Alien-Morpheus-Main 2.0

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‘Constructing the colony should have been

heavily underway by now however there has

been no communication. The last

transmission received was of the ships on

board synthetic however comms has since


Also, whilst the atmosphere is breathable

there’s still no first-hand knowledge of

what to expect down there. Chances are

they may have encountered some sort of

virus – so in the case these colonists

were stupid enough to not do any

groundwork I want everyone wearing bio

suits and head gear. Do you all


I want ‘everyone’ in suits until we give

you the ‘all clear’. Also were to be on

the lookout for the ships AP. The company

wants him brought back intact.

He’s high priority, however lethal force

is authorised should you need to subdue

him – just make sure the head is intact!

The Marines consist of rash bunch of rough

and ready tough guys and bad girls - they

are all keen to get involved in the

mission. They gear up with an array of

impressive weapons. One of them flaunts a

new toy – it reads M40Z Pulse Rifle – down

the side of the gun in a dark matt black.

Away from the marines Ericks speaks with

Butler in office – he talks to him about

David and the further PRIVATE details

about their mission.


‘He’s the original – the very first David

8 model that accompanied the fated

Prometheus mission all those years ago.

According to HQ old Weyland himself went

on that mission. He didn’t make it - along

with nearly all the crew. Quite the story

actually – because you see, the company

also received this…

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