Zion - Fear to Faith Magazine

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When you get a pneumonia diagnosis, your doctor will

work with you to develop a treatment plan. Treatment

for pneumonia depends on the type of pneumonia you

have, how sick you are feeling, your age, and whether

you have other health conditions. The goals of

treatment are to cure the infection and prevent

complications. It is important to follow your treatment

plan carefully until you are fully recovered.

Take any medications as prescribed by your doctor. If

your pneumonia is caused by bacteria, you will be

given an antibiotic. It is important to take all the

antibiotic until it is gone, even though you will

probably start to feel better in a couple of days. If you

stop, you risk having the infection come back, and you

increase the chances that the germs will be resistant to

treatment in the future.

Typical antibiotics do not work against viruses. If you

have viral pneumonia, your doctor may prescribe an

antiviral medication to treat it. Sometimes, though,

symptom management and rest are all that is needed.

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