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Dipl.BW (FH)

J.L. Nguefack-Sonkoue

„How the German SME gain a foothold best“

NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 2


1. Africa meets Business (March)...………………………………………...4

2. Gerd Mu ller– Press release ………………………………………………..5

3. Investment funds of the German Goverment……………………….6

4. Gambia/Senegal……… ……………………………………………………...10

5. Douala…………………………………………………………………………….12

6. Bratislava/Vienna……………………………………………………………13

7. Development cooperation………………………………………………..14

8. Sliepa……………………………………………………………………………...15

9. Successfully to Africa……………………………………………………….17

10. Review business trip 2019…………………………………………….21

11. Guinea Conakry……………………………………………………………..39

12. Bergakademie Freiberg………………………………………………….40

13. Financing by afriboom…………………………………………………...42

14. Manager without borders………………………………………………45

15. Cameroon……………………………………………………………………...46

16. Superlative furture market?..............................................................50


Franziskanerhöhe 6

97337 Dettelbach, Germany



Contributions from

Jonas Mutombo, employee afriboom GmbH


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 3




NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 4



On 10 March 2020, the 10th edition of

the event will take place at the Representation

of the Free State of Saxony

to the Federal Government. This

round birthday must be celebrated of


We want to look back on what we

have already achieved and at the same

time look to the future. In order to

initiate further partnership projects,

we want to bring together entrepreneurs,

politicians and African diplomats

even more specifically next year.

Above all, we want to strengthen the

exchange between German and African


Let us work together to ensure that

the credo of the African continent of

opportunity is lived much more

strongly on both the German and

African sides.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/

. „I am delighted to welcome you to


you very much for coming.

For the ninth time now, we are bringing

together German entrepreneurs

and African diplomats alongside political

and administrative representatives

in order to strengthen economic relations

between Germany and African

countries. The increase in the number

of participants each year is evidence on

its own of the growing interest in Africa

as a key partner for the German economy,

and vice-versa. Africa ultimately

needs to stop being viewed merely as a

continent of opportunities. Instead, this

idea needs to be put into practice much

more often. For the CDU our neighbouring

continent is of particular importance

to us. I personally want to see

us meet on equal terms and, most importantly,

place the continent‘s economic

development at the heart of our

work. In this spirit, I look forward to an

enjoyable evening and wish you all

pleasant and above all productive

talks.“, Andreas Lämmel MdB


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 5

Press release of 17.10.2019

BERLIN / WASHINGTON, D.C. – On the occasion of the World Bank Annual

Meetings, German Development Minister Gerd Müller stated: "Global climate

action, support for crisis regions and action to tackle hunger and poverty, especially

in Africa – when it comes to addressing challenges to the survival of

humankind, the World Bank is our key partner. In sub-Saharan Africa in particular,

we are faced with great challenges. According to World Bank data,

nearly 90 per cent of all people in extreme poverty will be living in sub-

Saharan Africa by 2030. Climate change will further exacerbate the situation.

The World Bank expects that 100 million people will slide into extreme poverty

by 2030 because climate change has destroyed their livelihoods. Thus, together

with the World Bank, we focus on climate action and on activities in Africa. We are jointly working on an

ambitious IDA replenishment for next year. And we launched the PROGREEN initiative, which supports investment

in forest conservation in the world's three major tropical forest regions – the Amazon region, Central Africa, and


German Development Minister Gerd Müller and new World Bank President David Malpass had agreed to increase

the focus on Africa and to work together more closely on climate action and on addressing hunger and poverty.

Since the Spring Meetings, Minister Müller and President Malpass had met several times, for instance during the

United Nations Climate Summit in New York and then one week later in Berlin. During their meeting in New York,

they signed an agreement to launch the PROGREEN fund. Germany initiated this international forest protection

programme and is providing 200 million euros.

The World Bank's latest figures also show that, on a global scale, extreme poverty is decreasing. The number of

poor people worldwide fell from 1.89 billion in 1990 to 736 million in 2015. However, ten per cent of the global

population still have to live on less than 1.90 dollars a day.

In Africa in particular, progress on poverty reduction has been slow. Sub-Saharan Africa is already home to more

than half of all people in absolute poverty worldwide. By 2030, that share will be 85 per cent. In particular, the

high rate of population growth is presenting huge challenges for Africa. Its population is expected to double by

2050, reaching 2 billion.

