List of the Lost - Morrissey

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At the ivy halls in dreamy central Beantown, the quartet

warmed up beneath the contemptuous giant shadow of

Priorswood, with its tower aloft like a snooty nose of

supremacy, its historic standing being reason enough to glare

down with full repulsion at the deformed modern world.

Sprinklers on the football field and sunlight flooding The

Great Library wheezed a privileged blow of warm air across

the absorbed and collected students of intense expressions and

processed formulations clanking about inside their spaghetti

heads – so small and lost are they, so petty their actual bloodand-guts

experience, yet oh so very ripe for clever positions

within the judiciary or the media, and with their narrow

historical views the students will become unbreakable in their

steely assurances, and whatever the unreliable and self-serving

shit story history books have left out does not matter, as long

as their own life happens as designed, for it is all and

absolutely only about money. Social consciousness and

abnormal pre-eminence certainly take their little place at

Priorswood, whilst naked life is elsewhere, and is irrelevant

when pitted against the literary pretensions and superiority

complex of social position. The catatonic magpies are called to

and they line up, and the theorists theorize without ever getting

their feet wet. Ezra whispers in warning to the other three. “It’s

here,” he says, as Mr Rims approaches. “Did he really part

with money for that shirt?” murmured Justy.

“He found it on a bus,” smiled Nails.

“He found it down the back of a couch,” added Justy.

“I heard exactly what you just said,” came Mr Rims, jejune

jesting ( having heard nothing ), and well aware of his clichéd

self. “Even worse, I saw that last track attempt and I wonder

what exactly you’d call it. Performance art … Community

Theater? It’s anybody’s guess, of course. I at least had the

benefit of watching you from the window and no closer. That’s

all that can be said in your favor.”

“We were just practicing,” smiled the Ezra of goodness.

“Evidently,” sniffed Mr Rims. “Now, as you know,

complaining is all I have left in life, but I like to think I still

have my finger firmly up the pulse when it comes to choosing

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