Fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications 4th Edition (2013)

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications has been a part of the Space Technology Library for over a decade now. I’m sure it will continue to be the standard reference in the field and to serve as an excellent introduction and fundamental resource for anyone working in astrodynamics.

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications has been a part of the Space Technology Library for over a decade now. I’m sure it will continue to be the standard reference in the field and to serve as an excellent introduction and fundamental resource for anyone working in astrodynamics.


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numbers and data, and details of planetary motion. Pannekoek gives an excellent

account of Copernicus’s arguments, mostly in his own words.

If a motion of the Earth is assumed, this must appear, although in the opposite direction, in

all that is outside, as if things filed past her; and this holds especially for the daily motion.

Since heaven contains all, it is not conceivable that motion should not be attributed to what

is contained therein rather than to what contains all. If then someone should deny that the

Earth occupies the centre of the world but admits to her a distance not large enough to be

measured against the spheres of the fixed stars, but comparable to the orbits of the Sun and

the planets, he could perhaps indicate the cause for the irregularities in the different

motions as due to another centre than the Earth’s. (Pannekoek, 1989:190)

Copernicus’s arguments continue at length to illustrate each of his three main divergences

from Ptolemy’s theories. The mode of argument in the 16 th century was much

more philosophical than modern arguments but just as valid. Copernicus did have difficulty

in removing the equant from Ptolemaic theory: his theory includes small epicycles

and slight modifications to pure circular motion about a central point. He needed them

because the correct orbital theory didn’t exist. The Sun-centered system alleviated some

of the difficulties but didn’t solve the problem.

Copernicus knew his theories were controversial, so he resisted publication of this

work until he was on his deathbed. Were it not for a well-intentioned student of Copernicus

named Georg Rheticus (1514–1576), the world may have missed the great discoveries

for years. Rheticus started the publication process, and after he left to teach in

Leipzig in 1542, Andreas Osiander (1498–1552, a Lutheran theologian) continued it

through the printing in Nürnberg in 1543. A copy from the first printing was delivered to

Copernicus on May 24, 1543, the day he died (Dreyer, 1953:319). Beer and Strand

(1975a:205) suggest that a section discussing elliptical motion was left out of the original

publication. History blames Rheticus; however, Osiander may have had a greater

motive to omit it because he had strong views concerning the religious implications of

Copernicus’s theories. Osiander did change the preface to lessen the work’s impact,

which shows the importance of authors maintaining control over their manuscripts! In

any case, if Copernicus did intend to include a discussion of elliptical motion, it could

have further revolutionized the study of planetary motion. But would the world have

been ready to accept this much change?

In many respects, Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) picked up where Copernicus left off.

In fact, Berry (1961:149) mentions that Galileo (he preferred his first name) adopted the

Copernican ideas a few years before 1597, even though his famous works were published

more than ten years later. The main advantage of his research was his use of the

telescope for regular and dedicated scientific research.

Galileo is perhaps best known for his support of theories which opposed the religious

doctrine of the time. The initial controversy erupted about 1610 over a strictly scientific

discussion to determine whether Sun spots were on the surface of the Sun or were actually

planets passing between the Sun and the Earth. Galileo had observed the spots, as

had Christopher Scheiner (1575–1650). But Scheiner thought the spots were planets

between the Earth and the Sun. They exchanged letters to resolve the problem—a common

practice in the 1600s. Galileo apparently didn’t like the results, and, being a devout

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