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they get the impression that parents are either

unapproachable, or the topic is taboo. This leaves a

child to find out in their own way.

Some of us remember having “The Talk” when

we were younger, and it seems many of us share

the same experience of rather cold and clinical

memories of one single awkward talk with our

folks. Hmmm, maybe if the topic was a little more

“permissible” and widely spoken about in our

generation (before the internet, mind you!) then

perhaps some of us would’ve learnt about sex in a

safe and comfy environment where it was ok to ask

questions and learn about the dangers.

Fast forward to today – a different world to then –

and we all have our own personal views regarding

sex. Ilze highlights the importance of deciding as

parents what our value system is. You might want to

teach your children that sex is only allowed between

a married couple, husband and wife, or you may

want to teach your children the value system that

sex is allowed between two adults when they love

each other.


From as young as possible, start by teaching your

child about the goodness of his or her body and

that his or her body is special and belongs only to

the child. Teach them that their private parts – the

parts covered by our swimming costumes – are

private and not secret. We do not show them to

others, nobody may touch them, and they are

not toys. Teach them that their body is theirs and

that nobody may touch their body without their

permission, and that they may not touch another

person’s body without their permission. No matter

your value system, this is an incredibly important

lesson to teach boys and girls, and to always remind

them of. Repeat this over and over and over again,

throughout their childhood and adolescence.

You can never be too early or too late in telling

and reminding your child enough that they have

a beautiful body, that their body belongs to them

and that nobody may touch them without their

permission. This will go a long way in safeguarding

them against peer pressure and abuse.


We, as parents, can agree that we all want our kids

to come to us for advice and guidance, and to

create a safe space for them to ask the questions

that they are seeking answers to. When we share

information with our children about sexuality, it sets

the atmosphere that the topic is approachable.

Life presents many teachable moments, and the best

way of talking to children about the birds and bees is

to respond to these teachable moments. Be receptive

to their questions and answer with the truth.

As an example, perhaps you are on the way to

drop your children off at school and on the radio

you hear of a sexual assault case on the news, or

an advert for condoms, or a song with lyrics of an

explicit sexual nature. Your younger child asks what

this means – there is your teachable moment. If you

cannot answer properly in the car, make sure to

discuss it with your child that evening. Interestingly,

teachable moments are often presented in the car

as children ask big questions when there is no eye

contact. Teachable moments can also be created

by parents when, for example, an aunt is pregnant.

Look out for these moments whether your child is a

toddler or in high school.


Make sure that your child is well informed before the

onset of puberty about the physical and emotional

changes that will take place. The timing of puberty

has decreased radically with the average age for

the onset of menstruation in girls now under 12.

Boys are beginning to go through puberty at about

13, with live sperm appearing in a boy’s semen as

early as age 10.


As a child journeys through their own sexuality,

respect them by setting the tone that they may

talk to you openly about the topic. It is also very

important to respect your children and their privacy.

If, for example, your children do not wish to bath

together any longer, respect that. Or when your child

of any age covers herself or himself when you enter

the bathroom or bedroom, respect it. Show respect

for children’s bodies and teach them respect for

their own bodies.

Every child a masterpiece | 35

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