USA FLIP NON ARREST, DISSUASION NON PUNITIVE IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. We are dedicated to drug proofing our communities.

We are dedicated to drug proofing our communities.


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“Dedicated to all the beautiful children<br />

captured by addiction in the U.S. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

were victims of Purdue Pharma; the<br />

Sackler family; the FDA; doctors; dentists,<br />

hospitals; Pharma and politicians. May our<br />

angels rest in Heaven. <strong>The</strong>y are free, now.<br />

Never again.” – Carol Egan<br />



To Flip <strong>The</strong> Discrimination of the<br />

criminal justice approach to substance<br />

misuse towards a proven public health<br />

solution. We are dedicated to drug<br />

proofing our communities.<br />


Do the Portugal Flip! That became the mantra the moment we returned from<br />

our visit to the country that we knew held the answers to the opioid epidemic.<br />

Co-Founder Carol Egan and others from the grassroots opioid advocacy group,<br />

Purdue Watchdogs, put aside their domestic outreach in August 2019 and went<br />

on a learning mission heading straight to the authorities. <strong>The</strong> group interviewed<br />

police, healthcare officials and local leaders, participated in ride-a-longs and<br />

street walks to areas within Lisbon where drug users recovering and nonrecovering<br />

were dealt large doses of compassion and guidance for living an<br />

improved life, all without judgement.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y spent 10 days learning how the data truly illustrated such a reduction in<br />

overdoses by heroin users. <strong>The</strong>y learned how jail time was eliminated and<br />

recovery programs added. And they knew they had found the answer. Portugal<br />

decreased their drug overdose deaths by 90% in 6 years - from 369 in 1999 to<br />

12 in 2006. Michigan is the same size and had over 2000 deaths last year.<br />

Portugal had 34.<br />

Once back on U.S. soil, the group took their knowledge to their enormous<br />

networks - members of Purdue Watchdogs, moms and dads of children who<br />

had received their angel wings from the unforgiving and cruel opioid epidemic,<br />

the fast-growing followers on social media and, even, <strong>The</strong> Pharmacist, the man<br />

from the Netflix documentary that took the world by storm.<br />

We encourage you to contact your legislators and share what Portugal has been<br />

successfully doing - focusing on drug dealers instead of drug users for arrests<br />

and jailing. It is within these pages of this <strong>USA</strong> Flip book that we share the<br />

philosophy behind changing the mindset and reversing how drug users are dealt<br />

with. <strong>The</strong> idea of immediate care from a team of professionals who confront<br />

the user with a compassionate plan of recovery and help guide rather than jail<br />

the user and leave him/her to their own devices upon release.<br />


(Continued)<br />

We invite you to read each page. Really read and envision yourself becoming a<br />

voice, as well. A voice for advocacy. A voice for legislation that will bring the<br />

Portugal model to the U.S. This book is chock full of colorful graphs with<br />

meaningful data, anecdotes from successful team members who are behind<br />

recovery and ways you, too, can help within the schools to help prevent our<br />

most vulnerable, children, from becoming victims of a drug-using community.<br />

Included are ways to help end the opioid epidemic and drug proof your<br />

community. Fool-proof ways that have been applied to communities in New<br />

Jersey in addition to countries like Portugal. And we also want to encourage for<br />

proper training for medical staff – including physicians.<br />

We hope you will find value in this book and reach out to us to become part of<br />

our framework. Every voice counts, as does every experience.<br />

Please let us know your thoughts once you have finished reading by<br />

commenting or privately messaging us on our Facebook page: <strong>The</strong> Global<br />

Recovery Movement.<br />

Thank you for being a part of the solution,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Global Recovery Movement Founders &<br />

<strong>The</strong> Purdue Watchdogs Founders:<br />

Carol Egan - New Jersey, Georgia<br />

Donna Mazurek - Michigan<br />

Elba Guzman - Puerto Rico<br />

Fernando Alvarez - Connecticut<br />

Cindy Dodds - Florida<br />

Lou-Riva Filler - New Jersey<br />

Jennifer Healy - Massachusetts<br />

Robert Legge - Virginia<br />

Dan Schneider - <strong>The</strong> Pharmacist, LA<br />

John Shinholser - Virginia<br />

Andrea Wright - Virginia<br />


Intentionally left blank<br />


We have come a long way in a year. This was 2018.<br />

Purdue has gone bankrupt. Billions will be paid in settlements.<br />

Hopefully some Sackler's will go to jail.<br />

We all did this! Now let's fix this!! Do <strong>The</strong> Portugal Flip!<br />

Sign into tunnelofhope.org<br />

and join the Pharmacist's People's Lobby.<br />

We can NOT do it without your name on the list!<br />

72,000 young American children were buried this year.<br />

Sign in please!<br />


10 Million<br />

Population Each!<br />


<strong>USA</strong> Drug Related Deaths<br />

1999 - 2021<br />

866,047<br />



Since it decriminalized all drugs in 2001, Portugal has seen dramatic drops in<br />

overdoses, HIV infection and drug-related crime. By Susana Ferreira<br />

When the drugs came, they hit all at once. It was the 80s, and by the time one in<br />

10 people had slipped into the depths of heroin use – bankers, university<br />

students, carpenters, socialites, miners – Portugal was in a state of panic.<br />

Álvaro Pereira was working as a family doctor in Olhão in southern Portugal.<br />

“People were injecting themselves in the street, in public squares, in gardens,” he<br />

told me. “At that time, not a day passed when there wasn’t a robbery at a local<br />

business, or a mugging.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> crisis began in the south. <strong>The</strong> 80s were a prosperous time in Olhão, a fishing<br />

town 31 miles west of the Spanish border. Coastal waters filled fishermen’s nets<br />

from the Gulf of Cádiz to Morocco, tourism was growing, and currency flowed<br />

throughout the southern Algarve region. But by the end of the decade, heroin<br />

began washing up on Olhão’s shores. Overnight, Pereira’s beloved slice of the<br />

Algarve coast became one of the drug capitals of Europe: one in every 100<br />

Portuguese was battling a problematic heroin addiction at that time, but the<br />

number was even higher in the south. Headlines in the local press raised the<br />

alarm about overdose deaths and rising crime. <strong>The</strong> rate of HIV infection in<br />

Portugal became the highest in the European Union. Pereira recalled desperate<br />

patients and families beating a path to his door, terrified, bewildered, begging for<br />

help. “I got involved,” he said, “only because I was ignorant.”<br />

In truth, there was a lot of ignorance back then. Forty years of authoritarian rule<br />

under the regime established by António Salazar in 1933 had suppressed<br />

education, weakened institutions and lowered the school-leaving age, in a<br />

strategy intended to keep the population docile. <strong>The</strong> country was closed to the<br />

outside world; people missed out on the experimentation and mind-expanding<br />

culture of the 1960s. When the regime ended abruptly in a military coup in 1974,<br />

Portugal was suddenly opened to new markets and influences. Under the old<br />

regime, Coca-Cola.<br />


was banned and owning a cigarette lighter required a license. When marijuana<br />

and then heroin began flooding in, the country was utterly unprepared.<br />

(Continued)<br />

Pereira tackled the growing wave of addiction the only way he knew how: one<br />

patient at a time. A student in her 20s who still lived with her parents might have<br />

her family involved in her recovery; a middle-aged man, estranged from his wife<br />

and living on the street, faced different risks and needed a different kind of<br />

support. Pereira improvised, calling on institutions and individuals in the<br />

community to lend a hand.<br />

In 2001, nearly two decades into Pereira’s accidental specialization in addiction,<br />

Portugal became the first country to decriminalize the possession and<br />

consumption of all illicit substances. Rather than being arrested, those caught<br />

with a personal supply might be given a warning, a small fine, or told to appear<br />

before a local commission – a doctor, a lawyer and a social worker – about<br />

treatment, harm reduction, and the support services that were available to them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> opioid crisis soon stabilized, and the ensuing years saw dramatic drops in<br />

problematic drug use, HIV and hepatitis infection rates, overdose deaths, drugrelated<br />

crime and incarceration rates. HIV infection plummeted from an all-time<br />

high in 2000 of 104.2 new cases per million to 4.2 cases per million in 2015. <strong>The</strong><br />

data behind these changes has been studied and cited as evidence by harmreduction<br />

movements around the globe. It’s misleading, however, to credit these<br />

positive results entirely to a change in law.<br />

Portugal’s remarkable recovery, and the fact that it has held steady through<br />

several changes in government – including conservative leaders who would have<br />

preferred to return to the US-style war on drugs – could not have happened<br />

without an enormous cultural shift, and a change in how the country viewed<br />

drugs, addiction – and itself. In many ways, the law was merely a reflection of<br />

transformations that were already happening in clinics, in pharmacies and around<br />

kitchen tables across the country. <strong>The</strong> official policy of decriminalization made it<br />

far easier for a broad range of<br />

services (health, psychiatry, employment, housing etc) that had been<br />


struggling to pool their resources and expertise, to work together more<br />

effectively to serve their communities.<br />

(Continued)<br />

<strong>The</strong> language began to shift, too. Those who had been referred to sneeringly as<br />

drogados (junkies) – became known more broadly, more sympathetically, and<br />

more accurately, as “people who use drugs” or “people with addiction disorders”.<br />

This, too, was crucial.<br />

It is important to note that Portugal stabilized its opioid crisis, but it didn’t make it<br />

disappear. While drug-related death, incarceration and infection rates<br />

plummeted, the country still had to deal with the health complications of longterm<br />

problematic drug use. Diseases including hepatitis C, cirrhosis and liver<br />

cancer are a burden on a health system that is still struggling to recover from<br />

recession and cutbacks. In this way, Portugal’s story serves as a warning of<br />

challenges yet to come.<br />

Despite enthusiastic international reactions to Portugal’s success, local harmreduction<br />

advocates have been frustrated by what they see as stagnation and<br />

inaction since decriminalization came into effect. <strong>The</strong>y criticize the state for<br />

dragging its feet on establishing supervised injection sites and drug consumption<br />

facilities; for failing to make the anti-overdose medication naloxone more readily<br />

available; for not implementing needle-exchange programs in prisons. Where,<br />

they ask, is the courageous spirit and bold leadership that pushed the country to<br />

decriminalize drugs in the first place?<br />

In the early days of Portugal’s panic, when Pereira’s beloved Olhão began falling<br />

apart in front of him, the state’s first instinct was to attack. Drugs were<br />

denounced as evil, drug users were demonized, and proximity to either was<br />

criminally and spiritually punishable. <strong>The</strong> Portuguese government launched a<br />

series of national anti-drug campaigns that were less “Just Say No” and more<br />

“Drugs Are Satan”.<br />

Informal treatment approaches and experiments were rushed into use<br />

throughout the country, as doctors, psychiatrists, and pharmacists worked<br />

independently to deal with the flood of drug-dependency disorders at their<br />

doors, sometimes risking ostracism or arrest to do what they believed was best<br />

for their patients.<br />


(Continued)<br />

In 1977, in the north of the country, psychiatrist Eduíno Lopes pioneered a<br />

methadone program at the Centro da Boavista in Porto. Lopes was the first<br />

doctor in continental Europe to experiment with substitution therapy, flying in<br />

methadone powder from Boston, under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice,<br />

rather than the Ministry of Health. His efforts met with a vicious public backlash<br />

and the disapproval of his peers, who considered methadone therapy nothing<br />

more than state-sponsored drug addiction.<br />

In Lisbon, Odette Ferreira, an experienced pharmacist and pioneering HIV<br />

researcher, started an unofficial needle-exchange program to address the growing<br />

Aids crisis. She received death threats from drug dealers, and legal threats from<br />

politicians. Ferreira – who is now in her 90s, and still has enough swagger to carry<br />

off long fake eyelashes and red leather at a midday meeting – started giving away<br />

clean syringes in the middle of Europe’s biggest open-air drug market, in the Casal<br />

Ventoso neighborhood of Lisbon. She collected donations of clothing, soap,<br />

razors, condoms, fruit and sandwiches, and distributed them to users. When<br />

dealers reacted with hostility, she snapped back: “Don’t mess with me. You do<br />

your job, and I’ll do mine.” She then bullied the Portuguese Association of<br />

Pharmacies into running the country’s – and indeed the world’s – first national<br />

needle-exchange program.<br />

A flurry of expensive private clinics and free, faith-based facilities emerged,<br />

promising detoxes and miracle cures, but the first public drug-treatment canter<br />

run by the Ministry of Health – the Centro das Taipas in Lisbon – did not begin<br />

operating until 1987. Strapped for resources in Olhão, Pereira sent a few patients<br />

for treatment, although he did not agree with the abstinence-based approach<br />

used at Taipas. “First you take away the drug, and then, with psychotherapy, you<br />

plug up the crack,” said Pereira. <strong>The</strong>re was no scientific evidence to show that this<br />

would work – and it didn’t.<br />

He also sent patients to Lopes’s methadone program in Porto, and found that<br />

some responded well. But Porto was at the other end of the country. He wanted<br />

to try methadone for his patients, but the Ministry of Health hadn’t yet approved<br />

it for use. To get around that, Pereira sometimes asked a nurse to sneak<br />

methadone to him in the boot of his car.<br />


(Continued)<br />

Pereira’s work treating patients for addiction eventually caught the attention of<br />

the Ministry of Health. “<strong>The</strong>y heard there was a crazy man in the Algarve who<br />

was working on his own,” he said, with a slow smile. Now 68, he is sprightly and<br />

charming, with an athletic build, thick and wavy white hair that bounces when he<br />

walks, a gravelly drawl and a bottomless reserve of warmth. “<strong>The</strong>y came down to<br />

find me at the clinic and proposed that I open a treatment center,” he said. He<br />

invited a colleague from at a family practice in the next town over to join him – a<br />

young local doctor named João Goulão.<br />

Goulão was a 20-year-old medical student when he was offered his first hit of<br />

heroin. He declined because he didn’t know what it was. By the time he finished<br />

school, got his license and began practicing medicine at a health center in the<br />

southern city of Faro, it was everywhere. Like Pereira, he accidentally ended up<br />

specializing in treating drug addiction.<br />

<strong>The</strong> two young colleagues joined forces to open southern Portugal’s first CAT in<br />

1988. (<strong>The</strong>se kinds of centres have used different names and acronyms over the<br />

years, but are still commonly referred to as Centros de Atendimento a<br />

Toxicodependentes, or CATs.) Local residents were vehemently opposed, and the<br />

doctors were improvising treatments as they went along. <strong>The</strong> following month,<br />

Pereira and Goulão opened a second CAT in Olhão, and other family doctors<br />

opened more in the north and central regions, forming a loose network. It had<br />

become clear to a growing number of practitioners that the most effective<br />

response to addiction had to be personal, and rooted in communities. Treatment<br />

was still small-scale, local and largely ad hoc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first official call to change Portugal’s drug laws came from Rui Pereira, a<br />

former constitutional court judge who undertook an overhaul of the penal code<br />

in 1996. He found the practice of jailing people for taking drugs to be<br />

counterproductive and unethical. “My thought right off the bat was that it wasn’t<br />

legitimate for the state to punish users,” he told me in his office at the University<br />

of Lisbon’s school of law. At that time, about half of the people in prison were<br />

there for drug-related reasons, and the epidemic, he said, was thought to be “an<br />

irresolvable problem”. He recommended that<br />


(Continued)<br />

drug use be discouraged without imposing penalties, or further alienating users.<br />

His proposals weren’t immediately adopted, but they did not go unnoticed.<br />

In 1997, after 10 years of running the CAT in Faro, Goulão was invited to help<br />

design and lead a national drug strategy. He assembled a team of experts to study<br />

potential solutions to Portugal’s drug problem. <strong>The</strong> resulting recommendations,<br />

including the full decriminalization of drug use, were presented in 1999, approved<br />

by the council of ministers in 2000, and a new national plan of action came into<br />

effect in 2001.<br />

Today, Goulão is Portugal’s drug czar. He has been the lodestar throughout eight<br />

alternating conservative and progressive administrations; through heated<br />

standoffs with lawmakers and lobbyists; through shifts in scientific understanding<br />

of addiction and in cultural tolerance for drug use; through austerity cuts, and<br />

through a global policy climate that only very recently became slightly less hostile.<br />

Goulão is also decriminalization's busiest global ambassador. He travels almost<br />

non-stop, invited again and again to present the successes of Portugal’s harmreduction<br />

experiment to authorities around the world, from Norway to Brazil,<br />

which are dealing with desperate situations in their own countries.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>se social movements take time,” Goulão told me. “<strong>The</strong> fact that this<br />

happened across the board in a conservative society such as ours had some<br />

impact.” If the heroin epidemic had affected only Portugal’s lower classes or<br />

racialized minorities, and not the middle or upper classes, he doubts the<br />

conversation around drugs, addiction and harm reduction would have taken<br />

shape in the same way. “<strong>The</strong>re was a point when you could not find a single<br />

Portuguese family that wasn’t affected. Every family had their addict, or addicts.<br />

This was universal in a way that the society felt: ‘We have to do something.’”<br />

