SANTA RITA MAGAZINE (Third Edition Feb/Mar 2020)
A magazine made by the students of 4 ESO at Colegio Santa Rita, Madrid.
A magazine made by the students of 4 ESO at Colegio Santa Rita, Madrid.
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third edition
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Santa Rita Magazine - Third Edition
Welcome to the third edition of a magazine
created by the ESO 4A and 4B ESL learners. In
this project, learners have the opportunity to
apply their English skills in a practical way.
This term they worked on the magazine while
rehearsing for Romeo and Juliet AND while
studying for their end-of-term exams too! We
applaud you! Well done for the focus and
dedication that you are producing right now.
Another difference with this edition is that
we’ve included comics made by the two primary
classes (6A & 6B). As we say goodbye to the
fourth years later this year, we will be welcoming
the graduating primary learners into ESO.
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It is almost Easter holiday, hang in there!
Marnitz van Deventer
Disclaimer: The teachers working on this project don’t accept any
responsibility regarding plagiarism or false news.
PLEASE NOTE: Some of these articles are fiction!
Desiré - Daniel - Rubén - Marta
An interview with an alien
Hello! We are going to share the thoughts of an alien.
Santa Rita: Hello. If you don't mind, can you say
your name?
Alien: Of course! My name is Frederick.
Santa Rita: Right, now we are going to start with
the interview. What is your planet?
Frederick: My planet is Jupiturno.
Santa Rita: And can you tell us how is life on your
Frederick: It’s a small planet, but it is very
beautiful. It has a lot of trees, exotic animals, and
many types of aliens.
Frederick: We were created by eggs. One day
two different animals did some things, and four
eggs appeared. That was the beginning of my
Santa Rita: How do you know that you are in love
with someone?
Frederick: We feel butterflies in our stomach. It is
a real butterfly and when we talk with another
alien, the butterfly could start to fly out of our
mouths. But, this happens only sometimes. We
are in love when we touch a person and our
hands and arms start to shine.
Santa Rita: What types of aliens live on your
planet ?
Frederick: One type is “The Predator," which is a
carnivorous alien who eats animals. Another type
is “The Ottoepi,” which is a herbivorous alien
who eats plants and drinks sinhrek. The last type
of alien is “The Yencara,” which is an omnivorous
alien. This type is the most common and
dangerous because you never know what it is
going to eat.
Santa Rita: This is very interesting! You
mentioned a word…what is sinhrek? Is it maybe a
type of food?
Frederick: (Laughs slightly.) No, it is water.
Santa Rita: But is it the same or in a different
colour than ours?
Frederick: It depends on your mood.
Santa Rita: What type of currency do you use?
Frederick: We call it Tiphpy.
Santa Rita: And how is the weather on Jupiturno?
Frederick: It is a very warm planet because it is so
close to the sun.
Santa Rita: Can you tell us how Jupiturno started?
Santa Rita: Are you in love with someone?
Frederick: Yes, I have a boyfriend - more husband
than boyfriend, as he will be my husband one day.
We have two kids and a lot of pets.
Santa Rita: What do you think of our technology?
Frederick: Well, if we are here and we found life
on your planet but you can’t find any life
elsewhere, it counts for something.
Santa Rita: Has your planet got any religion?
Frederick: I told you that our race started with
four alien eggs. They are for different
personalities and more general, so you can follow
the religion that you identify with most.
Santa Rita: Do you follow any religion?
Frederick: You are so rude!
Santa Rita: Like you; I won’t say anything else
further then.
Frederick: We have an army waiting to destroy
your planet.
Santa Rita: I’m going to cry!
Frederick: And I’m going to kill you.
Santa Rita: NO PL-
Frederick: No to your planet! ;)
The year
The Coronavirus
What is the coronavirus?
The corona is a group of viruses. Some
coronaviruses affect only some animals, but
others can also affect people. Usually, it
causes mild lung infections; but it can also
cause serious diseases such as pneumonia
and bronchitis.
