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Former driver tastes success in

meat business

Guka, as he’s fondly known,

uses loans from Jawabu Biashara

to grow his business

By Amos Wachira

Seven years ago, John Chege

could have chosen to stay in

his job as a taxi driver. But he

could barely make ends meet.

Cut throat competition and low

business volumes were slowly edging

him out of business. Many were the days

he could go home empty-handed. With a

young family to feed, he knew he had to

act fast.

“I was thinking of any business idea

that could allow me to use my car for

profit, without necessarily having to haul

passengers. That’s when I stumbled on

the meat business,” he says.

Armed with a business idea and a will

to succeed, he set up Vision Butchery in

Gitothua, Ruiru subcounty.

Today, the butchery is his bread and

butter. It has been his preoccupation for

the last seven years. It has steadily helped

him realize his vision as a business person.

From a struggling taxi driver, Chege

is now living his best life as a business


As you approach his butchery near the

ACK Stage in Gitothua, Guka, as he’s fondly

known by locals is busy serving customers,

weighing and packing raw meat for

them. On one side of the establishment,

tens of his customers are enjoying boiled

meat and ugali. Clad in a white dust coat,

Chege cuts the mien of a hardworking

and ambitious man.

On a daily basis, he wakes up at 4 am

to look for meat. Using his small car which

carries a fabricated meat box, he shuttles

between the slaughterhouses of Njiru

and Kiamaiko.

Once he gets his hands on the juiciest

chunks of meat, he leaves for his butchery,

where he heartily serves his customers.

Going by the number of customers

streaming into his butchery, it’s not hard

to see that he has a thriving business. But

John Chege,


His answer to his

financial challenges

came in the form of

a loan from Jawabu

Biashara, a credit

only microfinance


things have not always been like this. With

no experience in the food industry, starting

a meat business was a steep learning

curve for him. There was a list of licenses

to be complied with.

He was also operating from a small

room which was barely enough for a meat

display. As meat is a perishable product,

he also needed a deep freezer to preserve

this commodity. When word spread about

his quality products, demand for meat

went through the roof, and his business

needed a capital injection to cope.

His answer to his financial challenges

came in the form of a loan

from Jawabu Biashara, a credit only

microfinance institution.

When he met a representative of

Jawabu Biashara two years ago, he

was skeptical about getting a loan.

Francis, a business relationship officer

from Jawabu Biashara explained to him

how the loan could boost his business.

“That’s when I decided to try their services,”

he says.

Using loans from Jawabu Biashara,

Chege has markedly pumped more life

into his business. From a single room, he

has expanded his business to occupy two


One room hosts a huge deep freezer

where he stores meat, while the front

room has a meat display and a weighing

machine. Adjacent to the beef butchery

is an empty room where he plans to start

another butchery selling pork and pork

products. “The loans have also helped me

to renovate the butchery, and to carry out

repairs on my car when the need arises.”

With business growth comes job creation.

Chege’s butchery has so far created jobs

for five people.

He also plans to buy a meat mincing

machine using financial boost from

Jawabu Biashara, an institution he fondly

describes as ‘reliable and dependable.’

“Business relationship officers from

Jawabu Biashara visit to see how I am

fairing in business. Whenever there is

a challenge, they are always at hand to


As he primes his business, his cordial

relationship with Jawabu Biashara gives

him the confidence to scale and thrive.



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