Fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications 4th Edition (2013)

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications has been a part of the Space Technology Library for over a decade now. I’m sure it will continue to be the standard reference in the field and to serve as an excellent introduction and fundamental resource for anyone working in astrodynamics.

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications has been a part of the Space Technology Library for over a decade now. I’m sure it will continue to be the standard reference in the field and to serve as an excellent introduction and fundamental resource for anyone working in astrodynamics.


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11.2.2 Mission Planning 852

11.3 Geometries for Surveillance and Reconnaissance 853

11.3.1 Ground Distance on the Ellipsoid 860

11.4 Designing and Maintaining Mission Orbits 862

11.4.1 Sun-Synchronous Orbits 862

11.4.2 Repeat-Groundtrack Orbits 869

11.4.3 Minimum Altitude Variation Orbits 880

11.4.4 Frozen-Orbit Eccentricity and Argument of Perigee 885

11.4.5 Application: Designing a Specialized Orbit 888

11.5 Navigation—the Global Positioning System 895

11.5.1 Historical Background 896

11.5.2 System Introduction 899

11.5.3 Signals from GPS Satellites 901

11.6 Predicting Satellite Look Angles 908

11.6.1 PREDICT Formulation 909

11.6.2 Rise / Set 913

11.7 Performing Close Approach Analyses 919

11.7.1 Close Approach Solutions 922

Chapter 12 Interplanetary Mission Analysis 941

12.1 Historical Background 941

12.2 Patched Conic Trajectories 944

12.2.1 Sphere of Influence 945

12.2.2 Interplanetary Transfers 948

12.2.3 Departure from Earth 949

12.2.4 Arrival 952

12.2.5 Realistic Interplanetary Transfers 954

12.3 Porkchop Plots 954

12.4 Gravity Assist Trajectories 957

12.5 B-Plane Targeting 961

12.6 Planetary Capture 964

12.6.1 Aerobraking 965

12.7 Three-body Mission Design 967

12.7.1 Circular Restricted Three-body Problem (CRTBP) 967

12.7.2 Lagrange Points 971

12.7.3 Periodic Orbits 973

12.7.4 Manifolds 977

12.8 Low-energy Transfers 982

Appendix A Dictionary of Symbols 989

Appendix B Modeling the Atmosphere 1001

B.1 Jacchia-Roberts Atmosphere 1001

B.1.1 Evaluating Temperature 1001

B.1.2 Robert’s Corrections to Temperature 1003

B.1.3 Evaluating Density 1004

B.1.4 Robert’s Corrections to Density 1005

B.2 Russian GOST Atmosphere 1011

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