Portugal’s policy rests on three pillars: one, that there’s no such thing as a soft or<br />

hard drug, only healthy and unhealthy relationships with drugs; two, that an<br />

individual’s unhealthy relationship with drugs often conceals frayed relationships<br />

with loved ones, with the world around them, and with themselves; and three,<br />

that the eradication of all drugs is an impossible goal.<br />


(Continued)<br />

“<strong>The</strong> national policy is to treat each individual differently,” Goulão told me. “<strong>The</strong><br />

secret is for us to be present.”<br />

A drop-in center called IN-Mouraria sits unobtrusively in a lively, rapidly<br />

gentrifying neighborhoods of Lisbon, a longtime enclave of marginalized<br />

communities. From 2pm to 4pm, the center provides services to undocumented<br />

migrants and refugees; from 5pm to 8pm, they open their doors to drug users. A<br />

staff of psychologists, doctors and peer support workers (themselves former drug<br />

users) offer clean needles, pre-cut squares of foil, crack kits, sandwiches, coffee,<br />

clean clothing, toiletries, rapid HIV testing, and consultations – all free and<br />

anonymous.<br />

On the day I visited, young people stood around waiting for HIV test results while<br />

others played cards, complained about police harassment, tried on outfits, traded<br />

advice on living situations, watched movies and gave pep talks to one another.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y varied in age, religion, ethnicity and gender identity, and came from all over<br />

the country and all over the world. When a slender, older man emerged from the<br />

bathroom, unrecognizable after having shaved his beard off, an energetic young<br />

man who had been flipping through magazines threw up his arms and cheered.<br />

He then turned to a quiet man sitting on my other side, his beard lush and dark<br />

hair curling from under his cap, and said: “What about you? Why don’t you go<br />

shave off that beard? You can’t give up on yourself, man. That’s when it’s all over.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> bearded man cracked a smile.<br />

During my visits over the course of a month, I got to know some of the peer<br />

support workers, including João, a compact man with blue eyes who was rigorous<br />

in going over the details and nuances of what I was learning. João wanted to be<br />

sure I understood their role at the drop-in center was not to force anyone to stop<br />

using, but to help minimize the risks users were exposed to.<br />

“Our objective is not to steer people to treatment – they have to want it,” he told<br />

me. But even when they do want to stop using, he continued, having support<br />

workers accompany them to appointments and treatment facilities<br />


(Continued)<br />

can feel like a burden on the user – and if the treatment doesn’t go well, there is<br />

the risk that that person will feel too ashamed to return to the drop-in canter.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>n we lose them, and that’s not what we want to do,” João said. “I want them<br />

to come back when they relapse.” Failure was part of the treatment process, he<br />

told me. And he would know.<br />

João is a marijuana-legalization activist, open about being HIV-positive, and after<br />

being absent for part of his son’s youth, he is delighting in his new role as a<br />

grandfather. He had stopped doing speedballs (mixtures of cocaine and opiates)<br />

after several painful, failed treatment attempts, each more destructive than the<br />

last. He long used cannabis as a form of therapy – methadone did not work for<br />

him, nor did any of the inpatient treatment programs he tried – but the cruel<br />

hypocrisy of decriminalization meant that although smoking weed was not a<br />

criminal offence, purchasing it was. His last and worst relapse came when he<br />

went to buy marijuana from his usual dealer and was told: “I don’t have that right<br />

now, but I do have some good cocaine.” João said no thanks and drove away, but<br />

soon found himself heading to a cash machine, and then back to the dealer. After<br />

this relapse, he embarked on a new relationship, and started his own business. At<br />

one point he had more than 30 employees. <strong>The</strong>n the financial crisis hit. “Clients<br />

weren’t paying, and creditors started knocking on my door,” he told me. “Within<br />

six months I had burned through everything I had built up over four or five years.”<br />

In the mornings, I followed the center's street teams out to the fringes of hi-vis<br />

vests they wear on their shifts – who worked with Crescer na Maior, a harmreduction<br />

NGO. Six times a week, they loaded up a large white van with drinking<br />

water, wet wipes, gloves, boxes of tinfoil and piles of state-issued drug kits: green<br />

plastic pouches with single-use servings of filtered water, citric acid, a small metal<br />

tray for cooking, gauze, filter and a clean syringe. Portugal does not yet have any<br />

supervised injection sites (although there is legislation to allow them, several<br />

attempts to open one have come to nothing), so, Raquel and Sareia told me, they<br />

go out to the open-air sites where they know people go to buy and use. Both are<br />

trained”.<br />


(Continued)<br />

psychologists, but out in the streets they are known simply as the “needle girls”.<br />

“Good afternoon!” Raquel called out cheerily, as we walked across a seemingly<br />

abandoned lot in an area called Cruz Vermelha. “Street team!” People<br />

materialized from their hiding places like some strange version of whack-a-mole,<br />

poking their heads out from the holes in the wall where they had gone to smoke<br />

or shoot up. “My needle girls,” one woman cooed to them tenderly. “How are<br />

you, my loves?” Most made polite conversation, updating the workers on their<br />

health struggles, love lives, immigration woes or housing needs. One woman told<br />

them she would be going back to Angola to deal with her mother’s estate, that<br />

she was looking forward to the change of scenery. Another man told them he had<br />

managed to get his online girlfriend’s visa approved for a visit. “Does she know<br />

you’re still using?” Sareia asked. <strong>The</strong> man looked sheepish.<br />

“I start methadone tomorrow,” another man said proudly. He was accompanied<br />

by his beaming girlfriend, and waved a warm goodbye to the girls as they handed<br />

him a square of foil.<br />

In the foggy northern city of Porto, peer support workers from Caso – an<br />

association run by and for drug users and former users, the only one of its kind in<br />

Portugal – meet every week at a noisy cafe. <strong>The</strong>y come here every Tuesday<br />

morning to down espressos, fresh pastries and toasted sandwiches, and to talk<br />

out the challenges, debate drug policy (which, a decade and a half after the law<br />

came into effect, was still confusing for many) and argue, with the warm<br />

rowdiness that is characteristic of people in the northern region. When I asked<br />

them what they thought of Portugal’s move to treat drug users as sick people in<br />

need of help, rather than as criminals, they scoffed. “Sick? We don’t say ‘sick’ up<br />

here. We’re not sick.”<br />

I was told this again and again in the north: thinking of drug addiction simply in<br />

terms of health and disease was too reductive. Some people are able to use drugs<br />

for years without any major disruption to their personal or professional<br />

relationships. It only became a problem, they told me, when it became a<br />

problem.<br />


(Continued)<br />

Caso was supported by Apdes, a development NGO with a focus on harm<br />

reduction and empowerment, including programs geared toward recreational<br />

users. <strong>The</strong>ir award-winning Check!n project has for years set up shop at festivals,<br />

bars and parties to test substances for dangers. I was told more than once that if<br />

drugs were legalized, not just decriminalized, then these substances would be<br />

held to the same rigorous quality and safety standards as food, drink and<br />

medication.<br />

In spite of Portugal’s tangible results, other countries have been reluctant to<br />

follow. <strong>The</strong> Portuguese began seriously considering decriminalization in 1998,<br />

immediately following the first UN General Assembly Special Session on the<br />

Global Drug Problem (UNgass). High-level UNgass meetings are convened every<br />

10 years to set drug policy for all member states, addressing trends in addiction,<br />

infection, money laundering, trafficking and cartel violence. At the first session –<br />

for which the slogan was “A drug-free world: we can do it” – Latin American<br />

member states pressed for a radical rethinking of the war on drugs, but every<br />

effort to examine alternative models (such as decriminalization) was blocked. By<br />

the time of the next session, in 2008, worldwide drug use and violence related to<br />

the drug trade had vastly increased. An extraordinary session was held last year,<br />

but it was largely a disappointment – the outcome document didn’t mention<br />

“harm reduction” once.<br />

Despite that letdown, 2016 produced a number of promising other<br />

developments: Chile and Australia opened their first medical cannabis clubs;<br />

following the lead of several others, four more US states introduced medical<br />

cannabis, and four more legalized recreational cannabis; Denmark opened the<br />

world’s largest drug consumption facility, and France opened its first; South Africa<br />

proposed legalizing medical cannabis; Canada outlined a plan to legalize<br />

recreational cannabis nationally and to open more supervised injection sites; and<br />

Ghana announced it would decriminalize all personal drug use.<br />

<strong>The</strong> biggest change in global attitudes and policy has been the momentum behind<br />

cannabis legalization. Local activists have pressed Goulão to take a stance on<br />

regulating cannabis and legalizing its sale in Portugal; for years,<br />


he has responded that the time wasn’t right. Legalizing a single substance would<br />

call into question the foundation of Portugal’s drug and harm-reduction<br />

philosophy. If the drugs aren’t the problem, if the problem is the relationship with<br />

drugs, if there’s no such thing as a hard or a soft drug, and if all illicit substances<br />

are to be treated equally, he argued, then shouldn’t all drugs be legalized and<br />

regulated?<br />

Massive international cultural shifts in thinking about drugs and addiction are<br />

needed to make way for decriminalization and legalization globally. In the US, the<br />

White House has remained reluctant to address what drug policy reform<br />

advocates have termed an “addiction to punishment”. But if conservative,<br />

isolationist, Catholic Portugal could transform into a country where same-sex<br />

marriage and abortion are legal, and where drug use is decriminalized, a broader<br />

shift in attitudes seems possible elsewhere. But, as the harm-reduction adage<br />

goes: one has to want the change in order to make it.<br />

When Pereira first opened the CAT in Olhão, he faced vociferous opposition from<br />

residents; they worried that with more drogados would come more crime. But<br />

the opposite happened. Months later, one neighbor came to ask Pereira’s<br />

forgiveness. She hadn’t realized it at the time, but there had been three drug<br />

dealers on her street; when their local clientele stopped buying, they packed up<br />

and left.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CAT building itself is a drab, brown two-story block, with offices upstairs and<br />

an open waiting area, bathrooms, storage and clinics down below. <strong>The</strong> doors<br />

open at 8.30am, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Patients wander in<br />

throughout the day for appointments, to chat, to kill time, to wash, or to pick up<br />

their weekly supply of methadone doses. <strong>The</strong>y tried to close the CAT for<br />

Christmas Day one year, but patients asked that it stay open. For some, estranged<br />

from loved ones and adrift from any version of home, this is the closest thing<br />

they’ve got to community and normality.<br />

“It’s not just about administering methadone,” Pereira told me. “You have to<br />

maintain a relationship.”<br />

(Continued)<br />


In a back room, rows of little canisters with banana-flavored methadone doses<br />

were lined up, each labelled with a patient’s name and information. <strong>The</strong> Olhão<br />

CAT regularly services about 400 people, but that number can double during the<br />

summer months, when seasonal workers and tourists come to town. Anyone<br />

receiving treatment elsewhere in the country, or even outside Portugal, can have<br />

their prescription sent over to the CAT, making the Algarve an ideal harmreduction<br />

holiday destination.<br />

After lunch at a restaurant owned by a former CAT employee, the doctor took me<br />

to visit another of his projects – a particular favorite. His decades of working with<br />

addiction disorders had taught him some lessons, and he poured his accumulated<br />

knowledge into designing a special treatment facility on the outskirts of Olhão:<br />

the Unidade de Desabituação, or Dishabituation Centre. Several such UDs, as they<br />

are known, have opened in other regions of the country, but this center was<br />

developed to cater to the particular circumstances and needs of the south.<br />

Pereira stepped down as director some years ago, but his replacement asked him<br />

to stay on to help with day-to-day operations. Pereira should be retired by now –<br />

indeed, he tried to – but Portugal is suffering from an overall shortage of health<br />

professionals in the public system, and not enough young doctors are stepping<br />

into this specialization. As his colleagues elsewhere in the country grow closer to<br />

their own retirements, there’s a growing sense of dread that there is no one to<br />

replace them.<br />

“Those of us from the Algarve always had a bit of a different attitude from our<br />

colleagues up north,” Pereira told me. “I don’t treat patients. <strong>The</strong>y treat<br />

themselves. My function is to help them to make the changes they need to<br />

make.”<br />

And thank goodness there is only one change to make, he deadpanned as we<br />

pulled into the centre’s parking lot: “You need to change almost everything.” He<br />

cackled at his own joke and stepped out of his car.<br />

<strong>The</strong> glass doors at the entrance slid open to a facility that was bright and clean<br />

without feeling overwhelmingly institutional. Doctors’ and<br />

(Continued)<br />


(Continued)<br />

administrators’ offices were up a sweeping staircase ahead. Women at the front<br />

desk nodded their hellos, and Pereira greeted them warmly: “Good afternoon, my<br />

darlings.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> Olhão centre was built for just under €3m (£2.6m), publicly funded, and<br />

opened to its first patients nine years ago. This facility, like the others, is<br />

connected to a web of health and social rehabilitation services. It can house up to<br />

14 people at once: treatments are free, available on referral from a doctor or<br />

therapist, and normally last between eight and 14 days. When people first arrive,<br />

they put all of their personal belongings – photos, mobile phones, everything –<br />

into storage, retrievable on departure.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Olhão centre was built for just under €3m (£2.6m), publicly funded, and<br />

opened to its first patients nine years ago. This facility, like the others, is<br />

connected to a web of health and social rehabilitation services. It can house up to<br />

14 people at once: treatments are free, available on referral from a doctor or<br />

therapist, and normally last between eight and 14 days. When people first arrive,<br />

they put all of their personal belongings – photos, mobile phones, everything –<br />

into storage, retrievable on departure.<br />

“We believe in the old maxim: ‘No news is good news,’” explained Pereira. “We<br />

don’t do this to punish them but to protect them.” Memories can be triggering,<br />

and sometimes families, friends and toxic relationships can be enabling.<br />

To the left there were intake rooms and a padded isolation room, with clunky<br />

security cameras propped up in every corner. Patients each had their own suites –<br />

simple, comfortable and private. To the right, there was a “colour” room, with a<br />

pottery wheel, recycled plastic bottles, paints, egg cartons, glitter and other craft<br />

supplies. In another room, coloured pencils and easels for drawing. A kiln, and<br />

next to it a collection of excellent handmade ashtrays. Many patients remained<br />

heavy smokers.<br />

Patients were always occupied, always using their hands or their bodies or their<br />

senses, doing exercise or making art, always filling their time with something.<br />

“We’d often hear our patients use the expression ‘me and my body’,” Pereira said.<br />

“As though there was a dissociation between the ‘me’ and ‘my flesh’.”<br />


To help bring the body back, there was a small gym, exercise classes,<br />

physiotherapy and a Jacuzzi. And after so much destructive behavior – messing up<br />

their bodies, their relationships, their lives and communities – learning that they<br />

could create good and beautiful things was sometimes transformational.<br />

“You know those lines on a running track?” Pereira asked me. He believed that<br />

everyone – however imperfect – was capable of finding their own way, given the<br />

right support. “Our love is like those lines.”<br />

He was firm, he said, but never punished or judged his patients for their relapses<br />

or failures. Patients were free to leave at any time, and they were welcome to<br />

return if they needed, even if it was more than a dozen times.<br />

He offered no magic wand or one-size-fits-all solution, just this daily search for<br />

balance: getting up, having breakfast, making art, taking meds, doing exercise,<br />

going to work, going to school, going into the world, going forward. Being alive,<br />

he said to me more than once, can be very complicated.<br />

“My darling,” he told me, “it’s like I always say: I may be a doctor, but nobody’s<br />

perfect.”<br />

(Continued)<br />

www.theguardian.com/news/2017/dec/05/portugals-radical-drugs-policy-is-working<br />




LOVE SONG. AUGUST 2019<br />



Rockefeller Drug Laws<br />





15 years to 25 year or life for possession of 1/2<br />

cup of drugs. Under the Rockefeller drug laws, the<br />

penalty for selling two ounces (57 g) or more of<br />

heroin, morphine, "raw or prepared opium",<br />

cocaine, or cannabis or possessing four ounces<br />

(113 g) or more of the same substances, was a<br />

minimum of 15 years to life in prison, and a<br />

maximum of 25 years to life in prison. <strong>The</strong> original<br />

legislation also mandated the same penalty for<br />

committing a violent crime while under the<br />

influence of the same drugs, but this provision<br />

was subsequently omitted from the bill and was<br />

not part of the legislation Rockefeller ultimately<br />

signed. <strong>The</strong> section of the laws applying to<br />

marijuana was repealed in 1977, under the<br />

Democratic Governor Hugh Carey.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Rockefeller Drug Laws are the statutes dealing with the sale<br />

and possession of "narcotic" drugs in the New York State Penal Law.<br />

<strong>The</strong> laws are named after Nelson Rockefeller, who was the<br />

state's governor at the time the laws were adopted. Rockefeller had<br />

previously backed drug rehabilitation, job training and housing as<br />

strategies, having seen drugs as a social problem rather than a<br />

criminal one, but did an about-face during a period of mounting<br />

national anxiety about drug use and crime.[1] Rockefeller, a staunch<br />

supporter of the bill containing the laws, had Presidential ambitions<br />

and so wanted to raise his national posture by being "tough on<br />

crime. If this strategy worked, he would no longer be seen as too<br />

liberal to be elected. He signed it on May 8, 1973.<br />

Under the Rockefeller drug laws, the penalty for selling<br />

two ounces (57 g) or more of heroin, morphine, "raw or<br />

prepared opium", cocaine, or cannabis or possessing four ounces<br />

(113 g) or more of the same substances, was a minimum of 15 years<br />

to life in prison, and a maximum of 25 years to life in prison. <strong>The</strong><br />

original legislation also mandated the same penalty for committing a<br />

violent crime while under the influence of the same drugs, but this<br />

provision was subsequently omitted from the bill and was not part of<br />

the legislation Rockefeller ultimately signed. <strong>The</strong> section of the laws<br />

applying to marijuana was repealed in 1977, under<br />

the Democratic Governor Hugh Carey.<br />

<strong>The</strong> adoption of the Rockefeller drug laws gave New York State the<br />

distinction of having the most severe laws of this kind in the entire<br />

United States—an approach soon imitated by the state of Michigan,<br />

which, in 1978, enacted a "650-Lifer Law", which called for life<br />

imprisonment, without the possibility of parole for the sale,<br />

manufacture, or possession of at least 650 grams (1.43 lb) of cocaine<br />

or any Schedule I or Schedule II opiate.<br />

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockefeller_Drug_Laws<br />


Intentionally left blank<br />

Global Recovery Movement Email: info@grmovement.net

Reform Works<br />

Drug Overdose Deaths / One Per Million People<br />



Here’s an idea about how to fix the mental health problem. When people get caught<br />

exhibiting symptoms of mental illness, just arrest them and jail them at least for a<br />

little while so they'll never forget. Upon release, if they show signs of a relapse, jail<br />

them again (some just need the repeated threat of jail to get them to straighten out).<br />

