List of the Lost - Morrissey

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Germany, the favor shall never be returned. The welfare of the

party above the welfare of the nation is there in the eyes of

Churchill, who would be booted out of office as soon as the

war ended, so trusted was he at war’s end. Although the war

against Germany was won, not by Churchill, but by Alan

Turing, history would scrub Turing out of existence due to his

very private struggle with his own homosexuality, and once

the war had been settled (thanks to Turing breaking German

secret codes), instead of British authorities lauding Turing as a

supernatural agent who unplucked questions too deep for

science in a successful effort to save all of England, they

instead persecuted Turing’s nature towards his convenient act

of self-destruction. Nicely out of the way, Turing would only

ever be recalled for his suicide, and the UK elite were spared

the humiliation of needing to praise a homosexual for saving

Britain from Hitler. Instead, all of the praise neatly fell to

Churchill, who had at least kept his whispered dalliance with

Ivor Novello under Claridge’s wraps. ‘Queen’ Elizabeth and

her mother were also hailed as World War 2 ‘heroes’, having

done nothing throughout the war but dine lavishly in protected

splendor with their manicured teeth … always … saying

nothing, saying nothing, oh so royally saying nothing ( lest

they say the wrong thing ). This is what democracy means.

Nothing forever, Rims left his deportments to those who

thought they knew better, free to escape to where your

freedom is nonetheless still checked. “Wait for me! And walk

in step!” was a comrade’s call made to Rims in Germany, and

that soft male voice, and all within it, travelled like the sound

of love, and sustained Rims for months to come, even if

possibly dying for Churchill and Roosevelt repulsed the Rims

of no choice: shoot the enemy or be shot by your own

conscripted servicemen … the military wrath shows mercy to

none, as all is unfair in love and war. We Want To Kill YOU!

blared the recruitment posters, as ugly Uncle Sam pointed to

those quite certain that they weren’t real men unless they were

the political cannon-fodder that only death could blue-ribbon.

Now, peace is regained as his television flickers from

commercial to commercial to commercial to commercial,

advertising nothing at all that he would ever want or need, yet

reminding him that he is nothing and that he will die in debt,

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