International Squash Magazine – April 2020

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By David Campion

England Squash National Coach

& Dunlop Ambassador

Coaching is an art form and you could argue that it is even more

challenging in an open skill sport such as squash, where playing

requires not only physical motor skills but cognitive skills such as

problem-solving and decision-making.

England National Coach David Campion

explains why the tactical elements

and development of a player is every

bit as important as their technical


The research will tell you that you

don’t really need to specialise early

to be Word Class, perhaps that is

the case in closed-skill sports such

as rowing or cycling, but in a highly

skilled racket sport such as squash, it`s

not impossible, just less likely. In any

case, those that did start later and do

`make it`, I suspect were learning their

physical motor and cognitive skills in

other sports from an early age.

So, where does it all start?

The great players of today all came from

somewhere and for the most part it

starts in their local club, simply because

one of their parents played or a school

friend introduced them to the game.

Developing successful juniors starts in

the clubs and counties where your coach

or volunteers can provide the type of

environment that offers 3 simple things:


A lot of clubs focus solely on their

Saturday morning junior club and don’t

provide much of a structure for weekday

after school sessions. Yes, they may

have great numbers on a Saturday

morning where the kids get to play

for one hour, but who gets any better

on one hour per week? Add weekday

sessions for those that want to progress

from the Saturday morning session.


All future champions initially go through

a ‘romance’ phase early in their careers,

meaning that they seem to fall in

love with their sport and therefore

become very passionate about their

performance. The first coach is critical

to the climate to hook the player into

the sport.


Create an environment that is fun, has

structure, has frequency of sessions

with high numbers of players and still

manages to be affordable for parents

regardless of their situation.

To get frequency it needs to be

affordable. For the cost of one individual

lesson of an hour per week you could

perhaps have four group sessions that

gives you four or five hours of hitting

whilst learning decision making i.e. shot

selection, height, pace, direction along

with the physical motor skills. You are

firing up your neural pathways at a

far faster rate simply because you are

playing more! Add in a coach who knows

how to set up the practises and games

that will enhance this and the rate of

development is even faster. A lot like

dialup vs. fibre broadband.

I`m not dismissing the case for

individual coaching, it plays a vital

role of course, but in the early years

if you want to develop young players,

they need to hit lots of balls whilst

developing their cognitive skills. No

need to isolate too much at this stage.

Build their skills within the practises.

Just make sure their grip is `within a

range` that allows them to execute the

variety of shots that the practices and

conditions demand. Once the grip is in

place the rest should follow, overlook

that and it will be detrimental to their


The current top 10 men and women in

squash all have very good technique, all

very different as well, so who is to say

what correct technique is? One thing

they do better than everyone else, is

they play the right shot at the right

time; they are matching their cognitive

skills with their physical motor skills

(technique). Quite simply its `game


How can we learn ‘Game


There is no absolute fact about anything

as all top sportspeople achieve great

things in their own personal way,

however if you can mimic the range of

variations that you will experience in a

match, you shouldn’t go too far wrong.

You can simply set up a practise or

condition game which forces a player

to land the ball in a particular area of

the court i.e. within the confines of

the width of the service box, or above

the cut line to force them to hit high

for example. This will force technical

adaptations that the learner must solve

without you telling them what to do.

This self-guided discovery provides them

with intrinsic feedback, meaning they

can repeat it if they did it well - they

know how it felt. If you give them a few

options within the game or the practise

and they are up against an opponent,

as opposed to you feeding, you are

bringing in decision making based on

their opponents position or type of shot

they have just hit. It brings in a whole

new dimension without isolating just the

technical execution of the shot.

Make sure you build the foundations

first with simple practices that will



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