Once they get out, make sure they have a lifetime felony record. Make sure they<br />

know that they are not one of us by taking away their voting rights and ability to own<br />

a firearm. But, that's not enough to stop them from being mentally ill. Threats and<br />

shame are what work best. So, let's make sure their record is public knowledge and<br />

anyone that doesn't want to take a chance on someone who might have been<br />

diagnosed as mentally ill even decades before can use that knowledge to refuse to<br />

rent to them, give them a job or even refuse to give them a license they are<br />

otherwise well qualified for such as an auctioneer, manicurist, barber or tattoo artist.<br />

Yes, all of this is a recipe for a pretty lousy life and often that repeats to the next<br />

generation. But, how else are we going to get them to change their ways?<br />

Of course, what we outlined above would be a terrible idea. <strong>The</strong> best hope for<br />

recovery from mental illness comes from access to voluntary mental health<br />

treatment and services that are comprehensive, community-based and recoveryoriented<br />

as stated in this policy:<br />

Mental Health America (MHA) believes that effective protection of human rights and<br />

the best hope for recovery from mental illness comes from access to voluntary<br />

mental health treatment and services that are comprehensive, community-based,<br />

recovery-oriented and culturally and linguistically competent. It is essential that the<br />

rights of persons with mental health conditions to make decisions concerning their<br />

treatment be respected. MHA urges states to adopt laws that reflect the paramount<br />

value of maximizing the dignity, autonomy and self-determination of persons affected<br />

by mental health conditions. Voluntary admissions to treatment and services should<br />

be made more truly voluntary, and the use of advance directives should be<br />

implemented.<br />


(Continued)<br />

<strong>The</strong> trauma endured by drug users placed in the criminal justice system goes<br />

beyond imprisonment. <strong>The</strong> lack of rehab services. <strong>The</strong> inability to obtain Suboxone<br />

to continue recovery if they are imprisoned in the midst of recovery. <strong>The</strong> loss of<br />

one’s children including newborn babies. <strong>The</strong> entire family suffers. Grandparents<br />

may be forced to step in to care for grandchildren to avoid the foster care system.<br />

Some children are not so lucky. <strong>The</strong>y do get turned over to Child Protection Services<br />

when a parent or both are imprisoned for possession of drugs. Once they serve<br />

their time and are finally released, the vicious cycle starts again with drug use,<br />

another arrest and imprisonment again. <strong>The</strong> recovery process is disrupted, yet<br />

again.<br />

When attempting to obtain regulated medicines while in prison or upon release,<br />

the drug user can turn to contaminated street drugs, oftentimes heroin or<br />

unbeknownst to them, fentanyl.<br />

Many prisoners are overdosing and dying now when they leave prison. <strong>The</strong>ir bodies<br />

simply can not handle it and they may actually be poisoned by fentanyl. Did you<br />

know just four tiny grains can kill an adult?<br />

It’s time to stop arresting people for drug use. But, how?<br />

While the U.S. has cracked down vigorously, spending billions of dollars<br />

incarcerating drug users, Portugal undertook a monumental experiment focused on<br />

jailing the drug dealers. Since 2001, the country has successfully stopped arresting<br />

users of all drugs including heroin and cocaine.<br />

We want the same method to be deployed in the U.S. With numbers surpassing<br />

107,622 drug overdose deaths in the U.S. and very few states reducing their<br />

statistics, why would we not try this initiative after knowing how effective it has<br />

been in Portugal? This country had the lowest numbers in HIV, 18, and reported<br />

only 34 overdose deaths last year, making it the lowest in Europe. Keep in mind, the<br />

U.S. had 107,622!<br />


http://asapnj.org/<br />

https://paariusa.org/<br />


CDC Preliminary Numbers<br />

August 2018 - August 2019<br />

Drug OD Deaths<br />

Estimated Drug Overdose<br />

Deaths in 2019 = 72,000<br />

200 a day<br />


CDC Preliminary Numbers<br />

August 2018 - August 2019<br />

(Continued)<br />

Drug OD Deaths<br />

Estimated Drug Overdose<br />

Deaths in 2019 = 72,000<br />

200 a day<br />




BY DOING THE COMMUNITY <strong>FLIP</strong>!<br />

This was accomplished 30 years ago in Morristown, Morris Township and Morris<br />

Plains, New Jersey. <strong>The</strong> opioid epidemic has not touched any of these teens or<br />

alumni (that we know of).<br />

One in four children in all schools is suffering because of someone else's<br />

addiction. This is equal to 25 percent in every school. We must reach them in<br />

order to stop the cycle of trauma and addiction. Carol Egan ran Alateen a local<br />

New Jersey high school for six years. Thirty years later, these meetings continue.<br />

You can do all of this as a community!<br />

1. Student Assistance Counselors (Drug Counselors) in schools, grades K-12 (cost<br />

is about $30 per child) Most towns in New Jersey have also had this in their<br />

schools for 30 years.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Association Of Substance Abuse Professionals of NJ:<br />

http://asapnj.org/about-2/…<br />

2. Municipal Alliance - <strong>The</strong> Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in <strong>The</strong><br />

New Jersey's Governor's Council On Alcoholism and Drug Abuse was created to<br />

provide networks comprised of all communities in NJ. dedicated to a<br />

comprehensive and coordinated effort against alcoholism and drug abuse at the<br />

Municipal level, and for providing funds including monies from mandatory<br />

penalties on drug offenders to member communities to support appropriate<br />

county and municipal based alcohol and drug abuse education and public<br />

awareness activities.<br />

Parent volunteers executing prevention programs in the schools and community<br />

with drug fine monies. <strong>The</strong> Mayors, council leaders, schools, school board<br />

members, the police and parents govern these efforts. <strong>The</strong> money goes through<br />

the town books. Four hundred towns in NJ have had Municipal Alliances for 30<br />

years. <strong>The</strong>re is a $10 million fund of drug fine money, every year.<br />

https://gcada.nj.gov/alliance/<br />



BY DOING THE COMMUNITY <strong>FLIP</strong>!<br />

(Continued)<br />

3. FREE Community Drug Counseling And Services since 1990:<br />

Teen Pride is located in Morristown, Morris Township and Morris Plains, New<br />

Jersey.<br />

For 30 years, our community drug counselors have worked with the police, courts<br />

and the schools. Referrals come from the schools and the police. School drug<br />

counselors (SACs) can not go into the homes and are not there on the weekends<br />

or in the summer. <strong>The</strong> three towns and school district pay for this (all 3 towns<br />

students attend our high school of 1,800 students.) In our first year, we received<br />

130 referrals from the police. <strong>The</strong> next year, ALL the referrals came from the<br />

schools (about the same number.) <strong>The</strong> juvenile officer could not believe it. For 30<br />

years, almost all of the referrals have come from the schools. A child must have<br />

parent or guardian involvement in order to participate.<br />

https://www.teenprideinc.org/programs<br />

4. PAARI (Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative) was founded as a<br />

nonprofit alongside the Angel Program to help law enforcement agencies create<br />

non-arrest programs that prevent and reduce overdose deaths and expand access<br />

to treatment and recovery.<br />

PAARI in Gloucester, Massachusetts<br />

For 30 years, almost all of the referrals have come from the schools. <strong>The</strong>n: <strong>The</strong>re<br />

have been almost no recidivists. We helped teens go to college and get jobs.<br />

If you follow all five of these steps, very few of your teens will end up in the<br />

juvenile system and the one in four children that is being seriously affected by<br />

someone else's addiction will receive help. A culture of CARE will run deep in your<br />

community. Not one child has been lost since Teen Pride began 30 years ago. If a<br />

teen does have an addiction, they get help and return to schools filled with love,<br />

peers, SACs and support. One in 10 teens have serious substance abuse issues. We<br />

have to accept this and deal with it. Parents in our community know not to throw<br />

parties for underage drinkers. If they do, they are held accountable by the police.<br />



BY DOING THE COMMUNITY <strong>FLIP</strong>!<br />

1. Influence over the systems that make a community run - the police were<br />

partners in our Municipal Alliance. So were the schools, courts and members of<br />

the Town Council. We enlisted the biggest stakeholders - <strong>The</strong> PTAs. <strong>The</strong>y ran all of<br />

the parenting programs and school prevention programs. Parents are the biggest<br />

stakeholders and they are the ones who buy in and run with this system. We gave<br />

13 schools $5,000 each to run prevention programs. Speakers, puppet shows,<br />

Foobie the Robot (Your body is a Million Dollar Machine), Red Day, Dances, Teen<br />

Centers and Peer Leadership Retreats. You name it. We made it fun!<br />

2. Identify the avid prevention minded citizens. <strong>The</strong>re are “Carol Egans” in every,<br />

single town. I witnessed this. <strong>The</strong>re are recovering parents who add so much.<br />

3. You change the CULTURE of your community to be accepting of this disease and<br />

have COMPASSION. In our first year, we put a drug counselor in our high school.<br />

He sent 30 kids to rehab. When they returned, there was a safe place to land and<br />

a group of recovering students to support them. <strong>The</strong> drug counselors work with<br />

the staff. Our biggest fans were our coaches. Yes, we did do random drug testing<br />

of our athletes. In the end, we had drug counselors in all of our schools for 5,000<br />

students. We were a community of 40,000. We then put drug counselors in our<br />

community when we saw that was not enough on the weekends and in the<br />

summer (24/7).<br />

4. Biggest reason to do this - it identifies high risk students and helps them before<br />

they get addicted. <strong>The</strong> community wraps its arms around recovering teens and<br />

families. In 28 years, we had one case of a teen with a heroin addiction. We have<br />

had no overdoses in our high school in 28 years. We have kept most out of the<br />

criminal justice system.<br />

5. Add a strong prevention curriculum and DARE and... VOILA! You will have a drug<br />

proof community!<br />

All of this was put in place 28 years ago and still works like a dream. Thousands<br />

and thousands of dollars have poured into communities in New Jersey. <strong>The</strong><br />

disease is treated like a medical disease in all of our communities. I am PROUD to<br />

say we changed the culture to a culture of compassion toward this disease!<br />

(Continued)<br />



Interview With Police Chief Of Porto, Portugal about<br />

<strong>The</strong> Portugal Model’s Success!<br />



PAARI<br />

Police Assisted Addiction Recovery Initiatives<br />

"We can not arrest our way out of this."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Police Assisted Addiction & Recovery Initiative<br />

(PAARI) provides support and resources to help<br />

law enforcement agencies nationwide create<br />

non-arrest pathways to treatment and recovery.<br />

https://paariusa.org/<br />


Recognizing that law enforcement has a front row seat to the opioid epidemic and are in a<br />

unique position to prevent overdose deaths, in June 2015 the Gloucester Police Department<br />

launched the Angel Program, which created a simple, stigma-free entry point to treatment on<br />

demand and reframed addiction as a disease, not a crime. PAARI was founded as a nonprofit<br />

alongside the Angel Program to help law enforcement agencies create non-arrest programs that<br />

prevent and reduce overdose deaths and expand access to treatment and recovery.<br />

Now a national network of more than 400 police departments in 32 states, PAARI primarily<br />

supports non-arrest, or early diversion, program models that reach people before they enter the<br />

criminal justice system. Programs are customized based on the community and can utilize<br />

multiple law enforcement entry points to treatment, including self-referrals to the station and<br />

risk or incident-based outreach. Cross-sector collaboration and partnerships are vital to these<br />

programs and they are often supported by clinicians, social workers, recovery coaches, and/or<br />

trained volunteers.<br />

Any law enforcement or public safety agency that creates non-arrest pathways to treatment can<br />

join PAARI free of cost to access resources such as technical assistance, coaching, program<br />

templates and tools, seed grants, convenings, connections to treatment providers, a network of<br />

like-minded law enforcement agencies, and capacity building and recovery coaches through<br />

AmeriCorps. To join or request more information and support, please complete the online form.<br />

Our Mission<br />

• To provide critical support, such as technical assistance, models, seed grants, Recovery<br />

Coaches, convenings, and other resources to law enforcement agencies to create and<br />

sustain programs that establish a non-arrest pathways to treatment and recovery<br />

• To foster a dialogue about the unique position of law enforcement to address the opioid<br />

crisis, remove stigma, and reframe the conversation about addiction as a disease not a<br />

crime<br />


(Continued)<br />

• To educate lawmakers and influence state and national policy around treatment access<br />

• To remove barriers to treatment on demand, including connections to treatment<br />

scholarships<br />

• To build a law enforcement movement and network of like-minded law enforcement<br />

agencies that help people take their first steps on the path to treatment and recovery<br />

Our Story<br />

For decades, municipal police officers have been on the front lines of the war on drugs. Until<br />

now, they have been solely called upon to attempt to disrupt an ever-increasing supply chain.<br />

That meant police officers often found themselves arresting drug addicts as much, if not more<br />

so, than drug dealers and traffickers. In most cases, the addicts were only guilty of possessing<br />

an illegal, life-ruining substance and they faced arrest, prosecution and prison terms. In the<br />

meantime, heroin and opioid addiction has become a severe public health concern in the<br />

United States, destroying and often ending lives.<br />

In 2015, Gloucester, Massachusetts Police Chief Leonard Campanello developed a revolutionary<br />

new way to fight the war on drugs by doing something about the demand, not just the supply.<br />

Under his plan, drug addicts who ask the police department for help will be immediately taken<br />

to a hospital and placed in a recovery program. No arrest. No jail.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative is a nonprofit organization whose mission<br />

is to support the Gloucester Police addiction initiatives, to aid other police departments to<br />

implement similar programs, and to foster a dialogue around the unique opportunity for police<br />

departments to take direct action against the disease of drug addiction in their communities.<br />

Working in conjunction with the medical community and science-based recovery programs,<br />

police departments can make a difference in their communities by saving lives from drug<br />

overdoses, reducing the number of drug addicts and opioid drug demand, thereby devaluing a<br />

seemingly endless drug supply.<br />

We also work to remove the stigma associated with drug addiction, turning the conversation<br />

toward the disease of addiction rather than the crime of addiction. We work directly with<br />

treatment centers to secure scholarships and fully-funded in-patient programs for addicts while<br />

working with police departments, pharmacies, and families to put nasal Narcan into as many<br />

hands as possible, recognizing that while it is not a panacea, Narcan can save the life of an<br />

overdose patient and give that person another opportunity to get into treatment and fight<br />

their disease.<br />


True Stories: A Busy Month for AmeriCorps Member Tyshaun Perryman<br />

Each month, our team of PAARI AmeriCorps Members share a short write up of the month’s activities. We’re<br />

pleased to share Tyshaun Perryman’s write up for June 2018 to give you an inside look of what it’s like to be a<br />

PAARI AmeriCorps Member. Tyshaun is serving as a Recovery Coach with Boston Police Department.<br />

Learn more about our AmeriCorps members who are working to make a difference in their communities every<br />

day.<br />

Tyshaun Perryman and Boston Mayor Marty Walsh<br />

Tyshaun Perryman and PAARI<br />

Executive Director Allie<br />

Hunter McDade<br />

Recovery Coach<br />

Tyshaun PerrymanA<br />

June 2018: Busy Month<br />

My work initiative increased this month tremendously. Five people were placed in treatment, I did a lot of<br />

Recovery Coach training and I attended several exciting events. Out of the five people placed; four have gone<br />

on to further treatment after leaving detox, and only one has returned back to the streets. I continue to<br />

follow-up with this individual and to encourage him to “never give up!”<br />

Regarding the meetings I attended: I attended the Hub meeting at Urban Edge in Jamaica Plain. This meeting<br />

was great because I became a part of a collaborative team of diverse human service professionals whose soul<br />

purpose is to help people who are in acute crisis situations overcome their circumstances. I attended the US<br />

Conference of Mayors that addressed the opioids crisis. At the conference I was sworn in by Mayor Walsh as<br />

an AmeriCorps civil servant. This was an honor. Lastly, I attended the third annual PAARI Awards Ceremony in<br />

Gloucester. It was a fantastic event, full of honorable public servants who deserved to be recognized for their<br />

tremendous contribution to society and PAARI.<br />

I attended the Faster Paths training at Boston Medical Center. At the training I was blessed with the fortunate<br />

opportunity to to meet Dr. Edward Weinstein. He is a pioneer in substance use disorder treatment services,<br />

the founder of Project Assert, and creator of the Brief Negotiated Interview, which is a form of motivational<br />

interviewing.<br />

I also attended the Recovery Coach Training II course at North Shore Community College. My trainer was a<br />

fabulous guy by the name of Steve Chisolm. Over the four days of training I was able to network with peers,<br />

increase my education on Recovery Coaching, and finish all the core training courses necessary to obtain my<br />

CARC Recovery Coach Certification.<br />

Overall, this month has been my most productive and busiest month since working with PAARI as a result of<br />

the knowledge and experience gained this month, I am a better Recovery Coach than I was before.<br />

Article by Tyshaun Perryman / True Stories / AmeriCorps, PAARI, Tyshaun Perryman<br />



On April 3, 2019, the Morris County<br />

Sheriff’s Office became the first law<br />

enforcement agency in the county and<br />

the first Sheriff’s Office in New Jersey to<br />

sign on to the Police Assisted Addiction &<br />

Recovery Initiative (PAARI), which offers<br />

people with substance use disorders a<br />

pathway to treatment and recovery.<br />

sheriff.morriscountynj.gov/2020/07/02/morriscounty-sheriffs-officers-undergo-additionaltraining-on-engaging-with-people-withsubstance-use-and-mental-health-disorders<br />