H o w i s c o r o n a v i r u s i n f e c t i o n
Th e h u m a n c o ro n a v i r u s i s u s u a l l y
transmitted from one affected person to
another by:
• The air.
• Personal contact with another person.
• Touching an object or surface with the
virus and then touching your mouth, nose
or eyes without washing your hands.
What are the symptoms?
• runny nose
• headache
• cough
• sore throat
• fever
Can the coronavirus infections be
At the moment there are no vaccines to
prevent the virus, but it is possible to reduce
the risk of infection by washing your hands
and avoiding contact with other infected
Lucía - Adrián - Carlos
Prince Harry
He is now in Canada with his wife
and their son, Archie, after his last
public event to begin their new lives
out of the royal family.
He said: “The decision was so
difficult, but l was thinking about it a
long time ago…”
Billie Eilish
The Grammys, which was celebrated this month in the
Staples Center of Los Angeles, had seen the 18 year old
girl win the four most important prizes of the event.
The prizes were for: The Best New Artist, The Best Record
of the Year, The Best Album and The Best Songwriter.
Kobe Bryant
The ex-basketball player and legend of the Los
Angeles Lakers, Kobe Bryant, has unfortunately lost
his life this month.
It happened when his helicopter fell with his
daughter and other people in Calabasas, California.
Chris Hemsworth
The actor is one of the celebrities who has
supported the fire in Australia which occurred in
September last year.
He donated a million dollars. He was born in
Australia and wanted to support his country.
The Goya Winners 2020
The Goya for the Best
Dolor y Gloria
The Goya for the Best
Pedro Almodóvar
The Goya for the Best
Antonio Banderas
The Goya for the Best
Belén Cuesta
The Goya for the Best
Supporting Actor:
Eduardo Fernandez
The Goya for the Best
Supporting Actress:
Julieta Serrano
Global Warming
W h at i s h a p p e n i n g i n
Australia is experiencing one of its worst
fire seasons because of the drought and the
higher temperatures. The fires are happening
in the south and east coast. Since September
last year; there has been 24 deaths and 10
disappearances of people. There are many
dead animals too like koalas and kangaroos.
A study has shown that nearly 500 million
animals were dead in New South Wales, and
the state hasn’t replied on what they are
going to do yet.
9 Consequences of Global Warming
4. Stronger heat waves:
Global warming caused by the
burning of fossil fuels has been
very intense for the North Pole.
1. High temperatures:
The accumulation of gases
increases the temperature more
and more.
2. More intense storms:
There are less storms, but these
storms are more intense and
produce inundations. The
seriousness will increase.
3. Melting glaciers:
Due to the melting of the
glaciers in the hottest oceans,
the level of water grows.
5. Spread of diseases:
A temperature change can make
a zone vulnerable for the spread
of certain diseases.
6. More dangerous hurricanes:
The increase of the temperature
in the oceans makes for more
violent hurricanes.
9. More expensive food:
The climate change affects the
production of food like wheat.
This means that many people
who depend on productions in
the orchards are in risk of losing
everything. If there are fewer
crops, the price will increase.
8 . E x t i n c t i o n o f a n i m a l
M a n y a n i m a l s ’ h a b i t a t s
disappear and they can't adapt
to these changes. At this rate, it
is so hard and many of these
animals die. Approximately
25,000 species will disappear
due this.
7. Ecosystems changes:
A higher temperature, fewer
precipitations, droughts and
floods will make radical changes
in the duration of the seasons.
Mobile applications and games
Mark Zuckerberg just bought WhatsApp
and Instagram for 22,800 million dollars.
If you enter WhatsApp or Instagram, you
can see the Facebook sign underneath the
name of the application.
Zuckerberg is thinking of joining all the
applications in one to make it faster.
The objective behind this decision is clear:
to keep users under Facebook services
which are more and more defensive after the
exponential growth of their other social
In addition, this integration can make its
billions of users give up rival messaging
This is a card game which is inspired by
the world of League of Legends.