BMZ State Secretary Martin Jäger will take part in this year's World Bank Annual Meetings. The Meetings will not only focus on climate action

but also on World Bank activities in crisis regions such as the Sahel, and on talks about the upcoming IDA replenishment.


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 6

Use investment potentials

„In the next ten years more will be built in Africa than in Europe in the last hundred years; six of the ten fastest growing economies

are located there; countries such as Ethiopia, Côte d'Ivoire or Ghana are achieving economic growth of seven percent. But:

only one percent of German foreign investment and two percent of German foreign trade currently goes to Africa, and only

1,000 German companies are active on the continent.“, Agentur für Wirtschaft und Entwicklung

More SMEs to Africa and in Africa, is the principle: The Development Investment Fund offers the private sector tailor-made financing

solutions at favourable conditions. The aim is for even more German and European companies to become involved in

Africa, invest there for the first time or expand their business. The focus is on the reform-oriented twelve countries of Compact

With Africa. Overall, the fund rests on three pillars:

AfricaConnect: Support for German medium-sized businesses

AfricaGrow: venture capital for African companies

Wirtschaftsnetzwerk Afrika: Supporting companies in entering the market



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© Emad Aljumah/Getty Images

The new Africa Business Network established by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs

and Energy provides comprehensive advice and assistance, especially for German

small and medium-sized enterprises wishing to set up business operations in Africa. The

network consists of the established actors and programmes of German foreign trade and

investment promotion, such as the network of bilateral chambers of industry and commerce,

Germany Trade & Invest, the Market Development Programme, and the export

initiatives of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. It also includes federations,

associations and institutions with a focus on Africa.

In establishing the Africa Business Network, the Federal Economic Affairs Ministry is

fostering the implementation of the Development Investment Fund for Africa that was

announced by Federal Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel on 30 October 2018. The Africa Business

Network constitutes the third pillar of this fund. The first pillar is AfricaConnect, a

fund managed by Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG), which is

designated for financing German investments in Africa. The second pillar, the AfricaGrow

Fund operated by Kreditanstalt fu r Wiederaufbau (KfW), provides support for

African companies.


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 10

Individual Consulting

We offer individual solutions

for each of our

customers to realize

their projects. Depending

on your wishes, we

are at your side from

start to finish to support


Meeting @



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Visit @ Camrail, maintenance company for trains

In order for our work to continue to be successful, it is essential for

us that we always have a certain proximity to our customers. It is

therefore self-evident for us that we are not only represented in

Germany, but also in the countries in which we plan projects with

our customers in Africa. We have a permanent location in

Cameroon. From there, our employees manage our projects and

receive enquiries.

But also our managing director is regularly present in our target

countries in Africa. He often seeks talks with African companies in

order to ensure the best possible exchange between the German

and African markets. Because it is very important for us not only to

establish the first contact, but also to ensure that it continues and

that minor problems are not responsible for the failure of our joint


During his stay in Douala, Mr. Nguefack- Sonkoue visited the company

Camtrail to discuss what afriboom can do to provide the company

with the appropriate support from Germany.


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 13

23.04.2019 - 27.04.2019

Bratislava City Tour and

Walk through the Old


Visit Bratislava Castle and

the monumental Slavin

Monument as well as the

SNP Bridge

Meeting with information

on Slovakia by the office

of the Friedrich-Ebert-

Stiftung Slovakia

Discussion with MEP

Vladimír Manka (S&D) at

Bratislava Castle

Visit to a ceramic manufactory

Meeting with the Social

Democrats of Bratislava-

Land of the party "SMER

(SPD) issues: Development

in Europe, relations

between Germany and


Reception at the town

hall in a village in the

Bratislava area

Meeting with representatives

of the SPÖ

Joint sightseeing tour of

Vienna or at your own


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 14

What does development cooperation do?

Striking examples from Africa

The continent of Africa has again moved more strongly

into the fo-kus: human rights violations, civil wars, climate

change consequences and for some therefore only:

countries of origin for flight and migration. Development

cooperation (DC) is the magic word that can be heard

more frequently once again. But what can cooperation in

the most diverse forms bring about for a future worth

living? Many organisations are active in numerous countries

with various measures for different target groups.