1. Look for THE WILL - Is it your Mayor, Police Chief, Town Council, Parents, or<br />

your School District? Begin to educate those with THE WILL on <strong>The</strong> <strong>USA</strong> <strong>FLIP</strong> and<br />

on:<br />

2. PARRI - Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative - A non-arrest program<br />

that places people in treatment after overdoses. <strong>The</strong> best holistic program in this<br />

country.<br />

3. Suggest building a community coalition or group to support prevention and<br />

treatment like the Municipal Alliances that exist in 400 towns in New Jersey.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se alliances are funded with money from drug fines and provide alternative<br />

activities for kids, teen centers, prevention and parenting programs.<br />

4. Suggest putting Student Assistance Counselors (SACs) in your schools. It may<br />

cost your community $40 per child. You will get to those high risk and hurting<br />

kids. One in four or 25 percent are being seriously affected by someone's<br />

substance abuse. One in eight teens have serious problems with substance abuse.<br />

Intervene early!<br />

5. Learn about your drug and alcohol prevention curriculum for grades K-12. Or<br />

suggest finding a proven prevention curriculum. We must teach our teens about<br />

opioids, fentanyl and fake pills!<br />

What we saw in Dayton, Ohio was exactly the same in Portugal. EXTREME<br />

CARING. Literally engaging EVERY SINGLE group, church and non profit in the<br />

country in the effort. It is the spirit of caring that was extraordinary. That spirit of<br />

"by any means necessary."<br />

What was so interesting in both Portugal and Dayton was that recovering people<br />

lead the show. TONS AND TONS of PEERS (trained people with lived experience.)<br />

In Dayton almost everyone at the top was in long term recovery. <strong>The</strong> churches<br />

play a significant role. As does this group called FOA (Families Of Addicts) by Laurie Eoin.<br />


(Continued)<br />

We went to their weekly meeting filled with up to 200 people with families of<br />

alcoholics and addicts. Many have lost loved ones. <strong>The</strong>y feed them every week<br />

buffet style - pot luck and pizzas donated by a local restaurant owner. <strong>The</strong>y have<br />

other meetings around the country.<br />

We also were so impressed with Goodwill Easter Seals. <strong>The</strong>y train 100 new<br />

Peer Counselors a year. All agencies have come together and receive tons of money<br />

for helping with the epidemic. You could do zoom meetings with the leaders to learn<br />

about their funding and successes. <strong>The</strong> top two were so impressive. Casey Steckling<br />

works for them and also runs Dayton Recovers. We have a Watchdog who does<br />

harm reduction there and says it is not enough. She feels many more clean needles<br />

must be given out, Narcan and testing strips. <strong>The</strong> needle exchange there just started<br />

and she says it is not open enough. <strong>The</strong> Mayor of Dayton is all for overdose<br />

prevention sites. What was incredible is that THEY DID NOT KNOW ONE THING<br />

ABOUT PORTUGAL. Ironically, their presentation was very similar to Portugal's at the<br />

COAT and at SICAD Headquarters in Portugal. Dayton figured out what works on<br />

their own and have successfully reduced their overdose death numbers within three<br />

years from 588 to 266.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have a PARRI-type organization called GROW. <strong>The</strong> police are really tuned in.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Peers and Police Recovery Team (GROW) go to overdoses. <strong>The</strong>y see about three<br />

overdoses per day from 15. <strong>The</strong>y were the overdose capital. Now, they are one of<br />

the only locations in America that has reduced their numbers down by half.<br />

Burlington, Vermont has reduced from 34 to 17. <strong>The</strong>y attribute their success to<br />

buprenorphine treatment given at the first meeting with a user. This drug stops the<br />

cravings and helps people with withdrawal.<br />

Dayton has THE WILL. <strong>The</strong>y have a Command Center in Dayton and know where<br />

services are needed and make them happen. I am sure not too many counties in<br />

America are so singularly focused. <strong>The</strong>y should be. New Jersey has THE WILL. Fifteen<br />

of 30 towns have PARRI. All of towns have Municipal Alliances and SACs in the<br />

schools.<br />




TV Host Dr. Laura Berman’s Son,<br />

16, Dies of a Drug Overdose<br />

Laura Berman’s son died at 16 from a fake<br />

Xanax pill laced with fentanyl. He bought it<br />

from snapchat. He was poisoned. 4 tiny grains<br />

of fentanyl can kill an adult. He joins the 230<br />

people poisoned by fentanyl every single day.<br />

40 others die from overdose from drugs ever<br />

single day. That is 270 per day and 100,000 in<br />

2020. Please help our country and families by<br />

spreading awareness about fentanyl poisoning<br />

and the opioid/drug epidemic. We have each<br />

other. Please volunteer to make 10 calls and<br />

send 10 postcards!<br />


James Wahlberg<br />

Dynamic School Assemblies<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation travels across the United<br />

States to spread awareness on opioid abuse. <strong>The</strong>ir latest stop was<br />

Rio Rancho for a summit that's fun and educational. <strong>The</strong>re was<br />

breakdancing, Native American performances and even New<br />

Mexico’s Chevel Shepherd. It was important for the Wahlbergs to<br />

bring the event to New Mexico. “<strong>The</strong> locations for these events<br />

are not picked by us. <strong>The</strong>y're picked by the experts and the<br />

experts are the DEA,” James said. “Last year in New Mexico, 500<br />

people died because of drug overdoses,” DEA Special Agent in<br />

Charge, Kyle Williamson said. <strong>The</strong> DEA knows all too well about<br />

the drug problem in our state and reminded kids that a single<br />

taste of opioids could be lethal.<br />


(Continued)<br />

“Parents and kids need to know that their medicine cabinet kills,”<br />

Williamson said. That stark warning was revealed in a film about a teen<br />

whose experimentation with pills led to a heroin overdose. <strong>The</strong> event's<br />

ultimate message? Find a passion. “If you're passionate about something,<br />

you're less likely to fall into this trap,” James said. Young people can<br />

choose life and a future, not a state of addiction.<br />

Jim Wahlberg If Only If Only, is a short film intended for adolescents,<br />

parents, and adults to raise awareness of the dangers of prescription<br />

drug abuse and to begin a conversation that encourages the safe use,<br />

storage and disposal of prescription drugs to keep them out of the<br />

hands of children.<br />

But the real stars of the event were the 3,000 kids from across the state<br />

who attended. <strong>The</strong>y’re now empowered with the knowledge that opioids<br />

can be fatal.<br />

“We've lost 74,000 American citizens last year alone to overdose,” James<br />

Wahlberg said.<br />

James Wahlberg and his brother, actor Mark Wahlberg hope their<br />

foundation makes a difference.<br />

“This event is about acknowledging those people, and it's also about<br />

trying to inspire youth to make healthy choices,” James said.<br />

Jim Wahlberg If Only If Only Trailer<br />


More than 3,000 students learn about<br />

opioid dangers at youth summit<br />

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —<strong>The</strong> Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation travels across<br />

the United States to spread awareness on opioid abuse. <strong>The</strong>ir latest stop was<br />

Rio Rancho for a summit that's fun and educational.<br />

more-than-3000-<br />

students-learnabout-opioiddangers-at-youthsummit<br />


In honor of Red Ribbon Week 4 very strong moms share<br />

their children with you.<br />

We are sharing our sons and daughters in hopes of<br />

saving your sons and daughters from following a path<br />

they may not return from.<br />

Please share this with your family and friends, no one is<br />

immune to this drug epidemic our country is currently<br />

facing. Speak to your children and really listen to what<br />

they have to say. Protect your family with knowledge.<br />

You are welcomed to share this PSA. We created it for<br />

our schools.<br />

CLICK TO<br />


October 23,2020<br />




We encourage you to use this letter template:<br />

Dear, Board of Education Members:<br />

I am a member of the opioid advocacy group, Purdue Watchdogs.<br />

With the number of fatal overdoses being attributed to fentanyl-laced drugs,<br />

including the newest killer —M30 — a counterfeit pill resembling 30 mg of<br />

Oxycodone Hydrochloride, it is imperative that a specific awareness campaign<br />

targeting middle and high school students deploys, immediately.<br />

When providing drug awareness programs in our schools, health instructors<br />

often times do not specifically address opioids. Instead, they are grouped<br />

together under the “narcotics” category and often come with a generic warning<br />

for children to stay away from. No other details. No examples of prescription<br />

names or counterfeit alternatives.<br />

What is not being shared, and what must be delivered in a very direct manner, is<br />

that many fentanyl-laced drugs are being peddled on the street and consumed<br />

by people who assume they are receiving oxycodone, Oxycontin, hydrocodone,<br />

meth, heroin or cocaine.<br />

Additionally, an opioid as well as the illegal drugs, heroin and fentanyl — take<br />

just 5 days —to increase the likelihood that a person will use the drug long<br />

term. For many, it can lead to a lifetime of addiction.<br />

As well, the overdose age has dipped below 20 years old.<br />


Did You Know?<br />

You may be aware of the recent death attributed to M30. Teen victim, Gabriel<br />

Lilienthal, a 17-year-old Ballard High School, Seattle student. His step-father, Dr.<br />

Jedediah Kaufman, a surgeon, blindsided by the news that Gabriel dies from a<br />

M30 pill. Kaufman said, "I had never heard of it and I give fentanyl to my<br />

patients every day, every week as a surgeon. It's a very powerful drug. Thirty to<br />

50 times more powerful than raw heroin."<br />

We respectfully ask that an informational flyer similar to the one below be<br />

customized for age-appropriate narcotics education. This information will help<br />

to clarify with children the real dangers of opioids, including those alternatives<br />

that are disguised as the real drug.<br />

Perhaps, we can form a committee to finalize it together and work on a<br />

campaign to launch throughout our middle and high schools.<br />

(Continued)<br />

1. Fentanyl is responsible for most of the fatal overdoses today?<br />

2. It only takes 4 tiny grains of fentanyl to kill a person?<br />

3. Three teens in two months have overdosed and died in Seattle, Washington.<br />

One was 17 and ingested 30 M marked pills that were sold as oxycodone and<br />

laced with fentanyl. <strong>The</strong> other two boys -age 16 - consumed counterfeit pills also<br />

laced with fentanyl. <strong>The</strong> 17-year-old’s step-father is a surgeon who had no idea<br />

about counterfeit pills.<br />

4. One teen brought enough fentanyl pills to school to kill 1,500 people?<br />

5. More than 200 parents get the phone call every single day that their children<br />

have overdosed on opioids?<br />

6. Not ONE state can combat the opioid epidemic and stop these calls?<br />

7. In 2016, 68,000 died from drug overdose. In 2019, 72,000 and in 2020, 81,000.<br />


8. Opioids are 80% addictive? People turn to heroin and fentanyl when they are<br />

addicted and cannot get access to opioids.<br />

9. Twenty-five tons of fentanyl were confiscated in Mexico, recently? That is<br />

enough to kill 92% of the world’s population.<br />

10. America's illicit drug supply is tainted with fentanyl and no drug should ever<br />

be purchased on the black market/street.<br />

I would also like to address the availability of Narcan in our schools. If so, are the<br />

faculty and staff trained to administer it?<br />

It is critical that Narcan is available in every middle and high school and staff<br />

should be trained to administer it. Should a student overdose, there are only 6 –<br />

8 minutes to administer it. We can consider the availability of Narcan as an<br />

insurance policy just as defibrillators are in public venues. It is an investment in<br />

our future. Although, we are asking children to refrain from drugs, we must be<br />

realistic. We, do indeed, have an opioid epidemic on our hands that does not<br />

discriminate based on age, or any other demographic.<br />

It is time to stop the silence over opioids. This is a battle we need your help<br />

with, Board Members. We are working around the clock among 33 states and in<br />

Puerto Rico to get the word out. We have traveled to Portugal and Dayton, Ohio<br />

to benchmark best practices that decriminalize opioid use and, instead,<br />

champion recovery and harm reduction.<br />

By partnering with us, and working with our district, we can target children early<br />

on and arm them with the right tool to fight this epidemic – education! I am<br />

available to assist district administration to evaluate what makes the most sense<br />

as a first step. Thank you for your time, service and consideration.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

(Continued)<br />

__________(your name here and phone number)<br />

Member, Purdue Watchdogs<br />





93% OF DEATHS IN MASS. IN 2019<br />









108,000 CALLS IN 2021<br />


Intentionally left blank<br />

Global Recovery Movement Email: info@grmovement.net


<strong>The</strong> Pharmacist Trailer<br />



Who caught 60 Minutes Sunday June 20 th ?<br />

Or are you one of the 100 Million people that have watched <strong>The</strong><br />

Pharmacist Netflix?<br />

This many of us could really propel Dan Schneider's Tunnel of Hope<br />

Movement to end the opioid epidemic:<br />

#SignInSoPharmaDoesntWin<br />

Join <strong>The</strong> Pharmacist's People's Lobby at<br />

tunnelofhope.org!<br />

Money, dinners and strip clubs: How<br />

pharmaceutical executives bribed doctors<br />

to prescribe dangerous fentanyl drugs<br />

A former sales VP for a pharmaceutical company who was<br />

sentenced to prison tells 60 Minutes he bribed doctors to<br />

prescribe fentanyl drugs. Bill Whitaker reports.<br />

www.cbsnews.com/news/opioid-epidemic-pharmaceutical-executives-60-minutes<br />



TED TALK 2020<br />

Introducing <strong>The</strong> Portugal Flip - Flip Addiction<br />

From Criminal Justice To Healthcare<br />

Click to Watch Video<br />


<strong>The</strong> Pharmacist's<br />

People's Lobby<br />






Get In <strong>The</strong> Herd:<br />

After Hours with John Shinholser & Special Guest Andrea<br />

Wright and Paul Thomson as we discuss the Portugal Model<br />

and further look into <strong>The</strong> Portugal Flip in the Recovery<br />

Space and how we can utilize this model in affectively<br />

changing stigma and how we address those in Recovery<br />

and those suffering from SUD.<br />

Get In <strong>The</strong> Herd<br />

John Shinholser<br />

Special guest former commonwealth attorney Paul<br />

Hampton Thomson and recovery expert Andrea<br />

Marie-Françoise, we will be discussing needed changes<br />

to our flawed national recovery and drug policies.<br />

Get In <strong>The</strong> Herd with<br />

John Shinholser with guests<br />

Camielle Schrier (Miss America) and<br />

Dan Schneider (<strong>The</strong> Pharmacist)<br />

Live on FB 4/25/20<br />

Discussing the Portugal Flip<br />


THE <strong>USA</strong> <strong>FLIP</strong> = TREATMENT NOT JAIL!<br />

Interview on the <strong>USA</strong> <strong>FLIP</strong> with John Shinholser,<br />

Andrea Wright, Paul Thomson and Carol Egan.<br />

Click and watch, <strong>USA</strong> <strong>FLIP</strong> Interview<br />

To Flip Addiction From <strong>The</strong> Criminal Justice System To <strong>The</strong> Primary Care System. <strong>The</strong> <strong>USA</strong><br />

Flip could decrease overdose deaths by 90% and decrease our incarceration by 75%.<br />

90% of dollars would go to treatment not jail. This is how Portugal did it 20 years ago!<br />

We had 68,000 overdose deaths in 2018. Portugal had 30. Michigan is the same size as<br />

Portugal Michigan and had 2,700 overdose deaths in 2017. Portugal had 34. Portugal<br />

puts their money into treatment not jail! Portugal has the lowest overdose deaths in<br />

Europe, by far!<br />

Our Doctors would be trained in diagnosing and treating addictions in Medical Schools.<br />

Harvard just graduated their first Medical School Class with addiction training. Hard to<br />

believe.<br />

We can do <strong>The</strong> Community Flip And Drug Proof Our Communities!<br />

If you want to help us fight please sign into <strong>The</strong> Pharmacist's People's Lobby at<br />

tunnelofhope.org and join <strong>The</strong> Global Recovery Movement on Facebook!<br />


John Shinholser<br />

Introduces the <strong>USA</strong> <strong>FLIP</strong><br />

Click<br />


Get In <strong>The</strong> Herd with John Shinholser & Carol Egan<br />

(click to watch)<br />

Join Us this morning at 11 AM EST for the Get In <strong>The</strong> Herd Podcast Series from<br />

the McShin Foundation with John Shinholser & Carol Egan as they will be<br />

discussing the <strong>USA</strong> Flip and how we can best utilize this model in helping the<br />

Recovery Community.<br />

If you or a Loved One are struggling please connect with us by calling 804-<br />

249-1845 or by visiting www.mcshin.org<br />


Rooting For Recovery Memorial Tree Dedication<br />

At <strong>The</strong> McShin Foundation 2020<br />

John Shinholser and<br />

Miss America - Camille Schrier<br />




Introduction<br />

“Doctor's got us into this and doctors have to get us out.” - Dean David<br />

Roberts, External Education, Harvard Medical School, <strong>The</strong> Opioid Crisis: HMS<br />

