The History of the Postmarks of the British Isles from 1840 to 1876 - John Hendy (1909)

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The Ship-Letter Office in London, which had been in existence as a separate department

for nearly fifty years, was aboHshed in May, 1847, and the duties transferred to the

Inland Office. It was also decided that all ship-letter mails for the Western Hemisphere

should be dealt with and made up in the Liverpool office. By this arrangement Liverpool

became practically the principal Ship-Letter port of the United Kingdom, and

evidently to commemorate the event a handsome Ship-Letter stamp was introduced at

that office (Fig. 402). This postmark was in use until about the year 1867, but in the

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Fig. 402.

meantime other stamps were introduced (Figs. 403, 404). Under an Act (i Vict. c. 34)




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Fig. 403. Fig. 404.

consignees of vessels, and of goods on board vessels, inward bound, resident in the

United Kingdom, were permitted to receive letters not exceeding six ounces in weight

collectively, free of sea postage ; if such letters exceeded the weight limit, the officers

of Customs were authorized to seize all above weight and send the same to the nearest

post office. Consignees' letters were impressed with an exemption mark (Figs. 405, 406).

The penalty for falsely superscribing letters as "Consignees'" was ^10.




Fig. 405. Fig. 406. Used in red on Letters addressed to Consignees

of Vessel by which they are brought.

In 1854 arrangements were made with most of our Colonies by which a uniform rate

of sixpence per half-ounce was chargeable upon all letters, whether conveyed by packet

or private ship. The arrangement was, on the ist January, 1858, extended to all our

Colonies and to foreign countries generally, with the exception of France, Belgium, and

Holland, with whom special rates were agreed upon under conventions. In consequence

of these great reductions in the rates of postage it was decided to reduce the gratuities

payable to masters of vessels carrying Ship-Letter Mails to one penny for each letter and

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