Inside Simplex vol. 2

This is our monthly internal newsletter, so take 5 minutes of your time and see what happened this past couple of months.

This is our monthly internal newsletter, so take 5 minutes of your time and see what happened this past couple of months.


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ross-selling is one of the best

ways any company can

increase overall revenue. This

tried-and-true practice can help

businesses of all sizes and product

types boost average sales totals and

customer loyalty.

Cross-selling is the strategy of

successfully offering complementary

products to the same customer

benefiting both the newly acquired

client and the company. When asked

if you want fries with your hamburger,

that’s cross-selling. And it can work

wonders for the company, especially

if the additional product has a higher

profit margin.

In 2018, Rigo introduced cross-selling

to Simplex. After multiple

brainstorming sessions with several

of our leaders, cross-selling was

implemented as part of its business

practices and immediately became a

success. By 2019, a total of 4,436

leads were generated between the

different products of which 1,212

leads were sold resulting in over

$3.4M in revenue. As of April 2020,

we have seen 2,563 leads sent, 651

leads sold and over $1.1M in revenue.

Our company leadership understood

the importance of this practice and

have been working on perfecting our

sales pitches and strategy


Asking the right questions is key.

Why? Because in order to

understand how to sell an add-on

product to a customer you have to

understand the customers’ needs.

Answers to questions like:

• How are you getting your loads and

are you having trouble getting loads?

Can be an identifier for F4U Dispatch.

• Have you processed your IFTA Fuel

Tax Reports this quarter? Can be a

great question for TPTS.

• Is your insurance policy expiring

within the next 90-120 days? If the

answer is “yes”, it is an Orbis lead.

• Do you have a factoring program

that pays your loads in 24 hours after

delivery? If the answer is "no," this is a

Simplex Factoring lead. If the answer

is "yes," and their contract expires in

90-120 days, it is also a lead.

The key to cross-selling is talking

about benefits. It is a competitive

market, so, to be successful, we really

need to engage our customers by

bringing up different products in the

conversation to give us a competitive

edge. Why us? Because Simplex has

everything you need in order to run a

successful trucking business. We are

a one-stop shop and we will hold

your hand through the process by

providing great customer service.

We at Simplex care for our Carrier

Clients, we understand the difficulties

they face every day to stay in business;

to gain profits in such a competitive

market. Simplex does not only

understand the trucking freight

industry, but also understand the small

to medium size carrier operations and

financial challenges they have to

manage daily to continue pushing

their small businesses forward.

Customers tend to buy more than

one product when offered logical

add-ons, especially when all the

clients’ needs can be met with those

products. Repeat customers trust

your recommendations and are

easier to sell to. The benefits are clear:

upselling and cross selling are key in

order to grow our different products.

We have everything to continue

making cross sales successful. We

have the people, the products and

the right mindset to help this

company reach new heights.

Talk to your clients; ask them about

their operations and challenges. Our

goal is to understand their needs and

fill that gap with our services at

competitive prices and second to

none excellent customer service.

Thank you for your support, let’s

keep on rocking those leads by

turning them into newly acquired





MAY 2020

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