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VOL. 1





noun: quarantine; plural noun: quarantines a state, period, or place of isolation

in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been

exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed.

"many animals die in quarantine"


verb: quarantine; 3rd person present: quarantines; past tense: quarantined;

past participle: quarantined; gerund or present participle: quarantining

put (a person or animal) in quarantine.

"I quarantine all new fish for one month"




Ella du Heaume Campbell



“Final Hour”

“Final Hour” documents one of my best friends @Yiigaa, a southeast neo

soul singer, and her last time in front of the camera for a while. While still

respectfully practising social distancing, she was photographed in a park

located across my house using a backdrop holder, 2 pieces of fabric and

the wind to our advantage. This will not only be her last time modelling for

me, but my last time shooting her until this pandemic is settled.

my name is

joseph oliver crackett

i am a photographer

a artist manager

a barista

a son

a friend

to some

maybe many

i come from a supportive family

a family of plenty

theirs 6 of us

all boys

5 straight

1 gay


i enjoy my alone time

i enjoy creating

i enjoy my imagination

almost too much

a lot of my work

is behind the scenes

my expression of art

is based on capturing moments

of what i see

someone to be

its my comfort

i’m safe in this zone

but under this blanket

are feelings of my own

some come by


some never go

when i create

they come to the surface

if i ponder

my creations

they become


to me, anyways

i started writing down my thoughts

in the form of poems

whether they are or not

i dunno

i just see how they go

only me and my isolated thoughts

if i deleted instagram

will i still be a photographer

if i don’t use hashtags

do i still shoot on film

if i don’t post my work

have i done any

what if i just stopped shooting

what if i just finished that apprenticeship

as a landscape gardener

that was the hardest thing i didn’t finish

just like school

i held my weight in a physical debate

but i didn’t graduate

distracted by family issues,

love and popularity

took me 5 years

to see it with some clarity

life is what you make it

everyone has feet of clay

the cool kids

have bad days

even bad kids

have good days

life is like a movie

improvise ur role

act on your own

see how it goes

don’t watch others


you’ll get lost


forget what matters

“To be renewed in the spirit of the mind.”

When approaching the theme of self

isolation, I couldn’t help but associate it

with the process of personal growth that

occurs through self reflection, and how

solitude can be a necessary stage in that


The title of this photo is an excerpt from

the Bible, which I have been meditating on

during the current global crisis. My faith

and spirituality play a huge part in the

perspectives I apply in my art and in

everyday life, especially in times of


Although the world is going through an

unsettling period, I believe that this is the

perfect moment to transform our physical

stillness into an opportunity to renew our

spirits and strengthen our minds in a way

that works for us. To ensure that we come

out rejuvenated and spiritually grounded

when this is all over.

- Oyato

–Ephesians 4:23

“To be renewed in the spirit of the mind.”

–Ephesians 4:23

Daniel is a designer and photographer based

in London, mostly making work relating to

architectural and queer subjects.

This collection of dreamlike images replicates

the art of shadow puppetry to perform

a series of surreal scenes using only everyday

household objects. Shadow puppetry

is an ancient form of entertainment and

storytelling, often performed in domestic

spaces using candlelight to tell the stories of

traditional folk tales. As we find ourselves

in the current situation, spending much of

our days at home, this series prompts us

to consider the surreal reality of this ‘new’

everyday we are living.

Locked in with the Monster inside myself

Love the Idea of Isolation until it’s imposed

Love being Alone until I don’t have a choice

Love Time with Myself until I lose Freedom

To escape my Own Being.

Love the Simplicity until that is All that I know

Love watching Films until they make me

Question my Soul.

Love to have my Schedule and manage my Time

Until the Power I have over Myself is almost


Love the People I live with until they’re All that I see

Love reading these Books until retaining Knowledge

Loses meaning to Me.

Love caring for People until…. NO. The Forced

Isolation lets my Pain play outside, but it Only ever can

Sprout far enough to Engulf me, I don’t want others getting

Affected; nor by this nor by my Personal Demons.

Losing Escape feels like losing a Sword

As if picking up Gravel to desperately throw in Its Face

In the form of my Books or my Films or my Tools

Desperate Attempt to Stay out of my Own head

Maybe I should get Inside there and do what I feel like I can’t.

Maybe I won’t succumb, maybe I’ll win the Fight

Maybe the nine headed Dragon shall Die tonight

Maybe it all led to This, Facing my fears

Maybe I’ll find out the Dragon is actually Nothing

But really a large Shadow of a harmless Kitten

Whatever I may Find, I fear I have to try Now

Before the Moment is gone

And I’m allowed to leave this Whole town

To seek the Never-ending Escapes once again

Never seeing just how Strong I perhaps really am.

Outside Looking in.

The Camera Obscura is a phenomenon that has helped to prove that light travels in straight lines. It is created when a small

hole or aperture is made in a darkened space. Using my homemade obscura I picked the biggest window in my house and

photographed the scene outside which is naturally inverted. Hence, “Outside Looking in”.

on a solo one

Just a few thoughts from isolation. I’ve been allowed time to sit with some feelings and

decided I need to move out of my parents house, get back with my ex and meet up with my

friends from school more. But those feelings might all have changed in the next few hours.

By Dubheasa Lanipekun a multimedia artist from South London





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