Alien-Morpheus-Main 2.0

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There’s furniture and something resembling

a kitchen and a bedroom covered in


Inside they see many photographs on the

walls. It’s the ship’s crew.

Each photo has an odd number on it X23,

X24, X25 and so on. On the mantel piece

they see photos of DANIELS & SHAW. Some

smoke emanates from a place where a fire

would be – someone was just here.

From a room in the corner a can clatters

and a dishevelled man TENESEE emerges, his

hands in the air. He moves his index

finger to his lip and quietly hushes.



Suddenly, he bolts for the door MARTINS

grabs him by the arm and Tennessee clocks

him with a wrench. Cole quickly steps in

and restrains him whilst SEPHER jabs in

the neck with a hypo spray.

Tennessee goes dizzy and passes out

Int Covenant

Ericks and Butler attempt to access mother

and the ships black box. The main consoles

are wrecked beyond repair along with the

main comms panel.


‘looks like someone didn’t want

anyone sending out a transmission’


‘Sir if it would please, I can try access

mother and the black box via my internal

modem providing

the main terminal and port are intact.’


‘It would please. Do it’

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