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ital dollar. The move could herald a new

chapter in the global economy.

Analysts think that the chairman’s

warming up to digital currency was largely

a response to China’s Digital Yuan, Facebook’s

Libra, and Public Payments Ledger

now common in China. He, however, stated

that whilst “a ledger where you know

everybody’s payments” is widely used in

China, he believes that it would not be

appealing in the US.

China recently made a surprise policy

shift especially when its economic planning

agency removed cryptocurrency mining

(a process for verifying cryptocurrency

and adding them to the blockchain digital

ledger for trading) from a list of activities

considered illegal in the country. They are

perhaps setting stage to lead the world in

this emerging technology.

There is, however, uncertainty whether

launching a digital dollar would guarantee

that the US dollar retains its central role in

the US and the world’s financial system.

Powell said that, “having a single

government currency at the heart of the

financial system is something that has

served the US well,” while emphasizing

that “preserving the centrality of a central

widely accepted currency that is accepted

and trusted is an enormously important


In the United Kingdom, the Bank of

England has stated that it wants to create

a central bank-issued digital currency but

they first want to understand its implications.

In Africa, Tunisia and Senegal issued

a blockchain-based national currency, the

eDinar and eCFA respectively. These digital

currencies are being used along with

the regular currencies. Plans are under

way to expand the eCFA to other West

African states.

Although the European Union is reluctant

to issue a digital Euro and the US has

hitherto been indecisive, paper currency is

slowly becoming obsolete. The convenience

of digital currencies is such that

there is absolutely nothing anyone can do

to slow their spread in society.

The attractiveness of digital currencies

is not just convenience. They present a

strong value proposition to especially

emerging economies.

The short history of digital currency in

Kenya is perhaps known for its inclusiveness.

Access to finance has become more

widespread. Few people today visit banks.

As a result, many banks branches are


Digital currencies especially in digital

mobile lending in its present formats are

expensive. Like in any commodity with

limited supply their price will plummet

if more players join the market. A stable

coin will change the dynamics and force

banks to move into digital lending for

greater inclusivity.

As the old English idiom says, “the proof

of the pudding is in the eating.” We can

only understand the implication of this

emerging currency phenomenon if we

tried it. Just as we did with M-Pesa.

The writer is an associate professor at

University of Nairobi’s School of Business.



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