The seminar is intended to provide exemplary insights

into the cooperation between governmental and nongovernmental

partner organisations and the impacts

achieved. It becomes clear: Africa is more than war and



NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 15

Sierra Leone 2019

Exploring investment opportunities/doing business

Sierra Leone – Germany

Mission Stakes

Strengthen economic relations between Germany and Africa,

Sierra Leone in particular

Accelerate the industrialization of Sierra Leone thanks to German


Organize the hosting of a strong delegation of German investors

in Sierra Leone

Create a fluid and dynamic business network between Sierra

Leone and its German partners

Help German companies interested in the Sierra Leonian market

to establish themselves

Faciliate the collaboration of local companies with German


Accelerating the development of the african economy though

„made in Germany“


Industry/Processing of raw materials into manufactured products/


Construction (buildings and public works)/Heavy Machinery /

Construction Equipment





Scaffholding– Coffrages—Shoring

Special equipment and machinery


Safety and training in road and construction

NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 16




NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 17

Successful to Africa

-How the German middle class can gain a foothold best-

Statement by Dipl.-Betriebswirt(FH)


Managing Director afriboom GmbH

“We should take care of 99.99% of the market even more intensively“



On 15.10.2019 Lwanga Joseph Nguefack

Sonkoue, managing director of

afriboom GmbH, and his assistant

Jonas Mutombo represented afriboom

GmbH at the roadshow "Successfully

to Africa - How the German middle

class can best gain a foothold".

At this unique event some representatives

of the politics, in addition, representatives

of medium-size companies,

as well as the BVMW were


During the BMZ Roadshow on the

Development Investment Fund of the

Federal Government, the participants

were informed about financing possibilities

for German KMU interested in

African business and the newly developed

middle class Index Africa was

presented as an innovative market

analysis instrument for the first time.

Microsoft Publisher bietet Tausende

Development Investment Fund of the Federal

Government on Financing Opportunities for German


"It was with great pleasure that I was able to experience a real Africa event at which the ways of financing

are pragmatically presented. The Development Investment Fund of the Federal Government is taking

concrete structure. We should focus even more intensively on the 99.99% of the market, i.e. making

German technologies, knowledge and vocational training available to the African market. It will significantly

increase the chances of success on the African market, differentiate it from the competition and

ensure a clear positioning.

We are talking here about an economy with 59 countries, which is currently home to around 1.28 billion

people (source: Ref. landerdaten.info). The trend is rising and by the year 2050 we are heading for

around 2 billion inhabitants. This should be of great strategic importance for the Federal Republic of

Germany and Europe. Access to financing should be as direct and concrete as possible. The availability of

types of financing (e.g. investment funds) on site plays a decisive role - Through microfinance AFRIBOOM

FINANCE S.A. we have already set up a company in Cameroon in order to create realistic opportunities for

lone warriors, small businesses, start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises that want to finance the

procurement of equipment, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, construction machinery, equipment,

machines and industrial plants from Germany. This will create direct added value, both for the German

economy and for Africa. It would be important for us to find out which path we should take in order to

obtain the funds for financing the so-called "business champions" of Africa, so that we can make our

"Made in Germany" products available in Africa. For this reason, we have launched our financing elements,

including microfinance institutoin of Afriboom and Afriboomcrowd. With these instruments we

want to provide access to the financing of equipment and projects. We are counting on our German

investors. They should recognise these opportunities and become part of our crowd so that we have the

opportunity to successfully implement our vision and that of our African partners.

At this point I would like to emphasize that through our regular AFRIBOOM GERMAN-AFRICAN BUSINESS

FORUM (business trip with business meetings and B2B events between German and African countries)

we have built up a strong network of companies in Africa and in Germany. The number of qualitative

business contacts is constantly growing and more and more African countries are being connected. We

visit individual companies and explore their businesses and working environment in order to provide

them with the best possible advice. These actors are real artists of the African market, in view of the

operational but not exactly simple business conditions, they create sustainable business bases, values

and profitability, but also 17 jobs.“

NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 18


Afriboom Gmbh @Roadshow BVMW

From our point of view these are the right partners for the fight against poverty, illegal immigration

and many other problems - I don't know any successful mechanic, bricklayer, electrician, ... so

no African with professional qualifications who gives up everything without a good reason to take

the risk of dying somewhere in the Libyan desert or crossing the oceans on the way to Europe.

