Alien-Morpheus-Main 2.0

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Tail; the Lead engineer leaves to go back

to his ship.

David looks down at the engineer. And

speaks in his ancient tongue so he can

hear him loud and clear.


‘You think you could come here and stop me

father of Eden...behold my creations for

they will be its ruin!’

The Xenos kill the lead engineer and turn

their attention to the last remaining

marines who have made an escapee to the

covenant in a vain attempt to launch.

Int Covenant

Ericks has had an idea to launch the

escape pods from orbit and set the ship to

crash into the colony but the plan fails

miserably – so they decide if they are

going to do die that they should blow up

the ship.

David twigs what they are going to do.

Time for him to leave AGAIN. He’s not

happy given all his accomplishments are

here but he has no choice. In the distance

he can here the Alien Queens call.

He looks over towards the now abandoned

juggernaut and he and butler go to board


Inside the complex the last two marines

fight a desperate struggle. They soon all

die one by one. It’s a sad and terrifying

scene. Ericks tries to send out a

transmission but its hopeless. The selfdestruct

countdown is also now active.

Capt. Eric’s. last man standing shooting

at everything, time slows down as he

screams ‘fuck you…’ the countdown reaches

zero as he’s about to killed by an open

jawed Xeno.

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