The History of the Postmarks of the British Isles from 1840 to 1876 - John Hendy (1909)

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Thirty Full-page Plates of Illustrations. Over 460 Large Pages of Reading Matter.

\S^E have much pleasure in

announcing that the Royal Philatelic Society, London, has entered

into an arrangement with our firm by which we agree to publish for the

number of Handbooks that have been in preparation for a considerable time.

Society a certain

The books will be issued as nearly as possible to match in size and appearance the other

publications of the Society.

The first book that we have published under this arrangement is the long-expected volume


"AFRICA— Ra.t-t

The Colonies and Protectorates included in this book are

Oil RivBfs ana Niger Coast


New Republic.


Soutltern Nigeria.



Tango"r^'Jnlate. %-"*" ^'7— ««""*"-

Orange River Colony.

St. Helena.


Sierra Leone.


Uganda Protectorate.



As may be seen from this list, the work is one of the most important that the Society has issued.

The work is edited by Mr. E. D. Bacon, and his collaborators were Messrs. W. D.

Beckton, C. J. Daun, T. W. Hall, A. de Reuterskiold, and R. B. Yardley.

The full-sized plates are thirty in number, and some hundreds of illustrations are dispersed

throughout the text.

The entire edition of the work consists of 750 copies ; of these about 300 will be wanted for

members of the Society and for other purposes, so that only about 450 will remain for sale.

No. 1073. Price 40/=; post-free in Great Britain, 40/6. Weight, 4I lbs.

The "Postage and Telegraph Stamps of


With 23 full'Size Plates and numerous other Illustrations.



By L. L R. Hausburg.



By C. Stewart-Wilson and C. S. F. Crofton.

'T''H1S is the first handbook that we have produced for the Philatelic Society of India, and

we trust that it will be considered a credit both to the Society and to our own firm.

The volume contains 215 pages, similar in size and get-up to the publications of the Royal

Philatelic Society, London.

The important plates have been produced by the photogravure process ; this is very costly,

but gives the most magnificent results. The cost of the plates and other illustrations has

exceeded ;^400.

There is an immense amount of new information in this volume, and especially important are

the numerous retouches discovered by Mr. Hausburg in the stamps of the first issue.

Important chapters are those dealing with the Essays, Reprints, and Forgeries.

No. 1077. Price 40/= ;

post-free in Great Britain, 40/5 ; abroad, 41/-.

(Weight, 3 lbs.)

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