They get up every day and somehow try to earn money with their skills. They can then feed their

families, school their children and recover from health problems.

We have already found broad, diverse industry of enterprises, which could be made possible the

direct entrance to the African market by the binding to the Federal association of middle-class

economy - BVMW. A strategic company management should be quickly and rapidly integrated

into the "Business with Africa" in its sales region or field of activity. German companies would be

able to enter the market very quickly if they had realistic financing instruments at their disposal.

German SMEs should also benefit from the potential of the African market. For several years now,

major infrastructure projects have been underway in almost all African countries (road construction/motorways,

bridges, ports, water dams, real estate,...). In addition, however, there has also

been rapid growth in the number of Chinese trucks on construction sites. Our German quality is

very much in demand and desired! The rulers in the African countries need sustainable solutions

and are already making very strong efforts and offering investment incentives!

We think that the Development Investment Fund of the Federal Republic of Germany should also

provide such an incentive in Africa so that German companies can take advantage of realistic

opportunities on the African market in the sense of a "win-win" situation. African companies will

thus be able to multiply their profitability and create local jobs. The German economy could thus

increase and consolidate its market shares in Africa!

Congratulations for this roadshow event where real Africa competences are bundled and useful

space is created for networks, creativity, innovation around the German-African business. The

politicians are doing exactly the right thing when they reach out to the already involved organisations,

companies and individuals who deal with the matter (investments, business development

between Germany and the African countries) on a daily basis, in order to work together efficiently

on it. With real, pragmatic and immediately implementable solutions, the successes with Africa

will soon become visible. The BVMW Allianz Mittelstand Afrika makes an important contribution

to this. I expect even more courageous steps, but quicker decisions, so that a rapid operational

implementation of the development investment fund of the Federal Government takes place.

With the help of German entrepreneurs and their African partners, it is to be implemented in

Africa as quickly as possible.


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 19

Afriboom is a member and representative of BVMW—middle class companies

for Cameroon & CEMAC– countries, Nigeria, Se negal, Gambia, RDC, Guinea

Conakry, Sierra Leone and MANORIVER-countries.

Community makes you strong!

With more than 555.000 members, the BVMW is the largest german corporate network: 300 branches organize more than

2000 events per year, connecting medium-sized companies with more than 700000 direct contacts


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 20

The cetrac GmbH is specialized for used scaffholdings!

They´re buying used scaffholdings in Germany to refurbish them. After that the customers are able to

buy used scaffholdings with the value of a new one.



NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 21


Germany 2019

Again this year an economic forum was organized by afriboom GmbH.

As in the last years we have tried very hard to bring a delegation of African entrepreneurs to

Germany which is very interesting from an entrepreneurial point of view. Of course, we have

also ensured that the individual interests of Africans are satisfied and that they can constructively

exchange ideas with the German partners about their projects.


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 22

Cameroonian delegation visiting


The city of Wu rzburg is one of the most famous cities in Bavaria and

plays an important role in culture, economy and science.

On 17.06.2019, for example, a delegation of entrepreneurs from

Cameroon began their journey through Germany in Wu rzburg as part

of the AFRIBOOM business trip.

Beside the visit of the Eurolux GmbH as a trading partner for used machines

of all kinds, also a conference in the Eurocenter in Wu rzburg

was on the agenda. But also some distraction from the business should

be provided.

Würzburg as it live and live!

As the sixth largest city in Bavaria and the "capital" of the Lower Franconian

wine region, Wu rzburg is not only known for its delicacy, but

also for its culture, sports and economy. Some examples worth mentioning

are s.Oliver Baskets, Brose GmbH, Ko nig & Bauer GmbH and flyeralarm

GmbH. But not only these "Global Players" enjoy a high attention,

but also the numerous medium-size enterprises, which are

resident in local and region, profit from their first-class reputation.

Of course, we should not forget to mention the first-class Julius-

Maximilian-University Wu rzburg and FHWS. Known above all for its

humanities and natural sciences, it is one of the best universities in


Due to all these different sectors, the city of Wu rzburg and its region

has been able to stand out from the surrounding competition in recent

years and a "hotspot" of first-class humanities and natural sciences has

emerged. But also with regard to economic efficiency, Wu rzburg can

usually only be praised.