The gameplay is the same as other
famous card games like Hearthstone or
Magic - where you have to use your mind to
make strategic movements to win the
In these type of games you have to create
a deck with champions and summoners.
In only a few days, this game became
famous and received a lot of good critics.
Supercell (the company of the game) creates
an event for the player who can win fifteen
games without losing three games.
The winners of the tournament can win 15000
euros in rewards.
The game is about two teams that need to
survive — they need to steal all the gems or
destroy the base of the enemy (depending on
the mode that you are playing) in order to win
the game.
You can choose a lot of characters with
different abilities.
Miguel Passeri - Pablo Acha - Zaira García
Music has been part of humanity since we
appeared on Earth. From the Gregorian chant
to the music that we have nowadays. Music
helps us to be better, stay calmer or get
• The first song is DESPACITO by Luis Fonsi ft.
Daddy Yankee. This song has 6,562,260,526
views and was posted on the12th of January
• The second song is SHAPE OF YOU by Ed
Sheeran and it has 4,522,085,498 views. It
was posted on the 30th of January 2017.
• The third song is SEE YOU AGAIN by Wiz
Khalifa ft. Charlie Phut. This song has
4,324,963,927 views and was posted on the
6th of April 2015.
• The next song is BABY SHARK DANCE by
Pinkfong Kids’ Songs and Stories with
4,121,863,258 views. It was posted on the
17th of June 2016.
• And the last one is UPTOWN FUNK by Mark
Ronson ft. Bruno Mars with 3,735,781,060
views. It was posted on the 19th of
November 2014.
In this section we’re going to talk about
films. Films are popular entertainment
methods because it is something that you
can see everywhere and anytime you want.
• The first is Titanic with 11 Oscars. The film
was written and directed by James Cameron
in 1997.
• The second is Ben-Hur with 11 Oscars. This
film was directed by William Wyler and
produced by Sam Zimbalist in 1959.
• The third is The Lord of the Rings: The
Return of the King with 11 Oscars. Directed
by Peter Jackson, it is based on the third part
of the book written by J. R. R. Tolkien.
• The next is Gone with the Wind with 10
Oscars. Directed by Victor Fleming and
produced by David O. Selznick in 1939. This
film is based on the novel by Margaret
• And the last one is West Side Story with 10
Oscars. Directed by Robert Wise and
Jerome Robbins in 1961.
Many times books help you to do some
thinking — like preparing a recipe,
assembling a closet, how to play a game,
etc. There are many types and styles of
• Paper books: Typical books made of
paper that you can buy in a bookshop.
• Electronic books: Books that you can
read on your mobile phone, on your
tablet, or on a ebook, etc. You download
the book on the electronic device and
read it.
• Scientific books: These are books that
give some specific information.
• Instructional books: These are books
that give you instructions on how to do
• Literary books: These are books that tell
you a fictional or real story for
• Informative books: These are books
that give you some information about
• Religious books: These are books that
give you some information of the
religion and try to convey the feeling of
that religion.
• Didactic books: These are books that try
to help children to study and know more
Theatre is an art-entertainment method that
you can experience in a determinate place
and time.
• Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
• Hamlet by William Shakespeare
• A Midsummer Night's Dream by William
• La Celestina by Fernando Rojas
• Don Juan Tenorio by José Zorrilla
• La Vida es Sueño by Pedro Calderón de la
• La Casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico
García Lorca
• Divina Comedia by Dante Alighieri
Hugo Sierra - Wesly Bayas - Juliana Brighil
Skateboarding is a sport which consists of
sliding over a board with wheels called “a skate”
or “a skateboard.” At the same time, you can do
awesome tricks — most of them consisting of
raising the skate and doing pirouettes.
There are a lot of tricks and each one has a
name like the “kickflip” or the “hardflip”.
The skate is related to surfing in urban culture.
We can say that there are two types of skating:
“The Street” and “The Ramp.” Street skaters do
tricks in the street, while ramp skaters usually
practise in the skateparks using obstacles to do
better tricks.
