2020 Sent Prayer Booklet

Missions and Outreach prayer booklet for Oak Hill Church in Williamson, GA

Missions and Outreach prayer booklet for Oak Hill Church in Williamson, GA


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Teofil Mihoc

Jibou, Romania

Pastor of Jibou Baptist Church

President of the Cluj Baptist Association

Pastor Teo has been planting churches in his area for twenty

years. The association has 300 churches and 13,000 believers.

They have ten new churches with their own buildings.

The ministry focuses on unreached people groups around

them. Currently, they are discipling twelve gypsies in the

church with the intent to send them back to their communities

and plant churches. The second focus is creating strategies and reaching the unreached villages.

Please pray for wisdom, power, and health for Pastor Teo in his new position as association

president. Pray for more pastors to be involved in the Jibou Baptist Church mission. Pray for

resources as well as spiritual and physical protection for church planters and their families. Also

pray for the ability to disciple all of the new believers and for partnerships/provision for the

Kingdom work in their area.

Open Doors


Red Clay Ministries, Inc.

Rhonda Morgan, President


The mission of Red Clay Ministries, Inc. is to identify and meet the physical, emotional, and

spiritual needs of those incarcerated so that the saving love of Jesus Christ will be shared

behind the razor wire.

The ministry has 50 volunteers certified by the State of Georgia to serve in state prisons and

10 additional volunteers who serve outside the prison. Red Clay Ministries serves at West

Central Integrated Treatment Facility (state prison for women in Zebulon) and the Spalding

County Jail. Additionally, Bibles are provided to prisoners in county jails through Lala’s Big

Dream ministry.

Please pray for opportunities to share the gospel as well as funds to purchase Bibles and

provide programs that maintain/strengthen relationships between children and their

parents who are incarcerated. Pray for the 82,000 children in Georgia with a parent in prison

and for prison chaplains.

You may support Red Clay Ministries by volunteering for projects inside and outside the jail.

Volunteers are needed for Project Connect (activities and programs), Bible study leaders,

worship leaders, and for raising funds. You may also visit Kroger.com, click “community

rewards”, and select Red Clay Ministries, Inc. to make a donation every time you shop.

Contact them by email at redclayministries@gmail.com or by using the contact tab on their


One Church. One Family. Today, just like in the

book of Acts, Christians are persecuted all over

the world for following Jesus. More than 245 million Christians face imprisonment, loss of home and

assets, physical torture, beatings, rape, and even death as a result of their faith.

Six decades after Brother Andrew began smuggling Bibles, Open Doors is on the ground in over 60

countries, continuing to support Christians who are persecuted for their faith. They provide Bibles,

discipleship training, emergency aid, vocational skills, trauma counseling, advocacy and other

assistance so the churches in their communities can continue to advance the Gospel. Open Doors

considers it a privilege to provide aid to persecuted brothers and sisters who minister in the world’s

most hostile regions.

Go to opendoorsusa.org/take-action to find a number of ways to connect with and pray for this


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