Big Picture Farm Goat Milk Caramels

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“A cheese--even a fresh chèvre--is never just a thing to put in your mouth.

It's a living piece of geography. A sense of place."

-- Brad Kessler, from Goat Song

Each cheese and caramel made at Big Picture Farm is a living piece of geography. It

carries with it and reflects the animals that graze on our hillside here in Vermont, the

deciduous woodlands they browse on, the lush pastures and wildflowers they forage,

and the ethics and hard work of the farmers who care for them, and who further

transform their milk into a delicacy.

And these aren’t just any goats. These are individual, uniquely expressive, deeply

emotive, often ridiculous, beautiful, loving creatures-in-this-world! There’s overly

protective Cicada, head-butting our neighbor’s dog. Or our queen Stella, who fiends

for a head scratch. Eva, the tree climber. Noon, the vocalist. Junebug, the diva. Twig,

the mischief. Manhattan, the tree-toppler. Take, for instance, Fern, who won’t cross a

stream no matter what—even when it’s a slow trickle and several sturdy

stepping-stones path the way to the other side. Not Fern. She’ll remain on the near

bank picking at limb ends, lonesoming the occasional howl at the rest of the herd now

off in the distance.

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