SEDEX Audit - Responsible Management

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SEDEX :- Responsible Management of the Supply Chain

Audit has always been an integral part of an Organization. Internal and Independent audits plays and

vital role in effective Business growth and also in order to maintain the effective system of Internal

Controls, achieving Companies Business Objectives, Obtaining reliable financial reports, preventing

fraud and misappropriation of its assets, and minimizing its costs of capital audit becomes life of

good Organization. In the world of International Standards where the entire structured format is

available to monitor every aspect of making the Business Effective. There in SEDEX an association

comes into existence to develop the social standard & ethical practices for the Organization

worldwide and SMETA is the procedure to do this particular Audit.

What is SEDEX & SMETA?

SEDEX stands for “Supplier Ethical Database Exchange” an association commenced by not-for-profit

global Organizations & Trade Associations. Primary function of SEDEX Audit is to develop Social

Standard & Ethical Practices for worldwide Organizations. This Audit fulfils the following

requirements related to workers & working conditions and also the requirements of International

Labour Organization (ILO) & other Labour related issues.

SMETA stands for “Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit” this is an Audit Methodology created by

SEDEX for compilation of good practice in Ethical Audit Technique and gives a central agreed

protocol which can be confidentially shared.

SMETA & ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative) Code:

The ETI Base Code is an internationally recognised code of Labour practice in order to improve the

lives of worker across globe. Where in the partnership of Companies, trade unions and Voluntary

Organizations strengthen this Practices. SMETA uses the ETI Base code as Monitoring Standards.

Pillars of SMETA AUDIT

To describe the Key steps of Planning, Executing and Documenting, SMETA Best Practice Guidance

(BPG) has been classified into following Auditing pillars:

2 Pillar


4 Pillar


2 Pillar SMETA Audit: It includes the following area

Labour Standards& Health and Safety (Covers ETI Base Code)

Other, Elements which comprises of the following:

Universal Rights Covering UNGP

Management Systems

Entitlement to Work

Subcontracting and Home working


4 Pillar SMETA Audit: It includes the following area

Requirements of SMETA 2-Pillar Audit


Business Ethics

SMETA has been developed to provide guidance to both the pillar2 and Pillar4 audits, wherein the

Individual supply chains are allowed to choose their requirements. Based on the conventions of the

International labour Organization (ILO) the guidance can be tailored and adopted to carry out the


Pre-Requisites of Audit:Following given list of Pre-Requisite which is required for conducting Audit:

1) Audit Process

Audit Request

Preparation for an Audit

Selection of Auditor/ Auditing team

Audit Body Management System

Communication with the Site

Preparation for an Audit

2) Audit Execution

Opening Meeting

Tour of the Employment Site

Management and Worker Interviews

Document Review

Pre-Closing Meeting

Closing Meeting and Summary of Findings

3) Audit Report and Audit Outputs

Audit Report Compilation

Describing Non-Compliances, observations and Good Examples

SEDEX and Uploading the Audit

Information Management

Audit Records

4) Audit Follow Ups

Follow Up Audits

Appeals and Disputes

The SMETA Audit Report and CAPR(corrective action plan report) remain the property of audit

requestor and will only be shared with other party on the basis of pre-agreement with the audit


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