Big Picture Farm Goat Milk Caramels

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Some folks may see our narrative as overly precious, a ploy. We understand that. Telling the story of

food is a marketing strategy. And each year different terms lose meaning. All Natural, for example, no

longer means a damn thing. Even Organic, which was once associated with local, small-farm production,

increasingly has lost appeal because of the ease with which large companies can achieve/purchase

“organic” status and lean on it in lieu of providing real, intimate knowledge to a customer.

Intimate knowledge. In our opinion, what makes food truly exceptional is when the context surrounding

its production is inseparable from the product itself. Each caramel that we produce comes from a place,

a specific place, and is made from the milk of a specific animal, eating specific flowers and leaves and

plants at a specific time of year. At Big Picture Farm, we want you to know that Matilda’s milk went into

the caramel you’re now placing in your mouth, so that—in addition to the foreground taste, that creamy

and lingering southern Vermont tang—you’re granted access to the background taste: her breakfast of

striped maple, the season’s first wild baby strawberries and justblossoming vetch.

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