March 27

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New attitudes needed to fight coronavirus in Ghana


was surprised to hear a market

woman say on Citi News at 8

p.m. one Saturday that she had

not made any attempt of protecting

herself against the

coronavirus, with another saying

God will protect the people.

This is scary because it depicts

how less some of the

Ghanaian people care about

serious issues and mostly leave

to chance most things that are

humanly possible to deal with.

This attitude is not limited

to the citizenry most of whom

can be said to be less informed

or are misinformed. Those

who are well informed and are

even obligated to take action

to save bad situations either renege

on their obligations or

discharge such obligations


So far four more cases have

been confirmed in the country

in addition to the first two officially

reported on last Thursday

night but before they were

reported most of us wished

Covid 19 away. Now that it is

here, what are we doing?


ITAGE believes that this is

the time the generality of the

people should change their attitudes

towards anything that

affects human life however

safe some of us may be in the

midst of every crisis.

Our political leaders should

note that "minus God and the

Devil", they wield the greatest

power to change situations. In

Australia, the government has

declared a 14-day self-isolation,

in Austra, the government

has banned any

gathering beyond five (yes, 5)

people, sporting and other entertainment

activities are suspended

till further notice

elsewhere while schools are

closed, in Beijing there is

forced quarantine and the UK

is considering enacting a law to

make quarantine compulsory,

meaning such a law can be applicable

in other relevant situations.

When the DAILY HER-

ITAGE heard that our country

had followed suit in terms

of some of the cases, we

heaved a sigh of relief but said

that was not enough. We need

to lend support to whatever

the government was doing to

save lives. This is not the time

for unnecessary boycotts in

Parliament; this is the time for

laws to safeguard public interest.

This is also the time for all

sectors of the economy or the

society to seek public interest.

One of the simplest guidelines

to prevent Convid 19 is

to wash our hands regularly

with soap and running water.

Has the Ghana Water Company,

for instance, thought of

this to keep the taps running

instead of the present situation

where they turn off the

flow of water to places at will?

Everyone and every organisation

should be involved in

the fight against the coronavirus

because it affects society

in all its entirety.

Time to give back to society



THE CHIEF Executive Officer

of Marrer Ghana Limited and

Susatgad Boat Building and

Fishing Industries, Mr Novihoho

Afaglo, has called on

politicians, pastors and well-to-do Ghanaians

to give back to society in these trying times.

According to him, the continuous spread

of Covid-19 in Ghana will definitely call for

a total lockdown, which means the less privileged

in society will be disadvantaged.

Mr Afaglo said the time had come for

self-boasting men of God who claim of having

Ross Royce, Bentley, Bugatti and the

other expensive vehicles and imposing

houses to care for the less privileged church

members and support them with money

from what they had been offering all these


He said politicians and pastors must give

back to society by identifying the people in

need in the churches and constituencies and

• Pastors and politicians told

•Mr Novihoho Afaglo, CEO of

Marrer Ghana Limited

support them with food items and some

stipends in this era of lockdown.

Mr Afaglo said per what was happening,

“there will be more confirmed cases in the

few days to come if there's no lockdown.”

He said in the beginning, “some of our

people took this whole outbreak as a joke but

the way things are going, a possible shutdown

for two weeks will help contain the


The CEO said it was time the government

deploy the police and the military to go

out there to put the citizens in order.

"This was my main reason for kicking

against the building of the National Cathedral

because the resources to be used for that

could be channelled into the health sector.

"I personally asked some health professional

friends of mine to petition the President

to invest in hospitals instead of building

a cathedral but to no avail," he stated.

He therefore advised Ghanians to keep

safe in the wake of Covid-19 outbreak, and

that the only cure for the time being was to

self-quarantine because one can never be too

careful out there.


Ghana’s Covid-19 cases have shot up to

132 as of Thursday, March 26, including

three deaths, the Disease Surveillance Unit

has announced.

Out of this, 54 cases were confirmed

from the regular surveillance systems while

the remaining 78 cases were confirmed from

travellers under mandatory quarantine.

The sudden spike in case incidence is as a

result of the mandatory quarantine and compulsory

testing for all travellers entering

Ghana, as directed by the President.

A great majority of the confirmed cases

are Ghanaians, who returned home from affected


Seven are of other nationalities, namely

Norway, Lebanon, China, Netherlands and

the United Kingdom (UK).

In respect of contact-tracing, a total of

970 contacts have been identified and are

being tracked, and out of this, 204 have completed

the 14-days mandatory follow-up.

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