
Draft of "This is Us"

Draft of "This is Us"


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around as a pirate for so long.

* Note from Sheila - It seems to me that you have pirate blood in your DNA!!

Left; Coz at 10 years old. Right; Coz at 40 years old

Black Eye - Part Two

Curiosity That Did Not Kill The Cat

There was never dull moment in our house. During my celebrity phase as a child star for the TV

series “The Nightingale Boys”. I was driven like royalty to Manchester Granada Studios every

morning. My acting brother was called Aaron Levy and he lived round the corner from us in a

new complex where there were huge white town houses, much “posher” (aristocratic) and more

modern than ours. Legend has it that Man’ United legendary footballer, George Best, lived in this

complex. We never did bump into him though we tried to entice him as much as we could by

playing football against his garage door hoping this would inspire him to come out to play or, at

the very least, that he would come out yelling and guns blazing at us for making such a racket.

When Aaron and I were scheduled for filming “The Nightingale Boys”, a taxi would pick us both

up very day early in the morning. We were ten years old so we had to be escorted by an adult,

both our mums alternated between days to be our chaperones. Depending on who was the

chaperon, the taxi would start the route there and go on to the next house. This particular day it

was mums turn to be our chaperone and it was pouring down with rain. As I was stepping into the

taxi I saw our cat Marmalade on the roof of our house meowing in such a pitiful way, poor thing.

She was soaking wet and howling for help. I refused to leave and dug my heels in like a two year

old having a tantrum. We were in a hurry to pick up Aaron and needed to get to the studios. There

were strict guidelines that had to be obeyed when filming. I remember mum trying to persuade me

to get into the taxi. She said she would call the fire brigade later but I wasn’t going to budge until

the cat was off that roof. There so happened to be a long wooden ladder next door, which

belonged to a window cleaner. Mum somehow put it up against the sidewall, and climbed all the

way to the top attempting to save Marmalade the cat. Now cats are smart but also cunning and like

to make their human masters do stuff for them probably just for “laughs” in their own cat world.

This was one of these days. As soon as mum got up that ladder Marmalade came up to her purring

all coy and cute pushing her head into mums hand prying for a pat and a stroke. But in no way was

a cat going to put any trust in a human two legged master to deliver a four legged, nine lives, furry

feline, safety to ground. No way! I don’t know how long this took and how late we were but by

now mum was looking more like a drowned cat herself.


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