Wu rzburg







NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 23

Arrival in Würzburg!

After the Cameroonian delegation, led by

Dipl.(FH) Joseph Lwanga Nguefack-Sonkoue,

landed well in Frankfurt, the journey continued

to the Franconian town of Wu rzburg.

Arrived at the Hotel Wittelsbacher Hoeh, the

Cameroonians now had the opportunity to

enjoy their first impressions of Germany

and especially Wu rzburg, with a great view

over the city.

After the businessmen could use the first day

for "relaxation", the first business appointment

was already on the agenda on Monday.

A meeting was scheduled with Eurolux

GmbH in their branch in Karlstadt. Eurolux

GmbH deals with the purchase, repair and

subsequent resale of used machines of all

kinds. After a very warm and cordial reception

with a get together including coffee and

cake, the managing director of Eurolux

GmbH, Mr. Paul Lambrecht, personally introduce the Cameroonian

entrepreneurs. He always took the interests of the individual partners

into consideration and presented the machines to them, which

could be of great benefit to the Africans. In the end, Mr. Lambrecht

succeeded in arousing the interest of the African business partners

through his open and very professional manner, which led to the conclusion

of the first deal between Eurolux GmbH and Mr. Felix Meukemgang

at the end of the meeting. Mr. Meukemgang is currently setting

up an avocado plantation in Cameroon. With the support of AF-

RIBOOM e.V. he travelled to Germany to find used machines which

could help him with the agricultural work on his plantation, but also

with the further processing of the avocado into avocado extracts.


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 24

Under this appeal of Dr. Gerd Mu ller, Federal Minister for Economic

Cooperation and Development, the next event took place in the following

morning. At the AFRIBOOM business forum "Meeting in Bavaria",

which took place in the Eurocenter Wu rzburg, a targeted

exchange was to take place between our Cameroonian delegation

and German company representatives from various industries. The

aim of the organizers ( Afriboom and Stephan Behringer, BVMW

Ufr.) was to create a constructive exchange regarding individual projects

of the African and German parties in order to recognize and

exchange common interests. Thus the BVMW, a co-operation partner

- the middle class BVMW for Kamerun & CEMAC countries, Nigeria,

Senegal, Gambia, took over the entrance into the meeting.

The Managing Director of AFRIBOOM GmbH, Lwanga Joseph Nguefack-Sonkoue,

formulated the concerns of the event as follows :

"Looking at the medium/long-term, it is reckless not to use the potential

of the African economic market. The AFRIBOOM GmbH sees

its role in a supporting function, which makes it easier to organize

the framework projects for the exchange between both cultures in a

meaningful way and to inform about chances to do profitable business

in Africa".

The first part of the meeting was successfully concluded when each

person introduced themselves individually and briefly. The

Cameroonian guests felt welcome and in this way everyone had gained

a good first impression, which made the subsequent presentations

and B2B discussions much easier.

After the introduction, the German company representatives took

the floor to present themselves and the work of their company. Mr.

Hans Pfister, Managing Director of Suntec Energiesysteme GmbH,

started the presentation. He presented his ideas to use the market of

renewable energies in the form of solar energy in Cameroon sensibly

and pointed out possibilities which his employer has to offer in order

to start a profitable and efficient project.

This was followed by Beecomp Technologies Inc. Although Beecomp

Technologies Inc. has a completely different business model, the intentions

of most of the companies that took part in the event in the

Eurocenter Wu rzburg hardly differed. Basically, in addition to increasing

the turnover of their own company, they wanted to do something

good for the economy and the people in Africa.


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 25

Beginning with a good idea

to revolutionize shipping

with foldable paper containers,

Beecomp Technologies

Inc. developed later an

innovative solution for affordable

housing in developing

countries. Because by

this initial idea, the founders

succeeded in constructing

a model house system

from paper. With a potential

point load of up to 30

tons, which can be realized

by a special honeycomb

technique, this company

has found a very effective and robust form of construction, which offers the opportunity

to tackle interesting projects, which in the future can offer and represent

a great potential the African real estate market.

The representative of the ROADAX GmbH took over the conclusion of the

presentations. Following the motto "Pictures say more than a thousand words",

he presented the newly developed technology for road construction with the

help of an image video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK_q5yYL61I).