Responds With Education<br />

No truer words were spoken as we look for solutions to the ongoing opioid<br />

epidemic. <strong>The</strong> same mantra goes for dentists who all too eagerly swallowed<br />

up the incentives from Big Pharma and doled out prescription after<br />

prescription of OxyContin for post-dental work. And, for the pharmacists<br />

who obediently filled those prescriptions, despite seeing the same faces<br />

returning repeatedly to refill this dangerous and addictive drug. <strong>The</strong><br />

equation of those responsible for creating this opioid epidemic has many<br />

elements and medical personnel top the list.<br />

To offset the continuous need to write a prescription for addiction, we<br />

propose doctors and dentists receive critical training in addiction while in<br />

medical school. If they are already practicing physicians, then a required<br />

addiction training module in order to keep their medical licenses is a second<br />

path to be followed.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no need to wait. Online courses in the age of COVID-19 have shown<br />

to produce successful results with teaching and learning. <strong>The</strong>refore,<br />

addiction training can be offered immediately and treated just like<br />

continuous education units, or CEUs, like many professions require. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

a must if a professional wants to keep their credentials valid.<br />

<strong>The</strong> terrifying fact that teens and young adults make up an enormous<br />

percentage of addicted opioid users points to physicians guilt in<br />

overprescribing. Again, limitations and attention to age prior to prescribing<br />

and only when necessary needs to be at the forefront of the addiction<br />

training.<br />


And, if and when, opioids are prescribed physicians must be required to<br />

warn their patients about opioids during their first visit. Since the<br />

physicians will now be educated in addiction, they can pass on this critical<br />

knowledge to their patients who may be unaware of the effects of even 7-<br />

10 days of opioid use.<br />

As part of their addiction training, alternative pain treatments should be a<br />

part of the teachings made available to phyisicans. <strong>The</strong>se alternative<br />

methods include yoga, meditation, chiropractor, accupuncture, physical<br />

therapy, salves like biofreeze, arnicare and CBD oil, exercise, massage and<br />

aromatherapy and need to be in the forefront, with opioids ONLY as a last<br />

resort.<br />

If and when opioids must be prescribed, there are creative ways of<br />

prescribing opioids. One such method is to advise patients to take two<br />

Advil and two ibuprofen tablets while prescribing a reduced amount of<br />

opioids to offset the schedule (e.g. prescribing a total of 28 rather than the<br />

typical 40 tablets post-surgery). This method helps to prevent patients<br />

from refilling.<br />

To close with an interesting fact that should be shouted from the rooftops<br />

to all prescribing physicians: opioids do not work as well as they have<br />

been fooled into thinking!<br />


A Yale- designed treatment, in which<br />

emergency department doctors administer<br />

the drug buprenorphine to patients<br />

experiencing opioid use disorder, has been<br />

increasingly adopted in hospitals across the<br />

U.S., a new analysis finds.<br />

“For individuals who come to an emergency<br />

department after an opioid overdose and<br />

receive buprenorphine, their one- year<br />

mortality rate falls by 40%,” said Fiellin.<br />

And, he added, patients treated with<br />

buprenorphine have been shown to have an<br />

improved social and family outcomes,<br />

better job performance, and lower rates of<br />

infections (including HIV).<br />


You can contact your hospital<br />

Dear (hospital)<br />

I just saw this article in JAMA Network<br />

Open about the promising results ER<br />

doctors have seen administering<br />

buprenorphine to patients experiencing<br />

opioid use disorder. Patients treated<br />

with buprenorphine have been shown to<br />

have improved social and family<br />

outcomes, better job performance, and<br />

lower rates of infections (including<br />

HIV). A Yale research team has<br />

advocated for wider use of the<br />

medication in emergency rooms.<br />

I'd like to know if Buprenorphine or<br />

Suboxone are being used in your ER? See<br />

article below.<br />

Thank you,<br />

(your name) (add org. if you want)<br />

CLICK to read article: Yale-designed treatment<br />

10-20-20<br />


<strong>The</strong> Opioid Crisis:<br />

Harvard Medical School<br />

Responds With<br />

Education<br />

https://youtu.be/hF0XQ3gwqLg<br />


As doctors, we call for treatment, not<br />

incarceration, for those with drug addiction.<br />

By Daniel Low, Kathryn Treit & Amish J. Dave<br />

Special to <strong>The</strong> Times / Nov. 8, 2020 at 12:01 pm<br />

Volunteers deliver boxes containing signed petitions<br />

in favor of Measure 110 to the Oregon Secretary of<br />

State’s office in Salem in June.<br />

Yale-designed treatment for opioid use<br />

disorder in EDs gains widespread use<br />

By Brita Belli / October 20, 2020<br />

(© stock.adobe.com)<br />

https://news.yale.edu/2020/10/20/<br />


Doctors and dentists continue to<br />

prescribe opioids to teens and young<br />

adults at high rates, study says<br />

An icepack and tylenol are cheaper than rehab and<br />

your child’s life.<br />

“A little over a year ago my son had an ear surgery at Johns<br />

Hopkins, While it was relatively simple procedure, It was also<br />

a fairly new procedure, We stayed one night, as we are<br />

leaving, <strong>The</strong> doctor was giving us our instructions and said he<br />

was giving my son 30 pills of Percocet for pain, my son was 10<br />

years old. I respectfully declined as my son was not in any<br />

pain. I asked him to write the prescription for 5 pills just in<br />

case he was in pain later. We never filled the prescriptions my<br />

son used Tylenol for the headache and that was it. You must<br />

be your and your families own advocates. We have to learn<br />

from this opioid crisis. It truly becomes a matter of life and<br />

death.”<br />

https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/28/health/o<br />

pioid-prescriptions-teens-and-young-adults<br />


How Germany Averted<br />

An Opioid Crisis<br />

“Among the most important reasons we do<br />

not face a similar opioid crisis seems to be a<br />

more responsible and restrained practice of<br />

prescription,” said Dr. Peter Raiser, the<br />

deputy managing director at the German<br />

Center for Addiction Issues.<br />

khn.org/news/how-germany-averted-an-opioid-crisis/<br />


To Stop Deadly<br />

Overdoses,<br />

'<strong>The</strong> Opioid Fix' Urges<br />

Better Use Of Tools<br />

We Already Have<br />

Johns Hopkins University Press<br />

July 21, 20202:05 PM ET<br />


More Americans than ever — almost 72,000 — died from a drug overdose last year,<br />

according to preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Protection.<br />

This grim record for 2019 was driven by deaths from synthetic opioids like fentanyl,<br />

though overdoses involving cocaine and meth also played a role.<br />

Many warn that 2020 could be even worse, as the coronavirus pandemic increases<br />

isolation, despair, and economic hardship — all known risk factors for addiction.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> coronavirus pandemic is, unfortunately, expected to worsen the opioid overdose<br />

crisis," says Barbara Andraka-Christou, an assistant professor of health management and<br />

informatics at the University of Central Florida.<br />

"Many individuals are experiencing triggers, such as family- or job-related stress, that<br />

may lead them to relapse," she says. "Many people are losing their jobs and the funds<br />

necessary to pay for lifesaving health care. Those of us working in public health research<br />

are very worried.“<br />

Indeed, evidence is already emerging that overdoses are up in the first half of the year,<br />

based on preliminary reports.<br />

But Andraka-Christou also sees a "silver lining" to the pandemic, as federal and state<br />

officials have temporarily relaxed some of the strict regulations governing the medical<br />

treatment of opioid addiction.<br />


Andraka-Christou has spent years studying those regulations, and in her new book she<br />

explains how they prevent patients with opioid use disorder from accessing effective,<br />

life-saving medications such as buprenorphine and methadone. NPR recently spoke with<br />

Andraka-Christou about her book, <strong>The</strong> Opioid Fix: America's Addiction Crisis and the<br />

Solution <strong>The</strong>y Don't Want You to Have.<br />

This interview has been edited for clarity and length.<br />

Many books about the opioid epidemic focus on the problem — the suffering<br />

patients, the ravaged communities — and discuss who is to blame. Your book,<br />

refreshingly, focuses tightly on treatment as a solution. Why did you decide to write a<br />

book about treatment?<br />

I remember once giving a presentation in Indiana to a community organization about<br />

treatment, and someone got really upset at the end. She stood up and said that her son<br />

had died of an opioid overdose, and she was really upset that I wasn't talking about<br />

prevention, that I was talking about treatment.<br />

I realized that most of the public messaging I was hearing was about prevention, not<br />

treatment: "Let's warn people that opioids are dangerous!" or the push to have<br />

lawmakers put limits on the prescribing of pain pills by physicians.<br />

But we can't just ignore those who have already developed an addiction, and just<br />

assume "Well, they are too far gone, so we need to start with the new, 'innocent' people<br />

and try to prevent them from actually developing this awful disorder."<br />

Why do you think it's so much harder to talk about treatment, or for communities to<br />

come together to provide it?<br />

It comes back to this moral perception that drug use is a choice. And certainly the first<br />

time, it often is. But to develop a disorder where you're compulsively using something<br />

with horrible consequences? At a certain point, it's no longer a choice. But given<br />

society's limited resources, many don't want to apply those resources to people who are<br />

just "making a bad decision." You want to apply them towards the uninitiated, the ones<br />

who haven't taken that first step of getting a pill prescription.<br />


But it's ironic, because on the treatment side, the tools are already there. We actually<br />

know what works. It's really well established. On the prevention side, it's a lot more<br />

tricky. Yes, we can prevent someone from taking that first opioid, to a certain extent, by<br />

not over-prescribing. But we know, for example, that adverse childhood experiences<br />

play a huge role in one's likelihood of developing any substance use disorder. And how<br />

do you prevent that? That's so incredibly complex. I couldn't even begin to come up<br />

with a strategy to prevent that, whereas I can pretty quickly tell you what to do to treat<br />

someone with opioid use disorder.<br />

You would recommend medication-assisted treatment (MAT) using methadone and<br />

buprenorphine (commonly marketed as Suboxone). How helpful are these<br />

medications? And why are there so many barriers to using them more widely?<br />

<strong>The</strong>re's a lot of negativity that exists with respect to methadone and buprenorphine.<br />

Which is wildly problematic, when you think that another article just came out showing<br />

that buprenorphine and methadone are absolutely the best at preventing opioid<br />

overdose and opioid relapse as compared to a variety of other treatments, including<br />

naltrexone, including residential treatment, including outpatient treatment, including<br />

detox.<br />

This book isn't some shocking new innovation. I'm not saying 'Wow, we just discovered<br />

that these medications are great!' It's the complete opposite. We've known for decades<br />

that these are the most effective treatments.<br />

When I started looking at the laws surrounding Suboxone or buprenorphine, I was<br />

fascinated because they were so stringent. At the time, they were more stringent in<br />

several respects than laws regulating pills like oxycodone or OxyContin. I thought that's<br />

just ridiculous and hypocritical.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are a ton of legal barriers, but then I started seeing other things like stigma<br />

against MAT in the recovery community itself, within 12-step groups, within residential<br />

centers (or "rehab" programs as they're commonly called). <strong>The</strong>n I started seeing cost<br />

issues and health insurance barriers like prior authorizations.<br />

<strong>The</strong> subtitle of your book is pretty direct: "<strong>The</strong> Solution <strong>The</strong>y Don't Want You to<br />

Have." Who is "they"? Who doesn't want people to use medication-assisted<br />

treatment?<br />


'<strong>The</strong>y" refers to the recovery community, but also the criminal justice system. Those are<br />

the two main actors whom I've seen affirmatively saying "Don't take these<br />

medications." And by recovery community, I don't just mean some 12-step groups. I also<br />

mean rehab centers that will actively tell people "By the way, when you leave, don't take<br />

Suboxone" or "We won't even let you into our center if you take Suboxone."<br />

<strong>The</strong> book goes deep inside the world of drug courts, which provide an alternative to<br />

prison. But your research found that many judges ignore the potential of MAT, and some<br />

even force people in recovery to stop taking medicine as a condition of staying out of<br />

jail, or to regain custody of their kids. What's going on?<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is basic intellectual confusion over the fact that buprenorphine and methadone<br />

are opioids, although of a very different kind [than heroin and addictive opioid<br />

painkillers]. As one judge told me: "Why would we just give a whiskey bottle to an<br />

alcoholic?" But the focus shouldn't be on the fact that buprenorphine is an opioid. <strong>The</strong><br />

focus needs to be on the fact that someone taking it is able to function and they're able<br />

to function better.<br />

Back in 2013, there was a groundbreaking study published that showed that 50% of<br />

adult drug courts nationally prohibited buprenorphine, which is just mind blowing. Now,<br />

we haven't had a study of that scale to date, so we don't know how those numbers have<br />

changed. But I have done my own studies looking at smaller areas, and also statewide in<br />

Indiana and in Florida, and there's still a lot of negativity in the court system towards<br />

methadone and buprenorphine, especially — not so much towards naltrexone, because<br />

it's not an opioid.<br />

You write that some of the stigma against MAT is easing, and in the book you<br />

acknowledge some of the clinicians and treatment centers that do understand how<br />

effective MAT can be, and encourage it and prescribe it. But what other changes could<br />

help?<br />

<strong>The</strong> people who run drug courts, who make decisions about practices and policies in<br />

that court, they're not composed of medical professionals. You have a judge, the<br />

prosecutor, a program administrator, and a counselor who is typically from a community<br />

agency, which is often — statistically, it's 65% of the time — abstinence-only. So there's<br />

little information sharing within that environment about the medications.<br />


<strong>The</strong>y're very autonomous, these courts. Oftentimes there's no real oversight over them.<br />

Now, Florida, interestingly, in about a year or so, is going to be requiring courts, at least<br />

the adult drug courts, to get certified in order to get funding. And part of the<br />

certification requirements will include adhering to best practices with respect to MAT.<br />

And that's really exciting.<br />

That's something I actually argued for, in one of the first articles I wrote. Why aren't<br />

more states doing this? Greater oversight is so important when there are decision<br />

makers who don't have a medical background, making decisions that impact people's<br />

health care.<br />


Cur·tain | \ ˈkər-tᵊn:<br />

a device or agent that conceals or acts as a barrier.<br />

Curtains is ultimately an activist project -- a work of<br />

protest<br />

art against those who shield dangerous actors in our<br />

society.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se Curtains are a symbol, spotlighting the enablers<br />

obscuring wrongdoers who harm others for financial or<br />

political gain. Currently, we are targeting the many<br />

people who shield the criminals responsible for the<br />

opioid crisis from facing legal, civil, political, and social<br />

ramifications for their actions.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se “curtains” are the barriers standing between<br />

our world and a just one. If our systems won’t hold<br />

wrongdoers accountable, then that task falls to us. We<br />

will protect the unprotected, mend the broken, and<br />

speak for the silenced. We encourage others to practice<br />

moral courage and stand with us.<br />


Fernando Luis Alvarez Gallery<br />

December 22, 2020<br />

CLICK to watch video<br />


Opioids offer minimal benefit to pain,<br />

function in OA, no aid to QoL<br />

Opioids offer only minimal relief of osteoarthritis symptoms within a 12-<br />

week period, and cause discomfort in most patients, according to<br />

findings published in Arthritis Care & Research.<br />

“We wanted to assess the impact of opioids on all patient-centered<br />

outcomes to produce results that would be relevant to patients and<br />

clinicians alike,” Raveendhara R. Bannuru, MD, PhD, FAGE, of Tufts<br />

Medical Center in Boston told Healio Rheumatology. “Though the risks of<br />

opioid use are relatively well known, some patients and providers still<br />

favor using the drugs. We hoped to explore some understudied outcomes<br />

that could hold clues as to what benefits, if any, opioids offer to patients.<br />

“Our study is unique because we estimated the trajectory of the impact<br />

that opioids have on pain and functional outcomes in OA patients over<br />

time,” he added. “Temporal assessments can illustrate an optimal<br />

therapeutic window within which a treatment is most efficacious.”<br />

To examine temporal patterns in pain relief and functional improvement<br />

in patients treated with opioids for knee or hip OA, and assess their<br />

safety, Bannuru and colleagues conducted a systematic review and metaanalysis<br />

of randomized controlled trials. <strong>The</strong>y searched Medline, Embase,<br />

PubMed Central and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials<br />

from inception to December. <strong>The</strong> researchers also sought out<br />

unpublished data. In all, Bannuru and colleagues included 18<br />

placebocontrolled trials of oral opioids, covering 9,283 patients with knee<br />

or hip OA.<br />

<strong>The</strong> researchers calculated standardized mean differences for pain and<br />

function at 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks, and conducted subgroup analyses for<br />

strong and weak/intermediate opioids. Additionally, they performed<br />


metaregression to analyze the impact of dosage on pain relief, based on<br />

morphine equivalency. Lastly, Bannuru and colleagues calculated risk<br />

ratios for safety at the final follow up.<br />

According to the researchers, opioids provided small benefits regarding<br />

pain at each time point, with standardized mean differences ranging from<br />

–0.28 (95% CI, –0.38 to –0.17) to –0.19 (95% CI, –0.29 to –0.08), with<br />

similar effects regarding function. In addition, strong opioids<br />

demonstrated consistently inferior efficacy and overall worse safety<br />

compared with weak or intermediate opioids. A metaregression analysis<br />

suggested that incremental pain relief achieved beyond 20 to 50 mg<br />

doses was not substantial in light of increased safety risks, the<br />

researchers wrote.<br />

“Our results suggest that oral opioids have only small benefits on pain<br />

and function in OA,” Bannuru said. “Additionally, we found that the<br />

magnitude of these effects remains small and continues to decrease over<br />

time. We also found that strong opioids consistently underperformed<br />

compared to weak or intermediate opioids.<br />

“On the other hand, participants who received opioids were significantly<br />

more likely to experience adverse events, especially gastrointestinal<br />

discomfort and daytime drowsiness,” he added. “In light of dependency<br />

concerns and the discomfort that many patients feel while taking the<br />

drugs, it would appear that there is no optimal therapeutic window for<br />

the use of oral opioids in OA.”<br />


Allan Gibofsky, MD, JD<br />

It is generally accepted that the best treatment for end-stage “bone on<br />

bone” osteoarthritis of a large joint is arthroplasty. That option, however,<br />

may not be appropriate for many patients, especially those with diffuse<br />


disease and those with concurrent medical conditions, including<br />

hypertensive cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure and<br />

diabetes. In this latter group, these conditions when present — and<br />

especially if not adequately controlled — may significantly increase the<br />

risk of surgical morbidity and mortality.<br />

For that reason, patients who are not candidates for surgery require<br />

adequate pain management for their symptoms. Unfortunately, the use<br />

of NSAIDs and minor analgesics is usually inadequate, and physicians<br />

often find themselves in a position of having to prescribe opioids to these<br />

patients.<br />

In their systematic review, Osani and colleagues found that — when<br />

compared to placebo — opioids showed only small benefit to pain and<br />

function and contributed no measurable benefit to health-related quality<br />

of life, while at the same time showing an increased risk of adverse<br />

events. Strong opioids demonstrated consistently inferior efficacy and<br />

overall worse safety than weak/intermediate opioids. Given the results of<br />

this study, the authors correctly conclude that clinicians and policymakers<br />

should reconsider the utility of opioids in the management of OA.<br />

By Jason Laday<br />

Perspective from Allan Gibofsky, MD, JD<br />

Source/Disclosures<br />

Source: Osani MC, et al. Arthritis Care Res. 2020;doi:10.1002/acr.24363.<br />

Disclosures: Bannuru reports no relevant financial disclosures. Co-author Stefan Lohmander,<br />

