Bonaveri Magazine

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You presented the Spring 2019 and Fall 2019

collections in NYC with the poetry of two

installations of suspended bust forms custommade

by Bonaveri. How and when did you

“meet” them?

I first heard about Bonaveri through Emma

Davidge who I have worked closely with for

many years. I was blown away by the incredible

craftsmanship and refinement of the Bonaveri

forms. Bonaveri has been making bust forms

since the 1950s, which happens to be my

favourite era of design. It felt like the perfect fit

to achieve my vision in creating a truly modern

and beautifully considered installation.

Why the choice of an installation with

mannequins and bust forms instead of a

fashion show?

I have done runway shows for my entire

career. While I love the energy and excitement

of a fashion show, I wanted to do a special

installation format for the 2019 seasons. The

idea of stripping away everything, and putting

the focus solely on the clothes felt vital to me. It

was about going back to the basics, and why I

became a fashion designer - to make beautiful

clothes! Through these presentations, I fell in

love with my job all over again.

learning of fashion and an important foundation. My

first sewing experience was making a dress for my doll

when I was 10!

My background in the doll industry, where I often

worked on the actual forms of the dolls with mannequin

sculptors, has helped lend a much more sculptural

component to my designs as well as attention to

minute details.

Are dolls still a visual reference for you that perhaps led

you to choosing bust forms for the your presentations

and your visual in stores? Or am I way off the mark?

You are not off mark as designing dolls was my first

career and so you can see a lot of that jointing and

intricately engineered parts as something quite

familiar to me. The beautiful wood finish with the

meticulous muslin covered body and the pale gold

hardware was the perfect sartorial message for the

collection. Those bespoke details are a testament to

the exceptional craftsmanship of Bonaveri artisans.


Bonaveri has collaborated with Jason Wu realizing a

mix of suspended and floor Sartorial bust forms, also

supplying heads for a few of them.

What about the behind the scenes of these


It was important to see what worked best on

the bust forms so we did a lot of fittings with the

forms. Concentrating on the smallest details

was especially important as the garments had

to be suspended and inspected closely. Every

garment needed to be perfectly crafted.

A step backwards. You have studied sculpture

in Tokyo, and you have learned how to sew by

making doll dresses. And you also developed

your “Jason Wu Doll” collections later on.

That’s a very nice and unexpected background!

I guess you still like dolls! Do you collect them?

I do have an archive of some of my favourite

dolls that I have designed with Integrity Toys (an

American company producing innovative dolls,

editor’s note). Dolls were a catalyst for my early



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