Gurdjieff Bennett and the Fourth Way (2)

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Bennett as exemplar of the fourth way.

The foregoing description of Bennett's understanding of the significance of fourth

way schools in relation to the local Great Work brings us back to Bennett's actual

situation. As described previously, Bennett represented his International Academy for

Continuous Education as a fourth way school of which he was the teacher. 138 All of

the above three points provide a general description of the context within which he

saw himself as working. I will now show how these ideas were exemplified in his


Bennett was consistently forthright when it came to contextualizing his teaching

enterprise in relation to the fourth way. In 1973 he said:

This period is the greatest opportunity that has existed for many

thousands of years for the Work [fourth way activity]. Not for

thousands of years has there been such a need for people who are

able to work. The reason for this is that the transition from one

system to another can only come about through the third force. It

cannot come from...[either]...the governed or the power

possessors. 139

He was referring to his belief that we are on the threshold of a new epoch in the

collective evolution of humanity (–i.e., as required by the higher plan). 140 He thought

that the successful emergence of this new epoch required a transition to a radically

new social order on a global scale. It is for this reason that he saw an exceptional

need for people with the capacity to work 141 ; and it is within this specific context that

he saw his school as existing.

In Bennett's view the ―Hidden Directorate‖ (psychoteleios order) and the

―Higher Powers‖ share a transcendent perspective on this transition, but they cannot

act directly on the psychostatic majority. The psychokinetic order who are capable of

participating in the Great Work are necessary to conduct the transformative influence


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