Between the individual presentations, short breaks were inserted and also after

end of the official meeting still a cosy get-together in the external area of the

euro center took place. As before, direct concerns were discussed here during

the breaks and an open, lively exchange succeeded.


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 26


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It was the 6th event "Business meets Africa", to which the Chamber of Industry

and Commerce Chemnitz together with the Chemnitz Member of Parliament

Frank Heinrich had invited on 19 June to the IHK in Chemnitz.

Traditionally, embassy representatives from African countries come to Chemnitz

to meet Saxon entrepreneurs. The significance of this event can be seen in

the large number of ambassadors who want to personally attend "Business

meets Africa". This year, embassy representatives from 18 African countries as

well as 160 participants from business and politics took part in the event.

Many of the African and German participants are familiar with the event from

previous years and used the event to renew and establish contacts and to explore

ways for their business ideas. After the release of the development investment

fund for the countries of the "Compact with Africa" by the Federal Government,

information on financing, promoting and securing business with African

partners was of particular interest to the entrepreneurs.

The event was opened by IHK President Dr. h. c. Dieter Pfortner. He spoke out

clearly in favour of improving German export business with Africa.

(Source: https://www.chemnitz.ihk24.de/System/vst/1954364?



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The city of Leipzig is known to

many people all over the world.

Maybe because of its long trade

fair tradition, its culture or as a

constantly growing business hotspot

- the city in the heart of Saxony

is a hub for economic and

cultural exchange.

On 20.06.2019 it led a delegation

with entrepreneurs from

Cameroon to Leipzig as part of

the afriboom business trip. In

addition to the visit of cetrac

GmbH as a trading partner, it was

a great pleasure that the city of

Leipzig officially welcomed the guests from Africa in the New Town Hall. The

Office for Economic Development in person of Mr. Wennemar de Weldige welcomed

the delegation and carried out the official part in the historic town hall.


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 32

Mr. de Weldige received the delegation led by afriboom initiator Joseph

Lwanga Nguefack-Sonkoue in front of the New Leipzig City Hall. After words

of welcome and the history of the New Town Hall, we went directly to the

historic town hall. What makes Leipzig so interesting and profitable? What

advantages does Leipzig offer over other locations? Many examples from

the worlds of business, sport and culture made it clear that visionary thinking

combined with entrepreneurial action and a great deal of local commitment

made this development possible. The Office for Economic Development

is in charge of current and future projects. In addition to the focus on

local and regional projects, the Office will in future increasingly strive for

international exchange - especially with Africa.

Afterwards, a visit to cetrac GmbH as a trusted business partner was on

the agenda. As a locally based company already active in Africa, we

would like to thank both our company and the participants of the afriboom

Economic Forum of the City of Leipzig, represented by the Office

for Economic Development in the person of Mr. Wennemar de Weldige

and Ms. Katja Roloff of the Office for International Relations, for the

warm welcome.



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Frank Heinrich (Minister German Parliament, CDU)

Dr. Konstantin Kostas, EZ Scout IHK Chemnitz

Mr. Norbert Barthle, parliamentary state secretary


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Cetrac GmbH offers all known scaffold manufacturers. The tight schedule of the

travel group only allowed the demonstration of two systems. We opted for

Layher Blitz and Plettac SL. The Layher SpeedyScaf as one of the best-known

systems made the start. This scaffolding can be erected with just one man, the

individual components are easy to assemble and the advantages of use are obvious.

It is also easy to transport and store. Second, the aluminium construction of

the Plettac SL was demonstrated. Similar to the Plettac SL, but much easier to

use due to the use of aluminium as the frame material. It was clear to everyone

what these systems could achieve. The combination of steel assembly frames

with 2.57m Layher robust floors and aluminium frames with 2.00m Plettac

wooden coverings also gave the participants an idea of which material combinations

were possible and most advantageous for the respective application.

The demonstration regarding the erection and dismantling of our scaffolds was

followed, of course, by the question of the costs for the acquisition. For an established

contractor, the costs for acquisition, transport and incidental costs for

customs, for example, are clear. For small companies and start-ups in the field of

construction services, there was plenty of need for explanation. It should not be

forgotten that Cameroon, for example, is in a mood of economic awakening, but

the financial possibilities of the individual are very limited. So why not pack

several small items into one container and share the costs? This idea then made

the initial investment considerably more manageable, so that many business

cards exchanged owners and there was talk of some concrete enquiries.

