Mundelein High School - Voices Magazine - 2020

This magazine is the culmination of hundreds of submissions from the students of Mundelein High School. Our editing staff spent the entire year choosing pieces to be published. Normally, we would also be publishing some of our school's phenomenal artwork as well, but due to the COVID-19 closure, we were not able to gather the artwork to vote on.

This magazine is the culmination of hundreds of submissions from the students of Mundelein High School. Our editing staff spent the entire year choosing pieces to be published. Normally, we would also be publishing some of our school's phenomenal artwork as well, but due to the COVID-19 closure, we were not able to gather the artwork to vote on.

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V o i c e s 2 0 2 0 | 25

Something I learned and realized in that moment is that everyone has a breaking

point. Whether it’s a triggering word or a specific item that just causes people to finally

break. And mine was right there. On this broken-down, rusty bench. This is what broke

me, finally.

I got up and my legs felt weaker than ever. I stumbled inside my house and

wiped my eyes. My family was all eating dinner and I simply grabbed a plate and ate my

food. Some people’s appetite would be completely gone but mine always grows bigger

whenever I feel awful. They didn’t ask me anything. They let me eat in silence.

That night, I fell asleep fairly early. I was exhausted. I had rarely gotten any sleep.

People from school even noticed the bags under my eyes and asked me how much

sleep I had gotten the previous night. The answer was always the same, “I fell asleep at

10.” Of course, they knew it was a lie but I think they could tell I wasn’t up for talking

about anything. I was always tired. Emotionally and physically. I woke up and my eyes

were heavy. I slowly got up and went to the mirror to check my eyes. They always get

puffy when I cry and especially, if I cry myself to sleep. It was a Sunday morning and

usually my mom would wake me up so that we could go to church, but today she didn’t.

Guessing she just knew I needed to rest. I moped around all around my house. I sighed

as I saw the bench outside my window. I had decided that once my family comes back,

I’m going to be happy. I’m going to joke around with them again. I’m going to be okay.

And that’s exactly what I did.

Often a little while longer, I started to finally be okay talking about Fynn. I started

to finally tell more people about him and what he meant to me. I became okay with

everything. I wasn’t gonna hide it anymore. I wanted to get better and I did. I learned

that people don’t live forever but what they did for you and your memory of them does.

And that’s something I’ll never forget.

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