MD, PhD, of Lund University, in Sweden, reports personal fees from Arthro <strong>The</strong>rapeutics AB,<br />

GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Pfizer and Regeneron.<br />



Feds In Connecticut Warn Of<br />

Fentanyl-Laced Pain Pills<br />

Federal authorities in<br />

Connecticut have issued a<br />

warning about black market<br />

pain pills.<br />

Connecticut Fentanyl-Laced Pain Pills<br />

'Dangerous time right<br />

now for our youth':<br />

Seaside police react after<br />

teen overdose<br />

Seaside police react after teen overdose<br />


Mom of “<strong>The</strong> Flash” star Logan Williams:<br />

His death is not going to be in vain”<br />

By Eric Hegedus<br />

May 15, 2020 | 5:35pm | Updated<br />

Logan Williams<br />

Six weeks after his unexpected death,<br />

the mother of teen B.C. actor Logan<br />

Williams has revealed the cause of his<br />

death.<br />

Marlyse Williams said a preliminary<br />

toxicology report showed that her son<br />

died as a result of a fentanyl overdose<br />

during an in-depth interview with<br />

the New York Post published on May 15,<br />

2020.<br />

"Logan Was 16"<br />

Dear friends,<br />

I want to make a statement regarding the news stories that have picked up the New York<br />

Post piece that are circulating and have completely skewed the facts.<br />

<strong>The</strong> truth is I did EVERYTHING in my power and I mean EVERYTHING to help Logan. My<br />

friends and family are fully aware of the desperate measures I took to help.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fact is there so much red tape in BC and Canada that it was a full-time job fighting the<br />

system to get the help needed. Laws need to change!!! For starters, our punishment on<br />


drug dealers is a simple slap on the wrist. We need long, tough sentences for drug dealers<br />

that are actively destroying our youth. We also have an old, archaic postal privacy law in<br />

Canada that just allows drugs such as opioids like Fentanyl come in legally!!! Yes, you heard<br />

me correctly... LEGALLY!! Check out this link below explaining.<br />

BC has the most overdose deaths per capita in North America and the Opioids are<br />

rampant... the government is not acting on this epidemic that is killing our loved ones.<br />

Fentanyl is now laced in 82% of all drugs in the lower mainland. B.C. and the Canadian<br />

government need to take action and get tough on these crimes!!! Change has to happen.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are three and four month wait lists for treatment programs. Not to mention in BC<br />

treatment is voluntary !!! I am actively working with our MLA to create a forced treatment<br />

law for youth. A young person doesn’t know what rock bottom is... the drugs now a days is<br />

an instant death sentence. It’s handing a loaded gun to a kid whose brain isn’t fully formed.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is an enormous stigma to addiction and mental health even by medical<br />

professionals! It’s this giant epidemic that everyone wants to turn a blind eye to until it hits<br />

your family.<br />

I have learned that no matter how your child was raised… single parent, two parents,<br />

sports, no sports, money, no money, African American, Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic male,<br />

female etc…. this disease does not discriminate. Oh, and it is a disease!!! For those that<br />

don’t want to believe that, I feel sorry for you. No person wants to be an addict. Brain<br />

chemistry, genetics, mental health, trauma etc... can all play a part in why one person gets<br />

addicted and an other person doesn’t.<br />

Logan was raised with lots of love, laughter and an amazing supportive family. I want to be<br />

clear that acting had NOTHING to do with the path he went down. He very much enjoyed<br />

his minor roles and loved being on set. It was his happiest times. Everyone was wonderful<br />

and we met the greatest cast & crew who have been so lovely.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pain of losing my beautiful Logan is so gut wrenching that there are no words to<br />

describe how devastating and hollow I feel. I loved Logan with every ounce of my being. To<br />

say he was an extremely special person is an understatement. He was my everything.<br />

I will do everything in my power to create a legacy to help others, change laws and<br />

anything I can to create positive change out of Logan’s tragic death.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Marlyse Williams<br />

(Continued)<br />

https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/fentanyl-mail/<br />


CLICK: Inside the Sinaloa<br />

Cartel’s fentanyl pipeline:<br />


Revealed: how Mexico's Sinaloa<br />

cartel has created a global<br />

network to rule the fentanyl trade<br />

Audrey Travère and Jules Giraudat in Culiacán<br />

Tue 8 Dec 2020<br />

Drugs bust in India sheds light on how<br />

adaptable cartels have come to<br />

dominate the lucrative trade in the<br />

powerful synthetic opioid<br />

CLICK TO READ ARTICLE: mexico-cartelproject-synthetic-opioid-fentanyl-drugs<br />



100,000 OD 2020<br />

270 A DAY<br />



(Continued)<br />

Opioid crisis<br />

<strong>The</strong> opioid<br />

crisis is<br />

forcing more<br />

kids into the<br />

foster system<br />

DEA warns of<br />

counterfeit<br />

prescription pills<br />

from Mexico<br />

“Capitalizing on the opioid epidemic and prescription drug abuse<br />

in the United States, drug trafficking organizations are now<br />

sending counterfeit pills made with fentanyl in bulk to the United<br />

States for distribution,” said DEA Acting Administrator Uttam<br />

Dhillon in a statement. “Counterfeit pills that contain fentanyl<br />

and fentanyl-laced heroin are responsible for thousands of<br />

opioid-related deaths in the United States each year.”<br />

DEA warns of counterfeit prescription pills from Mexico<br />



Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group<br />

Member, Global Commission On Drug Policy<br />

Supports the Portugal Model<br />

“As a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, I have for<br />

years argued that the so-called war on drugs has been a costly failure<br />

that has achieved nothing to make societies and communities safer.<br />

Instead, millions have been needlessly criminalized, while illegal drugs<br />

are more readily available than ever before and tens of thousands<br />

continue to die year after year.<br />

Whether it’s the dramatic toll of North America’s ongoing opioid crisis<br />

or the reckless wave of extrajudicial killings in the name of the drug<br />

war initiated and encouraged by President Duterte of the Philippines –<br />

the suffering continues, the flow of drugs shows no sign of slowing<br />

down, and the illicit trade keeps growing, worth more than $300<br />

billion per year globally.”<br />

Read More From Richard Branson<br />


Drug Overdose Deaths<br />

2018 <strong>USA</strong><br />

68,000<br />

2016 TURKEY<br />

941<br />

2016 GERMANY<br />

1272<br />

2016 SPAIN<br />

483<br />

2016 FRANCE<br />

373<br />

2016 ENGLAND<br />

3256<br />

2017 PORTUGAL<br />

38<br />

2018 PORTUGAL<br />

34<br />

2016 PORTUGAL<br />

30<br />

2015 PORTUGAL<br />

52<br />

2014 PORTUGAL<br />

36<br />

2013 PORTUGAL<br />

28<br />

2012 PORTUGAL<br />

16<br />

2011 PORTUGAL<br />

10<br />

2010 PORTUGAL<br />

27<br />

2009 PORTUGAL<br />

28<br />

2008 PORTUGAL<br />

20<br />

2007 PORTUGAL<br />

13<br />

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000<br />

Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

600<br />


500<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

2006<br />

Portugal<br />

18<br />

2016<br />

Portugal<br />

115<br />

43<br />

105<br />

2016 England2016 France 2016<br />

Spain<br />

Source: COAT Community Overdose Action Team<br />

6,000 Americans died from<br />

HIV/Aids in 2018

World Incarceration Rates<br />

Rates calculated per 100,000 people<br />

China<br />

Spain<br />

Portugal<br />

England<br />

Mexico<br />

Singapore<br />

Colombia<br />

Chile<br />

Uruguay<br />

Brazil<br />

Costa Rica<br />

Panama<br />

Russian Federation<br />

Rwanda<br />

Thailand<br />

Cuba<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

El Salvador<br />

<strong>USA</strong><br />

118<br />

126<br />

129<br />

141<br />

165<br />

201<br />

226<br />

233<br />

321<br />

325<br />

374<br />

390<br />

413<br />

434<br />

483<br />

510<br />

583<br />

614<br />

698<br />

0 200 400 600 800<br />




Oklahoma<br />

1079<br />

<strong>USA</strong><br />

Michigan<br />

698<br />

698<br />

New Jersey<br />

407<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Portugal<br />

Luxembourg<br />

Canada<br />

France<br />

Italy<br />

Belgium<br />

Norway<br />

Denmark<br />

Netherlands<br />

Iceland<br />

139<br />

129<br />

115<br />

114<br />

102<br />

96<br />

94<br />

74<br />

59<br />

59<br />

38<br />

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200<br />

Incarceration rates per 100,000 population<br />

Incarceration rates<br />


Drug Overdose Deaths CDC 2018 - 67,367 In 2018, 67,367 drug overdose deaths<br />

occurred in the United States. <strong>The</strong> age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths decreased by<br />

4.6% from 2017 (21.7 per 100,000) to 2018 (20.7 per 100,000). Opioids—mainly<br />

synthetic opioids (other than methadone)—are currently the main driver of drug<br />

overdose deaths. Opioids were involved in 46,802 overdose deaths in 2018 (69.5% of all<br />

drug overdose deaths).<br />

Two out of three (67.0%) opioid-involved overdose deaths involve synthetic opioids.<br />

In 2018, the states with the highest rates of death due to drug overdose were West<br />

Virginia (51.5 per 100,000), Delaware (43.8 per 100,000), Maryland (37.2 per 100,000),<br />

Pennsylvania (36.1 per 100,000), Ohio (35.9 per 100,000), and New Hampshire (35.8 per<br />

100,000). Numbers may be under reported.<br />


R<br />





Global Recovery Movement is all about moving the<br />

discrimination of the criminal justice approach to substance<br />

use towards a proven public health solution. But many states<br />

are not quite ready to do that. A politically diverse group of<br />

states have opted for an incremental but substantive move in<br />

that direction by reclassifying drug possession from a felony to<br />

a misdemeanor and some have even allowed for an expedited<br />

process to expunge past felony drug conviction convictions.<br />

Maybe reclassifying drug charges is the right approach now<br />

for your state. For more see reclassify.org.<br />


Six big things reclassifying possession of drugs from a felony to<br />

a misdemeanor can do:<br />

1) Save taxpayer dollars<br />

2) Safely reduce incarceration<br />

3) Invest in alternatives to prison, including drug treatment<br />

4) Keep families together<br />

5) Improve police-community relations<br />

6) Let people work in jobs they're best at, improving the local tax base<br />

Six states that cover the widest political spectrum have already<br />

reclassified drug possession:<br />

Utah, Connecticut, Oklahoma, California, Alaska, and Colorado.<br />

All these states' reclassification laws are a little different.<br />

Oklahoma, for example, made their law retroactive to include an<br />

expedited expungement process that would erase most long ago simple<br />

drug possession convictions. Virginia can learn from those state's<br />

experiences in crafting a bill that best suits the needs of Virginia.<br />

People that are working in jobs that they are best qualified at earn more<br />

money, pay more taxes, are less likely to engage in criminal activity, are<br />

more likely to develop healthy relationships, marry, and have stable<br />

families with happy children.<br />

People that are unable to find work or housing, locked out of student<br />

aid, are more likely to be in poor health are going to see illegal means<br />

of earning any money as their only choice in spite of the risks.<br />

People that have an income and a place to live are FAR less likely to<br />

commit crimes. It is not in our own best interest to perpetuate these<br />

scenarios.<br />


All this is in the face of mounting research that incarceration isn’t<br />

an effective response to drug abuse. A Pew Charitable Trusts study<br />

found no significant relationship between rates of imprisonment for<br />

drug offenses and rates of drug use, overdose deaths, or drug arrests.<br />

Yet we spend billions of dollars on prisons, thinking it is.<br />

1. 3-min summary of what happens when states defelonize drugs.<br />

https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/what-happens-when-statesdefelonize-drug-possession<br />

2. Detailed analysis of reclassification of drug possession laws.<br />

Includes a summary of each state that has implemented such policies.<br />

https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/99077/reclassified<br />

_state_drug_law_reforms_to_reduce_felony_convictions_and_increase_<br />

second_chances.pdf<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> analysis found no statistically significant relationship<br />

between state drug imprisonment rates and three indicators of state<br />

drug problems: self-reported drug use, drug overdose deaths, and drug<br />

arrests.<br />

https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/issuebriefs/2018/03/more-imprisonment-does-not-reduce-state-drugproblems<br />

4. Excerpt: "Making the reforms in State Question 780 retroactive not<br />

only upholds the will of the people, the voters of our state, but it<br />

also opens up a lot of opportunities for individuals who have that<br />

scarlet letter hanging around their neck to have that removed and it<br />

affords those individuals the opportunity to move forward in life in a<br />

very healthy and positive way.“<br />

https://oklahoman.com/article/5632525/governor-signs-legislation-tomake-state-question-780-retroactivebrgovernor<br />


5. Excerpt: 1-minute video of a Dad telling about his son that got a<br />

felony record for drug possession which prevented him from getting a<br />

job which tore him up. He got clean but relapsed and died of an<br />

overdose. This is from OH but I'm sure there are similar stories here<br />

in VA.<br />



Drug Policy In Portugal

<strong>The</strong> Portugal Model Bible - How It works.<br />

Guidelines for the Intervention in Dissuasion<br />







(Continued)<br />

"Erick was sentenced to 2 1/2<br />

years in prison for relapsing.<br />

"Should relapsing be a crime?"<br />


Why We Need <strong>The</strong> Portugal Model<br />

End the War on<br />

Drugs for Good<br />

| Christina Dent |<br />

TEDxJackson<br />

End the war on Drugs for good<br />


<strong>The</strong> Portugal<br />

Model Works!<br />



GOULÃO<br />

https://youtu.be/mDQu0x0EM3M<br />

Portugal Solved Its Drug Crisis. Why Can’t<br />

America Do <strong>The</strong> Same?<br />

When 1% of its population was caught in<br />

the grips of a heroin epidemic, Portugal<br />

took the radical step to decriminalize<br />

drugs. It worked.<br />

Portugal Solved Its Drug Crisis. Why Can’t America Do <strong>The</strong> Same?<br />

“Nowadays we have the lowest rates of<br />

overdose deaths in Europe,” said Dr João<br />

Goulão. “We had 38 deaths in 2017, a<br />

country of 10 million inhabitants. If you<br />

had the same rate of overdoses [here in<br />

Rhode Island], you should have three or<br />

four a year, and you are having 300.”<br />

A victory in the war on drugs may now<br />

be exported from Europe to America<br />

Between 1995 and 2019, the estimated<br />

number of addicts fell from 100,000 to 50,000,<br />

of whom 30,000 are receiving treatment<br />

Dr Goulão went on to become Portugal’s drugs tsar<br />

Dr João Goulão, architect of Portugal’s drug policy<br />

https://youtu.be/XV82AgxqEJo<br />


"<strong>The</strong> Portugal Love Song"<br />

We Need To Learn It<br />

Everything you think you know about<br />

addiction is wrong | Johann Hari<br />

https://youtu.be/PY9DcIMGxMs<br />

Harm Reduction as an<br />

Act of Compassion<br />

| Lyndsay Hartman |<br />

TEDx North Central College<br />

https://youtu.be/sUgxnYEA8F0<br />

Addiction specialist and author Gabor<br />

Maté says dealing with past Trauma<br />

may be the key to breaking addiction.<br />

He says: “Addiction is not a choice<br />

anybody makes, it’s a response to<br />

emotional pain.”<br />

https://youtu.be/tI104at2iqs<br />


<strong>The</strong> Portugal Flip<br />

In <strong>The</strong> Works<br />

Here's how prosecution of drug<br />

charges is treated differently<br />

in Orange County<br />

District Judge Samantha Cabe<br />

Harm Reduction, New Haven Police<br />

Department, Opioid Addiction<br />

'You're Not Going To Arrest Your<br />

Way Out Of Addiction': Sarasota<br />

Jail Program Emphasizes Recovery<br />

Cops Offer Addicts Clean Needles, Pipes<br />

Sarasota Jail Program Emphasizes Recovery<br />

An alternative to police: Mental<br />

health team responds to<br />

emergencies in Oregon<br />

CAHOOTS, which stands for Crisis Assistance<br />

Helping Out On <strong>The</strong> Streets.<br />

Emily Ligawiec (right) and Officer John Cacela take<br />

weekly pottery classes together in Ware, Mass. Rather<br />

than arrest Ligawiec last winter when she took heroin<br />

and stole her mom's car, he offered her help.<br />

Karen Brown/New England Public Radio<br />

Police Offering Drug Recovery Help: 'We<br />

Can't Arrest Our Way Out Of This Problem'<br />


(Continued)<br />


This is exactly what Portugal did. <strong>The</strong>y put the<br />

services in place and then stopped arresting users.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y send the users before a dissuasion panel and<br />

directly into their primary care system if they<br />

choose to go. No forcing anyone into treatment.<br />

Opinion: Alberta could become a<br />

leader in treating addictions<br />

More people than ever are dying from<br />

opioid overdoses. But not in Miami-<br />

Dade.<br />

Young people are hardest hit by this<br />

rise in overdose mortality.<br />


<strong>FLIP</strong>!! NO MORE LOCKING UP USERS FOR<br />





“Getting busted with schedule I or II substances, won’t<br />

get you thrown in jail in Colorado anymore; you won’t be<br />

charged with a felony; your future opportunities won’t<br />

be stripped and your record won’t be forever stained<br />

just because the fuzz found a little somethin’ somethin’<br />

in your pocket…”<br />

Happy Defelonization, Colorado! Schedule<br />

1, 2 drugs officially “defelonized” and<br />

penalties for possession lowered in the<br />

Centennial State<br />

Oregon Could Become<br />

<strong>The</strong> first State To<br />

Decriminalize Drugs<br />

oregon-drug-decriminalizationinitiative<br />

Oregon Activists Collect Enough Signatures<br />

For Drug Decriminalization<br />

And Treatment Measure<br />

Activists in Oregon have collected more than the<br />

required raw number of signatures to qualify a<br />

historic initiative to decriminalize drug possession<br />

and increase access to treatment for the state’s<br />

November ballot.<br />


Florida House Passes<br />

Needle Exchange Bill<br />

Dr. Hansel Tookes has been pushing for needle exchange access in Florida for years.<br />