Our vision that we have set ourselves with cetrac GmbH

Industrial safety in Africa

Meeting the need for scaffolding


Training courses


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 36


NR.1 I 2019/2020 Seite 37

Sittensen showed his sunniest side when the delegation from Cameroon arrived at

the end of the business week. The alga company has been based in Sittensen since

1968. From the former auction of the facilities of a bankrupt door factory in Sittensen,

alga was developed! It is a company successfully managed by Horst Gaßmann

for the purchase and sale of new and used trucks, semi-trailers, trailers, construction

machinery and buses.

Right at the beginning the representatives algas, Jo rn-Michael Wittkuhn, Ralph

Brunkhorst, Marcel Behrens and Hinrich Behrens welcomed their guests warmly.


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From now on, Mr. Wittkuhn, Commercial director and authorized

officer, took over the moderation and management of the

meeting. After a short introduction of all participants, he

presented the historical development and the current business

activities of alga. For more than 50 years alga has been dealing

with used and new commercial vehicles, construction machinery,

buses and special vehicles. Thus, a current status of 1000

to 1500 vehicles in the fleet can be recorded. In addition to the

trade with vehicles and machines, alga also offers workshops on

service and maintenance work for their traded machines under

the name of TBS Trucks & Services. And this is exactly where the

interests of the company and the Cameroonian delegation meet.

For the Africans it is of great interest to import trucks and machines,

but these also have to be maintained and repaired. Alga

would like to make offers exactly here and make it by means of

her valuable expertise African workers possible to learn an equivalent

know-how in order to manage in the future independently

and competently repair work.

Also Mr. Gaßmann, managing director of alga, made it possible

to participate in the meeting. The African businessmen

presented their projects in his presence. Mr. Gaßmann exchanged

intensively with the Cameroonians and expressed constructive

criticism, suggestions and recognition from his experience.

This was also very well received by the Cameroonians, as they

want to constantly improve themselves and their projects. After

the presentations a delicious lunch was provided.

The delegation was then able to view all the vehicles on the alga

site, ask questions and obtain offers. After each of the participants

had expressed their potential interest in favorite vehicles,

the visit was followed by more concrete business negotiations.

Mr. Brunkhorst took the time for each individual customer to

select the best possible offers and coordinated them with the

interests of the Cameroonians. At the end of the meeting it can

be said that alga, afriboom and the Cameroonian delegation had

another successful meeting.


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Business in Guinea Conakry

Together we are


According to this motto,

we always strive for solid

partnerships, both

with afriboom and

among German and African


If you are not able to

get ahead on your own,

you are welcome to

contact us, so that we

can provide you with a

strategically useful partner.


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Bergakademie Freiberg

In October we visited the Berkakademie Freiberg. Here we were introduced to a wide variety of process

technologies with which, for example, new important materials such as soil improvers, building

materials, pellets and fibre mats can be produced from raw material residues.

As we are very much impressed by the work of the Bergakademie Freiberg and we would like to work

on the fact that raw material residues etc. can be better recycled in Africa instead of simply being

burnt down, we hope to be able to implement a project in this field together in 2020.


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Mr. Dieter Jerowsky and Mr. Egbert Hebert


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Difficulties in financing

afriboom GmbH is pleased to inform you that this year we have taken

a big step in the area of financing.

In the past it has often been shown that we are able to successfully manage

the exchange between German and African companies, but unfortunately

there was always a certain hurdle in our way:

The financing of goods and services.

Ourselves were very disappointed that our work did use the potential

as it might be possibile. We took this to heart, analysed the causes and

developed concepts to remove these hurdles.

So at the end we can proudly present our new financing instruments

afriboomcrowd.eu, a crowdinvesting platform and afriboomfinance a

microfinace institution (IMF) in the third category and our crowdfunding

platform afriboomcrowd.eu.Our goal has always been to support

entrepreneurs with visions. And such "African champions" cannot be

measured by their equity capital. Thanks to our microfinance institute,

we are finally in a position to provide financial support to entrepreneurs

of all sizes. We can bring our commitment and expertise to projects

ranging from €100 to millions and support them with our financing

elements if we are convinced of their background and vision. We

want to help Africa's lone fighters, who are struggling to survive in

spite of their difficult environment, the kind of support that will help

them to advance their entrepreneurial development


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Our company is growing and so is the size of our customers. Nevertheless,

we do not want to leave the small entrepreneurs on

the sidelines. No especially they´re very important to us. So from

now we can proudly announce that we have been able to set up

a microfinance company in Douala in view of small financial assistance.

