MEETS: A middle school literary magazine

A collection of writings, completed during remote schooling, by fifth through eighth grade students at North Haven Community School. **Content note: Some stories contain gore and horror themes**

A collection of writings, completed during remote schooling, by fifth through eighth grade students at North Haven Community School. **Content note: Some stories contain gore and horror themes**


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by Ezra

It was a normal night, Rico and Annette were at dinner. The other day their

friends Frank and Kate recommended this restaurant. They were having a fun

night, then all of a sudden Annette got a notification on her iPhone saying that

their security cameras caught an unidentified man walking into their backyard.

Annette was in doubt, so they decided to look for themselves through a live

feed from the cameras. They looked at camera number 1, nothing. They

looked at camera 2, nothing. They were relieved to have not seen anyone on

the camera. They hugged in relief but as Annette was putting her iPhone away

she saw a shadow walk right in the door.

“I thought we locked the doors,” said Rico.

“Then that means that it had to be someone with a key,” said Annette.

“But the only people with keys to our house are Fra-,” said Rico as he stuttered

Frank and Kate’s name out loud. Rico and Annette decided to go to the police.

They told the police where Kate and Frank lived and the cops left speeding

out of the police parking lot. When the police got to Kate and Frank's house

they knocked on the door and yelled, “It’s the police department, open up. We

just want to ask a couple of questions.” The police knocked on the door one

last time as they heard a scream of pain. One cop pulled out his gun, the

other had his hand on his, as both of the cops gave a powerful kick to the

door. They knocked the door right off its hinges.

They made their way into the living room opening every door in the house

yelling “CLEAR!” They moved to the back of the house and there on the

ground was Kate, not dead but unconscious, the window was broken as Frank

ran and jumped out the window, and disappeared. Kate was rushed to the

hospital by the police, it looked as if Kate had been struck by some sort of

metal pole or a golf club. The police car flew down the road on their way to

the emergency entrance, they both leaped out of the squad car and got Kate,

holding her up on their shoulders running in. They laid Kate down on the

hospital bed and the cops were escorted out.

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