The first skater appeared in 1940 by surfers in
California. During the days without waves, they
realised that they did not have the option to
practise their favourite sport. No one knows for
sure who created the first board since several
surfers had similar ideas at the same time.
The first manufactured skateboards were made
by a surf-shop in Los Angeles. They were similar
to a surfboard with roller skates.
A small program on American television called
“Surf´s Up” helped to promote skateboarding as
something new, fresh and fun to do amongst
young people.
We are going to show the
most famous tricks of the
• Ollie: The ollie is the most
important and basic trick
in order to progress and
learn more difficult tricks.
It consists of jumping as
high as possible with the
• Kickflip: This trick is the
next step from the ollie
b e c a u s e i t i s m o r e
difficult. To do this trick,
you must do a high ollie
and when you are in the
air, you must kick the topright
part of the skate to
do a flip.
• Drop in a ramp: Firstly,
y o u n e e d a r a m p .
Secondly, get on the edge
of the ramp and drop with
your body forward. Good
luck and do not be afraid!
• Manual: This is a very
easy trick that consists of
raising the front of the
skate and keeping your
Angely Lopez - Lucia Garcia - Ivan Vele
The Circus
The first circus was inaugurated in London
on the 9th of January 1768.
The circus is an artistic show, which includes
clowns, animals, wizards, fire eaters, animal
trainers, and the other artists.
The circus is show for the whole family. The
use of magic is combined with the talent of the
It is normally assembled in a tent.
Who works in the circus?
Acrobats, trapezes, tight-rope walkers, jugglers,
and wild animals.
Why are animals prohibited?
Animals are banned in the circus because
training is violent and they need freedom.
Interesting facts:
The circus of the sun shows a message that has
to do with life and what would make it more fair.
The costume workshop uses more than 65 km of
fabrics every year.
The circus has more than 1300 artist from 55
countries of the world.
The scenery and the scenic elements are a
fundamental part of transmitting the theme and
atmosphere of each circus show.
The importance of the circus:
The circus allows us to bring children closer to
new objects and elements exploring their
characteristics, as well as to recognise the
recognition of their immediate surroundings,
culture and life in society. It is a skill that
contributes to self-improvement.
The best circuses
around the world
Old Moscow Circus, Russia
Cirkus Cirkor, Sweden
Chengdu Circus, China Cirque du Soleil, Canada
Cirque Plume,
Jorge Ramos Palomar - Rubén de Santiago
The sneaker on the top of
trends is the Nike Air Force 1. This
is an old trend, as it was released in
But after 2019, that trend was a
sale success. In 1982, these shoes
revolutionised the world of
basketball. At the moment, these
shoes aren’t just for playing
basketball — you can use it for
urban wear too.
Who doesn't love music? Everybody likes to
listen to music because there are styles for
every type of person.
You can listen to it at a party, when you travel
in the underground, when you are in the
shower… and because all of this, music has
always had different trends.
The year 2019 gave us some amazing songs
and a lot of promising artists. In Spain,
reggaeton is a style most listened to with artists
like Anuel AA, Don Patricio, Ozuna, and La
Rosalía. The most listened song has been
‘Contando Lunares’ by Don Patricio and Cruz
The most listened to song in the world is
‘Señorita’ by Shawn Mendes and Camila
Call of Duty Mobile was
the most downloaded game
in 2019.
T h i s g a m e w a s
downloaded because it is
t h e s a m e g a m e f o r
computers and consoles.
On a mobile it is free and on
computer it cost like 60$.
The best way is on mobile
because you can carry your
phone with you and play.
The bad thing is that if
you play in the street, you
could use all your data in a
few games.
The game has the same
graphics as a console or
Nowadays everyone has social network.
Some use it for fun, others use it to follow their
friends or their idols, but for some people, it is
their job.
They are the influencers and have a lot of
followers and they get money for this.
The majority of influencers are celebrities like
singers, actors and football players.
Today, the person with the most followers in
Instagram is Cristiano Ronaldo, with 200
millions of followers, followed
by Ariana Grande, with 173 millions