Bonaveri Magazine

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The aim of Life Cycle Design is to reduce the

resources and emissions used throughout all

the stages of product lifecycle (pre-production,

production, distribution, use and disposal) in

relation to the functional unit.

The LCA has highlighted two aspects of the life

cycle of mannequins:

the material of origin that mannequins are

made from and end of life of mannequins

Having quantitative and qualitative data

capable of indicating the factors responsible

for the environmental impact allowed Bonaveri

to define the strategies capable of reducing

such impact. And so they initiated the research

project for the discovery of a natural material,

both renewable and biodegradable.

the environmental impact through carefully selecting

sustainable raw materials, so that in any scenario of

disposal (incineration, landfill, recycling), the result

would have virtually no environmental impact.

With regard to researching alternative innovative

materials to use as opposed to plastics from fossil

fuels, Bonaveri benefited from the scientific and

technical consultation from and collaboration with

a European institution specialized in the research

for new materials. This exciting initiative verified the

compatibility of the production processes of the

The aim of Life Cycle

Design is to reduce

the resources and

emissions used

throughout all the

stages of product


Why select the approach of biopolymer rather

than taking a recycling approach?

Bonaveri mannequin products are sold across

five continents. Each country has adopted their

own regulation in the collection and disposal of

waste, each customer has policies that cannot

all be standardized.

It cannot be guaranteed that all products are

recycled or disposed properly at the end their

life, 15 years after purchase. In order to address

this challenge, Bonaveri thought out to reduce

mannequins with the technical characteristics of

the most advanced and state of the art biopolymers


To date, the production of the mannequins is

performed through extrusion blow moulding of

plastics. Specifically, the mannequins are produced

in polystyrene (HIPS) or polystyrene-butadiene

copolymer (SBC) through the blow-moulding process,

after which the same polymer exits from an extruder

into a tubular shape and is partially shaped by hand

by a qualified technician.

In order to substitute conventional plastic materials,

Bonaveri turned to using materials that were either

completely or mostly derived from renewable resources

and able to be processed by extrusion and blow

moulding, as well as being completely biodegradable

at the end of their life cycle.



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