Originally published on April 19, 2019 11:39 am<br />

<strong>The</strong> Florida Legislature has approved a bill that will allow the expansion of<br />

needle exchanges throughout Florida.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Infectious Disease Elimination Programs bill—which passed a house vote<br />

on Wednesday and has already passed in the Florida Senate—creates a legal<br />

mechanism for counties to authorize programs that swap clean syringes for<br />

dirty ones. Needle exchanges have been shown to reduce the spread of blood<br />

borne infections—like HIV and hepatitis C—among intravenous drug users.<br />


(Continued)<br />

<strong>The</strong> bill was modeled on the IDEA Exchange in Miami-Dade County, which was<br />

given a five-year trial approval by the legislature in 2016. In the three years it's<br />

been around, the IDEA Exchange has reported to the health department that<br />

it's pulled more than a quarter million used needles out of circulation. It hands<br />

out Narcan (the drug that reverses opioid overdoses)—and, according to the<br />

exchange, making this drug available has prevented more than a thousand<br />

overdoses. <strong>The</strong> program also offers testing for HIV and hepatitis C, and it<br />

connects people to medical care and drug rehab.<br />

"It was very, very emotional," said Dr. Hansel Tookes, who has been advocating<br />

for needle exchange access in Florida since he was a medical student at the<br />

University of Miami. He's now head of Miami's IDEA Exchange. Tookes<br />

travelled to Tallahassee for the vote, which happened late Wednesday night.<br />

"We'd been waiting for 10 hours. And finally the bill came up and there was<br />

nothing but love and compassion," he said.<br />

Historically, the distribution of needles without prescriptions violated drug<br />

paraphernalia possession laws as interpreted in Florida—the Infectious<br />

Disease Elimination Programs bill creates clear guidelines for doing so legally<br />

as a public health intervention.<br />

<strong>The</strong> final language of the bill will need to be reconciled between the House<br />

and Senate before heading to the governor's desk. <strong>The</strong> House version of the<br />

bill bars state and municipal funds from being spent on needle exchanges. <strong>The</strong><br />

Senate version bans only the use of state funds.Florida Legislature has<br />

approved a bill that will allow the expansion of needle exchanges throughout<br />

Florida.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Infectious Disease Elimination Programs bill—which passed a house vote<br />

on Wednesday and has already passed in the Florida Senate—creates a legal<br />

mechanism for counties to authorize programs that swap clean syringes for<br />

dirty ones. Needle exchanges have been shown to reduce the spread of blood<br />

borne infections—like HIV and hepatitis C—among intravenous drug users.<br />

health.wusf.usf.edu/post/florida-house-passes-needle-exchange<br />


Daphne Bramham: Decriminalization is no<br />

silver bullet, says Portugal's drug czar<br />

LISBON, Portugal — Almost every day,<br />

foreigners knock on João Goulão’s door seeking<br />

a solution to their countries’ drug addiction<br />

problems.<br />

A Seven-Step Plan for Ending<br />

the Opioid Crisis<br />

More treatment. Stronger oversight.<br />

And above all, bolder leadership.<br />

We must stop doctors from overprescribing<br />

opioids, especially when nonaddictive<br />

pain medications (such as<br />

ibuprofen or acetaminophen) would be<br />

just as effective.<br />




OVERDOSE DEATHS IN THE <strong>USA</strong>!<br />









“This video should be seen by every high school<br />

student in our country. It warns about FENTANYL!”<br />

Grieving Mom, Dr. Kimberly Blake tells her story of her beloved son,<br />

Shawn. Tears.<br />

vermont and the opioid epidemic - CLICK to watch Video<br />



https://www.mccoat.org/structure-leadership<br />


"Dayton Is Our Portugal"<br />


OD Deaths<br />

600<br />

566<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

289 288<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

2017 2018 2019<br />

Source: COAT Community Overdose Action Team<br />


https://www.mccoat.org/data-reports?fbclid=IwAR0I8dENedLUMPr3gEidKAa9jYH3KhWYWIqW0zD1kK1C9JGEmwsxFBo8s9E<br />


Dayton Was Our Opioid Overdose Capital<br />

- 15 Overdoses A Day Down to 3 –<br />

Dayton Recovers!<br />

At This Camp, Children Of<br />

Opioid Addicts Learn To Cope<br />

And Laugh<br />

Two 12-year-olds comfort each other<br />

while sharing stories about their<br />

families. Some say it's only at camp that<br />

they don't feel alone because they<br />

meet other children in their situation.<br />

Some children have seen their parents<br />

overdose and some have had to call<br />

911. Many have been taken away to<br />

foster care multiple times.<br />

Courtesy of Jared Case<br />

Children Of Opioid Addicts Learn To<br />

Cope And Laugh<br />

This City’s Overdose<br />

Deaths Have Plunged. Can<br />

Others Learn From It?<br />

Dayton, Ohio, had one of<br />

the highest overdose death<br />

rates in the nation in 2017.<br />

<strong>The</strong> city made many<br />

changes, and fatal<br />

overdoses are down more<br />

than 50 percent from last<br />

year.<br />

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/25/health/opioidoverdose-dead<br />


Harm Reduction Ohio estimates, based<br />

on preliminary mortality data, that<br />

overdose deaths increased about 29.5%<br />

in the first six months of 2020 versus the<br />

same period in 2019. <strong>The</strong> following chart<br />

shows how the number of overdose<br />

deaths has changed in Ohio since 2013.<br />

What’s causing overdose death in Ohio?<br />

Let’s be honest: drug prohibition is the<br />

cause. Prohibition kills. Always has,<br />

always will, is doing so right now.<br />



Dayton, OH September 2019<br />





Portugal’s answer to the heroin crisis<br />

Mayor Durkan's proposed budget<br />

sets aside $1.3 million for<br />

legal injection site<br />

SEATTLE -- Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan released<br />

Monday's proposed budget and the amount of<br />

money set aside for a legal injection site for drug<br />

users is raising some serious eyebrows.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mayor says her proposed budget will set<br />

aside $1.3 million dollars for the pilot program.<br />

Mayor Durkan's proposed budget<br />

81<br />

Why Philadelphia is looking to<br />

Europe for help with America’s<br />

worst big-city drug epidemic.<br />

“Across Lisbon, health workers in such vans<br />

dispense the treatment every day, for free, to<br />

nearly 1,200 people. It’s part of what is perhaps<br />

the world’s most radical drug policy — one<br />

instituted amid a heroin crisis not unlike the one<br />

gripping Philadelphia and the United States.<br />

After years of mounting overdoses, HIV<br />

infections and rampant heroin addiction,<br />

Portugal opted in 2001 for a daring experiment:<br />

<strong>The</strong> country decriminalized the use of all drugs.”<br />

Portugal’s answer to the heroin crisis<br />

Philly DA Larry Krasner will no longer prosecute<br />

people for possession of an addiction<br />

treatment drug<br />

Philly DA Larry Krasner<br />


How Philly plans to combat the<br />

nation’s worst big-city opioid<br />

crisis in 2020<br />

Philadelphia is home to the worst urban opioid crisis<br />

in America. More than 3,000 people have died of<br />

drug overdoses here in the last three years, and the<br />

city health department estimates that tens of<br />

thousands of Philadelphians are addicted to opioids.<br />

Opioid Crisis in 2020<br />

Syringe exchange saved billions in<br />

HIV-related costs in Philadelphia,<br />

study finds<br />

Needles are bundled in tens for<br />

Philadelphia's Prevention Point's exchange<br />

program. (Emma Lee/WHYY)<br />

HIV prevention efforts are often focused on<br />

changing individual behavior: Use condoms; don’t<br />

share needles. But the way people behave depends<br />

on environmental factors, too, like the availability<br />

of contraception or clean needles.<br />

Syringe exchange<br />

Ten years ago, OxyContin sales dominated<br />

Philly’s pharmacies. How the powerful<br />

painkiller helped fuel a crisis.<br />

Inquirer analysis of recently unsealed federal data<br />

shows a third of the region’s supply of the drug was<br />

likely abused<br />

OxyContin Sales<br />



February 1, 2021<br />


<strong>USA</strong> DRUG POLICY<br />









We’re Making History - the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act<br />

makes the 2020 ballot in Oregon!<br />

<strong>The</strong> Oregon Secretary of State has confirmed that our partners in Oregon<br />

have more than enough signatures for <strong>The</strong> Drug Addiction Treatment and<br />

Recovery Act to make it on the November ballot.<br />

This groundbreaking measure imagines a better way forward - instead of<br />

arresting and jailing people for drugs, it will offer help to those who need<br />

and want it. In this moment of a pandemic and collective action against<br />

systemic racism, drug policy reform is more urgent than ever.<br />

Simple drug possession is the single most arrested offense in the country.<br />

Policing and enforcement of the drug war has always been racially<br />

targeted, with a particularly cruel impact on generations of Black, Latinx,<br />

and Indigenous people. And incarceration is also a dangerous<br />

vulnerability in the fight against COVID-19 – for people in jails and prisons<br />

and in the surrounding community.<br />

If approved in November, this measure would decriminalize simple drug<br />

possession and expand access across the state to drug treatment and<br />

health services, paid for with a portion of taxes from legal marijuana<br />

sales.<br />

Victory in Oregon can reverberate across the nation and demonstrate<br />

that effective, compassionate alternatives to arrest, prosecution, and<br />

incarceration are indeed possible.<br />

Help us build an alternative where we eliminate drugs as an excuse for<br />

excessive policing and punishment, and redirect resources to services<br />

that support people and save lives<br />

Oregon Could Become <strong>The</strong> First State To Decriminalize Drugs<br />


“By following public health models rolled out in Portugal,<br />

Switzerland, and the Netherlands, Oregon is spearheading<br />

a new attempt to improve the ongoing opioid epidemic.<br />

Oregon has particularly high rates of substance abuse and<br />

mental health disorders, which is only complicated further<br />

by limited access to treatment when compared to the rest<br />

of the country.”<br />

CLICK:<br />

www.thesoberworld.com/2020/12<br />

/01/new-oregon-drug-policy<br />


By Amelia Templeton (OPB)<br />

Nov. 3, 2020 11:11 p.m.<br />

Updated: Nov. 4, 2020<br />


By following public health models rolled out in<br />

Portugal, Switzerland, and the Netherlands,<br />

Oregon is spearheading a new attempt to<br />

improve the ongoing opioid epidemic.<br />



<strong>The</strong> Architect of <strong>The</strong> Portugal Model - Dr. Jao Goulao visits Rhode<br />

Island, Feb. 11, 2019<br />

“Nowadays we have the lowest rates of overdose deaths in Europe,”<br />

said Dr João Goulão. “We had 38 deaths in 2017, a country of 10<br />

million inhabitants. If you had the same rate of overdoses [here in<br />

Rhode Island], you should have three or four a year, and you are<br />

having 300.”<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

Dr João Goulão is credited as being an architect of Portugal‘s drug<br />

policy. Established in 2000, this revolutionary drug policy maintains the<br />

illegality of using or possessing any drugs for personal use without<br />

authorization, but the offense was no longer criminal but<br />

administrative if the amount possessed was no more than a ten-day<br />

supply. Substance use is seen as a health issue in Portugal, not a<br />

criminal issue.<br />

And the results have been extraordinary.<br />

Dr Goulão was in Providence on Thursday, visiting the Rhode Island<br />

State House at the invitation of State Representative Scott Slater<br />

(Democrat, District 10, Providence) to talk about Portugal’s drug policy.<br />

Slater introduced legislation last session to reclassify possession from a<br />

felony to a two year misdemeanor, and plans to reintroduce the bill this<br />

year. Other States that have done this, including Connecticut, have seen<br />

great successes in terms of supporting people in recovery.<br />

Dr João Goulão, architect of Portugal’s drug policy,<br />

shares his success with the General Assembly<br />



THE 1% LIE<br />





WAS 1%<br />



www.amazon.com/Pharma-Greed-Lies-Poisoning-America<br />


Purdue Pharma Did This. Purdue Said Oxycontin<br />

was 1% Addictive. That LIE Has Killed 800,000<br />

Beloved Daugher's And Son's. <strong>The</strong> Sackler Family<br />

Made Billions From <strong>The</strong> LIE.<br />

Justin<br />

Forever 26<br />


McKinsey & Company, the consultant<br />

to blue-chip corporations and<br />

governments around the world, has<br />

agreed to pay nearly $600 million to<br />

settle investigations into its role in<br />

helping “turbocharge” opioid sales, a<br />

rare instance of it being held publicly<br />

accountable for its work with clients.<br />

By Michael Forsythe and Walt Bogdanich<br />

Feb. 3, 2021<br />

https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/03/business/<br />

mckinsey-opioids-settlement<br />


How Purdue Pharma and <strong>The</strong> Sackler<br />

Family created this man made epidemic in<br />

1995. <strong>The</strong>y bought doctors, dentists,<br />

hospitals, the FDA and politicians. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

hired 600 sales reps making 100's of calls a<br />

day. One parent says "his child's murderer<br />

wore a lab coat." No child or young adult<br />

should be given an opioid. It changes their<br />

brain and leads them straight into<br />

addiction and even death.<br />



Ryan Hampton & Cheryl Juaire at Smithsonian’s<br />

National Museum of Asian Art<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sackler Gallery at the Smithsonian was built with<br />

blood money. Last week, I confronted John Gibbons, the<br />

Smithsonian's senior press secretary, and asked why the<br />

museum refuses to return the money, rename the gallery,<br />

and wash their hands of the family that fueled the<br />

American opioid crisis. Do the right thing. Return the<br />

money or invest it in solutions to end this crisis.<br />

#PayUpPurdue #AmericaIsFEDUP<br />

2018 FedUp Rally<br />


This is how the epidemic started. A substantial<br />

proportion of overall opioid exposure in young people<br />

occurs in the dental setting! An icepack and Tylenol<br />

are all that is needed. Cheaper than rehab too!!<br />

Corrupted: Opioids<br />

This is what happens when Congress is in bed<br />

with Big Pharma and drug manufacturers...<br />

Corrupted: Opioids<br />


5 Insane Reasons America Is Losing<br />

<strong>The</strong> War on Drugs<br />

America’s War on Drugs is Evolving<br />

Changes overdue on how<br />

substance-use disorders are<br />

covered, treated<br />

NC DOES THE PORTUGAL <strong>FLIP</strong> <strong>The</strong> most stunning<br />

statistic Kinsley offered, however, is that—in the<br />

first two weeks after release from jail—people with<br />

a SUD in North Carolina are 40 times more likely<br />

than the general population to die, with an<br />

overdose being the typical cause.<br />

As Purdue Pharma Settles Lawsuits,<br />

Families Feel Betrayed<br />

“I think the companies and the families involved at<br />

Purdue are a huge part of why the opioid crisis is<br />

happening because back in the 90s they changed<br />

the narrative,” Macy said. “We knew for millennia<br />

that opioids were addictive, but through their<br />

misbranding, they changed the narrative, and<br />

made doctors and patients more comfortable with<br />

taking opioids.”<br />

https://pavementpieces.com/as-purduepharma-settles-lawsuits-families-feel-betrayed<br />

“So, we literally say: ‘Thank you, you’ve done your<br />

time, you’ve been adjudicated, ready to go, and<br />

now you’re going to die,’” Kinsley said. “I cannot<br />

believe we operate a system where there is any kind<br />

of justice and that’s the outcome.”<br />

On the positive side, Kinsley reported that North<br />

Carolina has received a $6.5 million federal grant<br />

that will be used to initiate SUD treatment for<br />

people in jail.<br />

“This is transformative for North Carolina,” he said.<br />

“We’re going from two years ago having zero jailbased<br />

treatment programs to—hopefully in the next<br />

year—having 15.”<br />

AMA Opioid Task Force<br />

Seattle Starbucks baristas dispose of<br />

hypodermic needles left behind by drug<br />

users nearly every day: report<br />

Starbucks baristas in Seattle have revealed they<br />

have to dispose of hypodermic needles left behind<br />

by drug users nearly every day.<br />



1. <strong>The</strong> Money Flip<br />

We need the CARE Act to stop the opioid pandemic - STAT<br />

How would flipping the system to the healthcare system for drug abuse<br />

treatment be financed? Portugal pays for their successful program by<br />

using their national lottery revenue. This method equates to immediate<br />

care. No borrowing, no waiting and no charging the public. It is used<br />

for an excellent cause.<br />

When we choose to move addiction into the primary care system and<br />

away from the criminal justice system, the money would flip directly to<br />

treatment and not jail. Again, pushing for immediate care and not<br />

prolonged agony in a jail cell without treatment.<br />

Perhaps, we should consider the CARE Act, which calls for $100 Billion<br />

over 10 years. This act was modeled after the Ryan White<br />

Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act of 1990. However, it has<br />

tragically not been alloted yet and remains stalled in Committee for<br />

more than two years while 200 Americans continue to die every day.<br />

Now, the deaths are rising because of Covid-19. If the Care Act becomes<br />

law, every single person would get the help they need according to the<br />

bill's sponsors, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Elijah Cummings.<br />

