2020 Sent Prayer Booklet

Missions and Outreach prayer booklet for Oak Hill Church in Williamson, GA

Missions and Outreach prayer booklet for Oak Hill Church in Williamson, GA


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2020 Schedule

February 8th-9th


9:30AM -11:45AM

1:00PM -4:00PM


Prayer Breakfast

Equipping Opportunities

9:30AM 3 Circles Next Steps

10:45AM Power of Prayer in Missions

10:45AM Church Planting

Does the Bible Belt need another church?

with Ryan McCammack and Rod Dewberry

From Gospel Hope Church, Decatur

Outreach Opportunities

Local Prayer Walk

Red Clay Ministries



Christian Women’s Center

New Mercy Church

Rushton’s Hope

Stonebriar Subdivision

Fellowship Dinner with guest speaker Gordon Fort

A Message From Discipleship & Missions Pastor Tony Waller

As we continue to engage our neighbors, our community, the nation, and the nations with

the love of Jesus, we must never underestimate the role of prayer as we live SENT. We are

told in the book of James that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Jesus

told the disciples in Luke 10 to pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers

into his harvest. In Acts 4, the church prays for boldness, and in Acts 12, the church prays in

unity for the release of Peter from prison.

This year for our Sent Weekend, we are privileged to have Dr. Gordon Fort from the

International Mission Board with us. Dr. Fort will be speaking on the role and power of prayer

in missions and outreach.

In this guide, you will find updates from Oak Hill’s missions and outreach partners, along with

current prayer requests. Please use this guide throughout the year as you pray and consider

how God might be leading you to join Him on mission. We also encourage you to stay

connected through SENT Missions (an Oak Hill Facebook group) and the Missions and

Outreach page on Oak Hill’s website (oakhillbaptist.org/missions-outreach) for updates

throughout the year.

Let’s join together and commit to continue to pray, give, and go in 2020 to see people

impacted and transformed through the redeeming Gospel message.


Pastor Tony



Muffins and Missions

Senior Adult breakfast with Keynote Speaker

Sunday Morning Worship

with Keynote Speaker Gordon Fort

2:00 PM Community Prayer Walk


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