mental health assessment and determined

there is no increased risk from medicinal cannabis on

suicide ideation or mental health; and the patient has no

current substance use disorder and has low risk for

substance use disorder.

In light of this information, Cannabis access will require

the following documents in order to proceed with a DVA

funding application:

Written assessment from your treating specialist (a

specialist relevant to the condition being treated with

medicinal cannabis, e.g. if the indication is chronic pain, it

would need to be a pain specialist), that medicinal cannabis

would clinically benefit your condition. Written evidence

that your treating specialist has advised you of potential

contraindications (i.e. Contraindications for medicinal

cannabis treatment – products containing THC are

generally not appropriate for patients who: Have a history

of hypersensitivity to any cannabinoid or products used in

manufacture (e.g. sesame oil); Have severe and unstable

cardio-pulmonary disease (angina, peripheral vascular

disease, cerebrovascular disease and arrhythmias) or risk

factors for cardiovascular disease—THC acts through the

CB1 receptors to decrease blood pressure, increase cardiac

demand and causes vasodilation. In those who smoke

cannabis, there is a four-fold risk of myocardial infarction in

the hour following smoking in those patients with unstable

ischaemic heart disease; Have a previous psychotic or

concurrent active mood disorder or anxiety disorder; Are

pregnant/breastfeeding—there are some reports of preterm

labour and low birth weight. Cannabinoids appear in

the breast milk.) Written evidence that your treating

specialist has undertaken a suicide and mental health

assessment and determined there is no increased risk from

medicinal cannabis on suicide ideation or mental health

and that you have no current substance use disorder and

have low risk for substance use disorder. Please also ensure

that DVA has an existing liability to treat the medical

condition, such as for Gold Card holders, for non-liability

healthcare, and for accepted disabilities.

Alternatively, you can have your treating specialist

complete the attached form.

Note: If you would like any further details contact Jason

Directly on jay.frost@hotmail.com

COMMANDO ~ The Magazine of the Australian Commando Association ~ Edition 1 I 2020 39

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