Over the past few months, we have been able to comply

with all the regulations and we will soon be able to help small

businesses in Cameroon achieve their entrepreneurial goals

through small loans. And later we want to expand to other african







“Made in Africa“

With the help of

“Made in Germany”


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We are happy to have finally found the last piece of the puzzle for a

successful business exchange between Germany and Africa.

Together with CrowdDesk we were able to enter into a cooperation

which enables us to finance selected projects in Africa.

Through our own crowd investing platform afriboomcrowd.com we

are able to collect money to grant loans to our African customers so

that they can finally implement their projects. So the problem of financing

is solved.

Within 5 minutes investors have the chance to make their contribution

to development aid in Africa and at the same time they receive an

above-average return.

Become a part of our crowd!

Become a part of our Crowd!

powered by


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On 30.10.2019 we were invited for a meeting by „Manager Without Borders“ in Stuttgart. We were

very pleased about the positive outcome of this meeting. For a cooperation, it was important for

both sides that the interests match. Fortunately, this was confirmed very quickly. Both Managers

without Borders and afriboom are have the opinion that the continent of Africa cannot be helped

by the constantly discussed development aid. You have to help the economy and promote its development

in order to provide more prosperity, peace and contentment. Because we believe that these

are the basic qualities that can help an African to lead a happy life.

So we have exchanged first possibilities how a future cooperation could look like.

Therefore we can state that in future we will be operating under the heading ManagerohneGrenzenPlus.

We are glad that we could enter into a partnership with MoG. In the future we will go common

ways in the development of the African continent. In the future, our contacts should lead to more

consulting assignments of MoG in Cameroon and other African countries. We will increasingly

represent and coordinate MoG abroad. In this way we would like to help to optimise and expand

the events and operations on site.


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It is a key part of our strategy always being close to our customers.

Therefore, we attach great importance to be available in Africa and Germany. From

December 2019 to January 2020, we were also on site in Cameroon to cultivate our

business relations, acquire new customers and promote our economic forum for the

year 2020.

In retrospect, we can say that this stay in Cameroon was a successful farewell for the

year 2020, which motivated us to start the new year just as successfully as we end

with 2019. We were able to gather a lot of positive feedback, win participants for our

Forum 2020, establish new contacts and, above all, represent our partners from Germany

and strengthen their business relations with our network in Africa.


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During our stay in Africa it was very important for us to see the progress of different

projects personally.

One of these projects, which we have been pursuing for years, is the establishment of a

sustainable avocado farm.

We are proud to be able to accompany this project, because on the one hand the background

is very important to us and we see a lot of potential in the implementation as

well as in the project owner. In our eyes, this is an exemplary project, as it not only promotes

the regional economy, but also allows the region to derive great social benefits

from the project in many places. This is exactly why we will continue to do our best to support

the project in the future by providing the appropriate equipment and financing.


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As our next Business Forum will take place soon, it was of a very high priority for us to find

suitable, competent and interested partners for our Forum. So we have trained our team

from afriboom, located in Douala, to prospect the right group of business people, so that

we can bring new but also already known and trustworthy partners to Germany in July

2020. For us it is very important that we do not give every trustworthy looking partner the

opportunity to establish business relations with us in Germany, but that they also represent

our interests so that we can do real business. This requires a trained eye from us again and

again to recognize who really represents the characteristics we want to have. It is very important

for us to maintain our reputation and to give our German partners the confidence

and security that they can implement safe, future-oriented and sustainable projects and

relationships in Africa with us.


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“The BVMW is the German Association for Small and Medium-sized Businesses. It is

a politically independent association which caters for all commercial branches and

professions, and represents the interests of small and medium-sized businesses in

politics, with administrative authorities, with trade unions and with major companies.

Medium-sized businesses – around 3.3 million individual enterprises in all – are

the backbone and impulse of the German economy...”

Mario Ohoven (President of the BVMW)

Overview Important participants:


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