Another option to explore is the Minnesota Opiate Epidemic Response<br />

Bill - HF No. 400. : Minnesota Opiate Epidemic Response Bill - HF No.<br />

400. A part of this bill charges Big Pharma a small licensing fee to sell<br />

and distribute opioids in the state. Minnesota will receive a projected<br />

$25 million every year for treatment, recovery and child services.<br />

Brilliant!<br />


OREGON<br />

This November, Oregon voted on redirecting most recreational tax<br />

revenue to pay for drug abuse treatment.<br />

(Continued)<br />

<strong>The</strong> measure also funds health assessments, addiction treatment, harmreduction<br />

efforts and other services for people with addiction disorders.<br />

Funding those programs will come through the reallocation of tens of<br />

millions of dollars generated by Oregon’s cannabis tax. <strong>The</strong> measure also<br />

is expected to generate savings in the criminal justice system because of<br />

fewer drug arrests, prosecutions and incarcerations. Those savings<br />

would be redirected into a new state fund for treatment and other<br />

services. Another great option.<br />

How Much Does <strong>The</strong> Opioid Epidemic Cost?<br />

Ryan Hampton says it best in his June 13, 2019 Op Ed in STAT News<br />

(https://www.statnews.com/2019/06/13/warren-cummings-care-actopioids/)<br />

If $100 billion sounds expensive, compare that with the cost of<br />

not dealing with the crisis head-on. <strong>The</strong> president’s Council of Economic<br />

Advisers estimates that the opioid crisis cost $504 billion in 2015, alone.<br />

A new study in the journal, estimates that the federal government lost<br />

$26 billion in tax revenue between 2000 and 2016 because of adverse<br />

effects on the labor market due to opioid misuse. Every $1 invested in<br />

addiction recovery treatment yields $7 in return. Although taking on the<br />

epidemic may be costly at first, it will yield big dividends for our<br />

economy — but only if we address every aspect of addiction, from the<br />

individual who struggles with substance use disorder to the policies<br />

signed into law by our elected leaders.<br />


(Continued)<br />

Biden's Opioid Epidemic Plan:<br />

$125 billion in funds. Some would come from higher<br />

taxes on pharmaceutical companies’ profits.<br />


Elizabeth Warren’s $100 billion plan to<br />

fight the opioid epidemic, explained<br />

Warren’s plan is the most ambitious attempt to tackle the<br />

opioid crisis, experts and advocates say.<br />

Elizabeth Warren at a campaign event in NYC in March 2019. Drew Angerer/Getty Images<br />

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Wednesday rolled out what advocates and experts<br />

say is the most ambitious federal proposal to tackle the opioid epidemic — the latest<br />

of many policy proposals from Warren’s presidential campaign.<br />

<strong>The</strong> proposal, an updated version of the CARE Act that Warren and Rep. Elijah<br />

Cummings (D-MD) previously introduced in Congress, would allocate $100 billion over<br />

10 years to fight the opioid crisis, which is now the nation’s deadliest drug overdose<br />

epidemic in US history. That matches the level of spending experts have long said is<br />

necessary to make a serious dent in the crisis and reverse it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bill “is the only one that really grasps the nettle of how big the problem is,” Keith<br />

Humphreys, a drug policy expert at Stanford University, previously told me, on the<br />

CARE Act. “Whatever else people might say about it, this is the first thing that really<br />

recognizes that [the opioid crisis] is a massive public health problem, like AIDS, and is<br />

not going to be solved by a tweak here, a tweak there.”<br />

Elizabeth Warren opioid-epidemic-2020<br />


Big Pharma Pays To Play In Minnesota<br />

25 Million A Year Forever<br />

Opioid<br />

Response Bill<br />

MN HF400<br />

Minnesota will receive 25 ML every year forever just by charging opioid<br />

distributors and makers a licensing fee to do business in their state. Trust us<br />

it is nothing compared to what they have and the damage and death they<br />

leave behind!<br />

www.billtrack50.com<br />

How Drug Use Affects Our Society and Costs<br />

By Buddy T, Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD, Updated 4/21/20<br />

www.verywellmind.com/what-are-the-costs-of-drug-abuse-to-society<br />



Carol Egan - NJ/GA, CT AG Tong,<br />

Fernando Alvarez - CT<br />

John Shinholser & Carol McDaid – VA<br />

McShin Foundation Founders<br />

Donna Mazurek - MI<br />

Elba Guzman - PR<br />


Dan Schneider, - LA<br />

<strong>The</strong> Pharmacist from the Netflix Series<br />

Lou Filler - NJ<br />

Jennifer Healy - MA<br />

Robert Legge - VA<br />

Andrea Wright - VA<br />

Debi Nadler, NV<br />



<strong>The</strong> winner of Paige’s Promise Poster Contest<br />

to end the stigma!<br />

Delaney Cronk<br />

Graduated from Grant High School<br />

Class of 2020<br />

Delaney lives in Grant, MI.<br />

“It was a joy to use my talent to bring<br />

attention to a worthy cause, like the<br />

Opioid Epidemic.” – Delany Cronk<br />


This is Purdue Watchdog Donna Mazurek<br />

with her beautiful daughter Paige. Donna<br />

Represents Michigan. Donna is the Co -<br />

Founder of Purdue Watchdogs. A National<br />

Coalition Against Opioids. In all my years<br />

of this work, I have never met a kinder,<br />

gentler woman or man than Donna. She is<br />

a woman of faith and has MS. She is<br />

building a huge team in Michigan. She has<br />

recruited documentary film maker Brett<br />

Meyer (Needles In <strong>The</strong> Hay,) Judge Jodi<br />

Debbrecht Switalski, A Pastor, Mom's,<br />

Dad's and others to make a difference. She<br />

is on this 24/7. She never misses a<br />

moment. I met Donna at <strong>The</strong> March To<br />

Purdue Pharma. She had a beautiful<br />

poster with her organization's name<br />

"Paige's Promise" on it. <strong>The</strong>re was a<br />

beautiful pic of Paige sticking her tongue<br />

out and in her coffin. Paige was 22 when<br />

she overdosed and died from heroin laced<br />

with fentanyl. Her addiction began with<br />

painkillers prescribed by a dentist. So<br />

many Mom's and Dad's have this story.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir kids turn to heroin because one<br />

Oxycontin pill can be $60 on the street.<br />

Heroin is so much cheaper.<br />

I had the honor of carrying Paige's photos<br />

to <strong>The</strong> White House March on Oct. 7,<br />

2018, Paige was forever 22. My daughter,<br />

Darragh was 21 when she carried Paige’s<br />

poster. She cried when we made the<br />

poster. Darragh and her friend's have no<br />

idea about this epidemic and how it<br />

happened. We need to warn them every<br />

single day! It opened her eyes and her<br />

friend's eyes, who helped us. Donna is a<br />

force of nature!<br />

Paige Mazurek<br />

7/11/92 - 3/30/15<br />

Forever 22 173



AT HARVARD 2019<br />


On our Memorial in Savannah for Slavery at the<br />

River where the slaves landed and were sold. I<br />

looked down and saw purple flowers. And they are<br />

our color of deep purple. <strong>The</strong> hands are in prayer.<br />

One is a man's hand and one is a woman's hand.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is hope when you look. I can feel it. <strong>The</strong><br />

Purdue Watchdogs are working on planting<br />

800,000 Angel Trees as Memorials for those<br />

victims lost to the opioid epidemic.<br />

Nate's Mom speaking in DC at<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sackler Gallery.<br />

Lauren Cereghini Gergle.<br />



Protest at Purdue Pharma Stamford, CT<br />

August 18, 2018<br />

Moms Rebecca Finnerty and<br />

Lou Filler the voices for<br />

their sons Justin and Benjamin. 175

September 2019<br />


Darragh Egan asking the U.S. President to,<br />

“BUILD <strong>The</strong> WALL AROUND<br />


in front of the White House.<br />




“On my way home. <strong>The</strong> Bill passed the House at about 9:30 last night.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Senate will vote on an amended Bill next week, but in truth, they<br />

already approved the Bill. It was an emotional time as we moms were<br />

recognized. Sure doesn’t bring our children back or replace our lost years<br />

and futures with our precious kids, but helping feels really good.”<br />

https://www.facebook.com/cindy.dodds<br />

“If I had words to say, I would use them,<br />

but the tears that are flowing just will<br />

not allow me to express how much I wish<br />

these angels had been there for our Kyle.<br />

America is waking up to the jetliner with<br />

200 aboard that crashes every single day.<br />

<strong>The</strong> number of overdose deaths every<br />

single day in America. How long can we<br />

sustain this?”<br />

https://www.statnews.com/2019/08/3<br />

0/recovery-coaches-substance-use/<br />




www.facebook.com/carolannegan<br />


SEPTEMBER 2019<br />


A Gallery Owner Was Arrested<br />

After Leaving a 10-Foot Heroin<br />

Spoon Sculpture Outside<br />

OxyContin Maker Purdue Pharma<br />

“Fernando Luis Alvarez, who owned Stamford’s<br />

Fernando Luis Alvarez Gallery, was charged with a<br />

criminal misdemeanor and a felony after leaving the<br />

roughly 800-pound piece, which was hand-made by<br />

Boston-based artist Domenic Esposito, in Purdue’s<br />

driveway and refusing to remove it, the<br />

Hartford Courant reports.<br />

Alvarez told TIME that the stunt — which coincided<br />

with an opioid-related show at his gallery — was meant<br />

to send a message to Purdue Pharma and to hold the<br />

company accountable for what he says are its<br />

contributions to the country’s opioid epidemic.”<br />

Fernando Luis Alvarez Purdue Pharma<br />









Marina Richards<br />

October 17, 2019<br />

EVERY day a family is shattered.

Ryan<br />

Troy<br />

Tripp<br />

It mind boggling to me that Treatment for Addiction in the Commonwealth of<br />

Massachusetts still can be a nightmare ,, from finding a open detox bed , to the lack<br />

of TSS and CSS , Opiate addiction should have a longer period of Treatment covered<br />

by both State and private insurance..<br />

Vivitrol and other types of Recovery aids should be more available as well ,, ..<br />

I see how the Field Hospitals are popping up so quickly for the Corona Virus ,, I<br />

didn't see 1 of these go up for the Opiate Epidemic..<br />

I understand that if You have tested positive for the Corona Virus , your medical bills<br />

are covered by the Government ,, I see that the Governor is utilizing the National<br />

Guard to Help fight the Corona Virus , yet again nothing for the 2,000<br />

Massachusetts residents who succumbed to the Opioid Epidemic Each n Every Year<br />

here in Massachusetts .<br />

I see lots of things that Our Governor Baker Fails to see , I see someone who<br />

doesn't value A Generation that is Dying and continues to slowly disappear from<br />

this Earth without any type of Urgency !!!<br />

I see Pain in the Families and Friends that Love them and miss <strong>The</strong>m ,, the<br />

Heartache of the Children left behind ...<br />

<strong>The</strong>se things I have seen , these are things I cannot forget ,,


<strong>The</strong> Purdue Watchdogs are<br />

working on planting one<br />

tree for each loved one<br />

lost. <strong>The</strong> Memorial Trees<br />

will be called<br />

Rooting For Recovery.<br />


Silent Screams click for video<br />


Our First<br />

Memorial Tree<br />

Morris County Department<br />

of Human Services<br />

Morristown, NJ<br />

Certificate: 001<br />





Enough is enough,<br />

click for video<br />


For Immediate Release<br />

Contact: Carol Egan<br />

<strong>The</strong> Global Recovery Movement<br />

Rooting For Recovery<br />

973.713.4905<br />

carol.egan@gmail.com<br />

(Morris County, New Jersey, Aug. 24, 2020) - A memorial tree planting and dedication is on the<br />

agenda for the International Overdose Awareness Day event slated for Monday, Aug. 31, 2020, at<br />

10 a.m, at the Morris County Dept. of Human Services, One Medical Drive in Morris Plains. <strong>The</strong><br />

memorial tree will serve as a perpetual memorial to all of the angels of New Jersey that have died<br />

from drug overdoses, their grieving loved ones and will serve as encouraging those continuing to<br />

fight for recovery.<br />

While the overall theme of the day is to raise awareness of overdose and to reduce the stigma of<br />

drug-related deaths, the tree planting kicks off the nationwide efforts of the Rooting for Recovery<br />

campaign, led by <strong>The</strong> Global Recovery Movement.<br />

“This inaugural tree planting in Morris County is the first of what we hope grows to thousands<br />

nationwide plantings,” says Carol Egan, a co-founder of <strong>The</strong> Global Recovery Movement. As a<br />

former resident who grew up in Morris County, I am grateful to Senator Anthony Bucco, Sheriff<br />

James Gannon and the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders for observing this special day<br />

and helping to fight the overdose stigma. <strong>The</strong>ir support and willingness to host the first Rooting<br />

for Recovery tree to be planted solidifies this County’s unification against the drug epidemic and<br />

the hope for recovery,” she added.<br />

“Everyone knows families of loss. It is time we support them and show them we care. This is a<br />

man-made epidemic and not their fault or their children's fault. By letting grieving loved ones<br />

know we support them by way of these symbolic angel trees, we are helping to reduce the shame<br />

and eliminate the stigma surrounding deaths by overdose,” Egan adds.<br />

<strong>The</strong> event is sponsored by the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders, <strong>The</strong> Global Recovery<br />

Movement, the Drug Epidemic Awareness Walk Across America and the Morris County Municipal<br />

Alliances.<br />

About <strong>The</strong> Global Recovery Movement<br />

To flip the discrimination of substance misuse towards a proven public health solution. We are<br />

dedicated to drug proofing our communities. (Treatment Not Jail)<br />



260 Mom's<br />

Will Get<br />

Sculpture by Yari Montes<br />

<strong>The</strong> Call On<br />

Mother's Day<br />



https://www.amazon.com/American-Fix-Inside-Opioid-Addiction<br />


"To end the overdose crisis in this<br />

country, we must end America's<br />

racist War on Drugs. To do this, we must<br />

focus on a community-based approach<br />

that takes addiction out of the criminal<br />

justice system and meets people where<br />

they're at. We must re-shift our budget<br />

focus to getting people help, not locking<br />

them up." -Ryan Hampton<br />


“I believe we can greatly reduce our<br />

overdose deaths if we ‘Do <strong>The</strong> <strong>USA</strong> <strong>FLIP</strong>’.<br />

We must stop piling it on and making it<br />

worse with records and fines. I believe in<br />

treatment not jail“. - Dan Schneider, <strong>The</strong> Pharmacist<br />

from <strong>The</strong> Netflix Series<br />


“<strong>The</strong> simplest solution to reducing the<br />

impact addiction,(substance use disorders)<br />

has on our society is to end the “drug war”.<br />

<strong>The</strong> United States should mirror Portugal’s<br />

drug policies, combine this action with fully<br />

funding authentic recovery supports and<br />

mental health and we become world<br />

leaders!” - John Shinholser, McShin Recovery Resource<br />

Foundation<br />


“We need something dramatic to flip the opioid<br />

epidemic. We were hoping demanding accountability<br />

from the architects of this epidemic would create some<br />

change, but the reality is that our U.S. justice system<br />

doesn’t punish these companies correctly. Otherwise,<br />

epidemics would not continue to develop every 15 – 25<br />

years.<br />

So, I’m banking on the <strong>USA</strong> Flip to be that change, as it<br />

seeks to completely flip addiction from the criminal<br />

alliances in every town in America with SACs (Student<br />

Assistance Counselors in our schools from grades K-12<br />

to reach our at-risk students).<br />

I also believe in flipping the funding, as well. It boils<br />

down to better math – paying a corrections officer from<br />

a private company is a system that works for that<br />

private sector, but not for society. We should, instead,<br />

direct these individuals to social workers or peer<br />

counselors/recovery coaches, instead of correction<br />

officers. <strong>The</strong>y are not criminals and that’s where our<br />

system also fails.” –Fernando Luis Alvarez, Founder Of <strong>The</strong><br />

Spoon Movement<br />


Fernando Luis Alvarez<br />

Founder Of <strong>The</strong> Spoon Movement<br />


“<strong>The</strong> War on Drugs is Dead. It failed and yet some systems<br />

continue to treat people who present in the criminal justice<br />

system with diseases of mental health and substance use<br />

disorders using punitive methods that perpetuate the failed<br />

experiment. In order to stem the tide of the opioid epidemic<br />

and other similar diseases, we must think outside of the box<br />

– or <strong>FLIP</strong> – the way we proceed! In order to reduce crime,<br />

take advantage of the OPPORTUNITY to intervene WITH<br />

the individual providing a myriad of continued opportunities<br />

to succeed and for the treatment plan to take hold. This<br />

requires evidence based approaches that have proven<br />

success. This requires law enforcement, judges, probation<br />

officers, prosecutors and more to truly understand and<br />

embrace the medical model of addiction. It requires ALL OF<br />

US to vote for and empower candidates in office who are<br />

brave and bold enough to reform the “one tough” approach<br />

and embrace the therapeutic model. Together, we can be<br />

tough on crime while using smart justice initiatives – in<br />

doing so, we protect the public, maintain accountability, and<br />

increase positive outcomes for everyone. Incarceration of<br />

people who suffer or are disenfranchised didn’t work then<br />

and it is not working now.” – Jodi Switalski, Former Drug<br />

Court Judge<br />


Jodi Switalski<br />

Former Drug Court Judge<br />


Email us at: info@grmovement.org<br />


Written by Carol Egan<br />

Founder and Chairwoman of<br />

<strong>The</strong> Global Recovery Movement<br />

and Purdue Watchdogs<br />

Design and Graphics<br />

by Angel Mom Lou Filler<br />

Editing by Linda Colon<br />

Copyrighted 2020<br />


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