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Why modern relationships fail

This article talks about how we tend to have an obsession with instant gratification and through that

we begin to view relationships as fragile. In modern day, we find it difficult to find time for ourselves

and our own lives that making time to heal relationships, if not improve them, proves to be difficult.

We have voids to fill like receiving attention and affection, but we avoid commitment. Fear will run our

love lives. We don’t want a boring relationship or one that mimics negative patterns from a previous

relationship. Everything needs to be easy. Honesty towards yourself is a way to break this pattern of

fear and loss within love: In order to create and form an undeniable bond with someone, you have to

connect on a deeper level. You can’t get to the soul without getting underneath the distractions.

Ponti, Apollonia. “Why Modern Day Relationships Fail: Change It Now!” Apollonia Ponti, 7 Dec. 2018, www.


Be your own couples’ therapist

The very first thing you should work on is empowering yourself because the only person you can

change is you. This article talks about 6 different ways on how you can work out your own relationship.

Unilaterally disarm: It’s easy to identify undesirable traits and begin to complain about them saying

how wrong everything is. Until you begin to realize that you’re both right and both wrong, change is

inevitable. Start taking responsibility for your own actions.

Firestone, Lisa. “Be Your Own Couples Therapist.” PsychAlive, 8 Jan. 2013, www.psychalive.org/be-your-owncouples-therapist

We expect too much from our romantic partners

People are beginning to seek self-actualization within their marriages, expecting their partner to

be all things to them. We have an expectation that our spouses are meant to help us grow and be a

better version of ourselves rather than figure out those problems within ourselves. Sometimes when

marriages fall short of these expectations, we become disappointed and that’s when problems start

to come up. This is where relationships may begin to blame their partners rather than themselves.

Khazan, Olga. “We Expect Way Too Much From Our Romantic Partners.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company,

20 Mar. 2018, www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/09/we-expect-way-too-much-from-our-romanticpartners/541353/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark.


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