
Draft of "This is Us"

Draft of "This is Us"


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A Grave Situation.

As a family, we traveled a lot and made many camping trips when we were younger. I am unsure

whether this was a financial decision or the embarrassing thought we would be too loud, too

energetic and most of all too boisterousness for other people’s calm, peaceful, blissful, tranquil

hotel holiday time. Surely we would be too intrusive on their little bit of ‘paradise’ and mum and

dad took pity on them.

On one of our camping trips probably the one we drove from England to Israel in

1973. We had stayed at this Italian campsite for a few days; I remember the

corner shop at the bottom of the hill where you walked through a curtain of

colourful plastic strips that flew about like floating dancers in motion from fan

inside the shop. Mum and dad would send us down with a note of Italian words

so the shop keeper would understand what produces we needed; uova (eggs),

pane (bread) latte (milk) formaggio (cheese) words that are familiar today but

back then they were literally completely foreign.

This particular morning we were moving to our

next destination, like gypsies our home consisted of two adults,

four kids, tents, inflatable “li-lo” matrasses, tables, chairs cooking

gear everything including the kitchen sink. It all had a special spot,

which needed to be packed with precise logistics in order to make

it all fit back into and onto the car looking something like this


Mum and dad always faffed about and argued a lot about these

strategies. For example, whether the tents had to go on the roof

racks last in a certain way, and how the table and chairs had to be pinned down so that they didn’t

move, rattle or at the worst fly off in the middle of driving (I’m sure they did). The gas bottles and

cooking equipment had to be available for quick access for when we stopped at the side of the

road to make meals. More organized people than my mum and dad would take note of the correct

and precise way of fitting it all back into the confined area of a Renault 16. Basically it was like

doing a three-dimensional puzzle each time and yet mum and dad never seemed to remember how

the pieces fit. I have never seen mum or dad do a jigsaw puzzle in their lives! Why they took on

such a task only they would know

This part of packing up was obviously a boring part for us the kids, so, screening ourselves from

the yelling and anger; we kept ourselves busy and out of the way by inventing games. This

specific game was a strike of gruesome originality. We decided to make our own graves and burial

tombs from piles of leaves, branches and rocks. The good old days did provide us with plenty of

time for great creativity and imagination. Can you imagine kids today being so inventive?

Anyway regardless of the yelling, I decided to make my "grave" close to mum and dad. I was

eight years old and so very proud of my tomb. It consisted of a humongous pile of leaves and I

even inscribed it with CORINNE made from twigs and rocks. I stood back and looked at the

grandeur of my creation and proudly thought to myself “I have made the best grave ever!"

The time came for us to drive away. We jumped into the car, loud and rowdy as per usual, excited

and ready for our next adventure. Unaware of where I made my tomb, dad reversed the car and

drove right on top of my creation. I was genuinely hurt by the fact that dad had driven over my

grave and ruined it by smudging my name and making a mess of everything that I had worked on

for so long and with such care. For my three elder brothers this was hysterically funny. They went

on to invent a far-fetched story that I was now “really” dead and driving over ones grave makes

one “doubly dead”. They decided I can't be called Corinne any more because she is dead but since

I was still there, they decided I had risen from the disturbed grave, like the story of Jesus


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