CityLife Magazine Second Quarter 2020

We are incredibly grateful for the support we have received for this edition. We are one of the very few magazines still left standing in our local community and we are watching on as day after day another business closes its doors or another person we know loses their job, or worse still, a loved one. What coronavirus has brought to our shores is unimaginable loss on so many levels. It is utterly heartbreaking to see our country go through so much pain at this time. No-one is immune. And this is the very reason we moved heaven and earth to bring you this edition. Rain, hail or COVID-19, nothing was going to stop it!

We are incredibly grateful for the support we have received for this edition. We are one of the very few magazines still left standing in our local community and we are watching on as day after day another business closes its doors or another person we know loses their job, or worse still, a loved one. What coronavirus has brought to our shores is unimaginable loss on so many levels. It is utterly heartbreaking to see our country go through so much pain at this time. No-one is immune. And this is the very reason we moved heaven and earth to bring you this edition. Rain, hail or COVID-19, nothing was going to stop it!


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Namaste “The highest in us

honours the highest in you”

Jay and the Wild Heart Yoga Tribe team.

: www.wildheartyoga.com.au

It’s so easy to be overcome by fear, stress

and anxiety on any given day but with

COVID-19 we are all easily experiencing at

least one of these a day if not more. Now

is the most important time to embrace a

practice of wellness and self-care and one

of the best and proven methods is through

Meditation and breath work.

Why meditation and breath work?

Because when we still our minds and bring

oxygen into our bodies we find a place

of clarity and mindfulness to move in.

meditation is often thought of as a white

box you go in where there is nothing but

yourself to experience and this just isn’t

true and wouldn’t be helpful for the real

world. Meditation is where we come fully

into the moment and let go of everything

and anything that isn’t happening presently.

This frees up our attention to focus on

what’s right in front of us. When we look to

far forward or back this can trip us up in the

moment because there’s nothing we can do

about the past and there’s no way of telling

what the future holds but if we focus in on

the moment we are able to wisely move in

a direction of growth. It’s in this moment

we have the most capabilities to change our

course in life and with meditation we can

find the course that is most positive to our

overall health.

Think about it. How often have you been

overwhelmed by everything going on in

your life? Meditation is often recommended

as a morning practice because it is such a

beneficial way to start your day. When we

start the day fully present we can check in

on what we really need in life rather than

just what we want. Slowing down really

does win the race. When we take the time

to sit back and let go of our impulses

and reactions we can do what is best for

ourselves in this moment such as eating

healthy or exercising and having meaningful

conversations. It’s when we rush that

usually we do things, say things and react in

ways we regret. Taking the time to sit back

and open our mind up to what’s going on

now, and what we really need to take care

of today gives us clear guidance and clarity

which enables us to move forward without a

cluttered mind of what comes next or what

happened before. We are left with just this

moment to act upon. When we meditate,

we also naturally slow the breath, which

has a very powerful effect on our nervous

system, for example when we are in our

head in our stress we are usually shallow

breathing this type of breathing has us

function in our sympathetic nervous system

which is our fight/flight response, when we

slow the breath down we transition into the

Parasympathetic nervous system which is a

where we move the body back into a place

of peace, calm and healing.

How to meditate

If your new to meditation here are some

very easy ways to begin.

When you wake up take 20 mindful breaths,

make sure you can feel, hear and time your

breaths. I recommend trying to take 4

second inhales, have a conscious pause and


then exhaling for 4 seconds pausing again

before your next inhale, but ensure that it

is slow conscious belly breath, think inhale

belly, ribs, chest pause exhale chest, ribs,

belly pause. The next thing I recommend

especially for those who struggle to sit still

is to go for a walk in nature without your

phone. After a while find a place you feel

connected to and sit and try focusing on

the moment, maybe it’s a bug, a leaf or a

cloud and focus on what’s happening in

front of you for a while and I guarantee

you will feel connected and even amazed at

what happens when we really open our eyes

to the moment. Other ways to meditate is

to repeat a mantra or a phrase a number

of times, it can be simple like “I am at

peace” or perhaps spiritual like reciting

the Yantra Mantra 108 times if you’re

into that. Chanting, singing, painting,

gardening, yoga and playing games are all

other great ways of taking your mind into

a natural meditation and you will receive

many of the benefits. You do not need to

sit still to meditate but there is a benefit and

something to just sitting with yourself so I

do recommend you try it eventually and

maybe just start with 5 minutes. One of our

favourite sayings is “If you don’t have time

to meditate for 5 minutes, then meditate for

an hour”.

The scientific benefits

Studies have shown that when you give

yourself some headspace from meditation

it will improve your memory, mood, focus,

compassion, work and will relieve stress,

depression and aggression. There are

many more benefits that include feeling

connected to the whole and being able to

more genuinely connect to those around

you. There is no doubt that if you dedicate

yourself to meditate daily you will see your

life change for the better. Thea hardest part

is creating the habit. We recommend setting

a 2 month goal or 67 days to be precise of

some sort of regular meditation practice

to really get the benefits. Recoding these

experience in a journal can also really add

to your experience and will show you how

much changed during the process.

At Wild Heart Yoga Tribe we incorporate

all kinds of meditation techniques from

breathing, to movement and stillness. Yoga

is intimately connected to mindfulness

and meditation and can be a great way

of learning how to focus on the moment,

calm the mind, and gaining full body

awareness. If you enjoyed this article and

are keen to give it a go we would love to

help you out. Currently you can join us

on Facebook though the Wild Heart Yoga

Tribe Members group. We have all types

of classes so you are guaranteed to find the

one that suits you. We offer 21 live stream

classes a week that are then posted and able

to be re-watched at any time for $15 a week

and are working to release a high quality

app soon.

Thanks you so much for taking the time

to read this and we sincerely hope you can

find hope and inner peace even in these

challenging times.

CityLife 53 Magazine

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