Byline High Res

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Canai, Nasi Lemak, Teh Tarik and

my personal favourite, char kway

teow. Thanks to the many mamak’s

I enjoyed these dishes, particularly

char kway teow, on repeat in


The thing I enjoyed most about my

internship was that no day was the

same. I completed a variety of tasks,

including social media account

management, writing and editing

articles, letters and social media

posts, attending various MABC

meetings, writing a media release,

research tasks and duties and

assisting at MABC events. However,

the task that I am most proud of is

my work in producing the December

Byline publication. This involved

planning, organising and writing

various articles and content, liaising

with different Byline stakeholders,

assisting with the layout of the

publication and co-ordinating

deadlines. Not many people can say

that they developed and produced

a successful publication like the

Byline on their first internship, but

this is something I achieved that

I feel exceptionally rewarded by.

I also worked closely with MABC

executive committee member,

Nordin Abdullah, assisting with

tasks associated with the MABC

and separate work for his company,

Glenreagh, where I had some

fantastic experiences, including

exploring areas of Malaysia through

work-related travel.

On my first day interning, I attended

a women’s cricket final between

Australia and Pakistan, which a

friend from my hometown was

playing in. It was fantastic and

empowering to witness the talent,

teamwork, encouragement and

support from both teams. The large

crowds who gathered to support

the players and the young girls

and aspiring sportswomen who

came to watch their inspirations

demonstrated how well-supported

female cricket and sporting events

are in Malaysia. It was an honour to

meet Deputy Prime Minister Dato’

Seri Wan Azizah, who attended the

game and spoke about her hopes

for Malaysia’s female cricket team.

On another occasion, I was lucky

enough to attend a meeting between

Nordin and Minister for Sport

and Recreation Mick Murray, an

incredible experience where I again

witnessed firsthand how sport unites

people and the shared sporting,

educational and health values

between Australia and Malaysia and

the importance of maintaining this

strong relationship.

It was fantastic to witness and

experience the key relationships

between the MABC and Australian

and Malaysian Government bodies

and representatives, including

the Australian High Commission,

Department of Foreign Affairs and

Trade, Austrade and the Malaysian

Ministry of International Trade and

Industry to continue and strengthen

the bilateral relationship in areas

regarding trade, investment,

business and other important

issues affecting both Malaysia and

Australia. This was demonstrated

through the various networking

events organised by the MABC.

Some memorable events I attended

and were involved with include the

Interchamber Ladies Sundowner

evening, the MABC Johor Chapter

Launch and the Christmas Drinks

Evening, where myself and fellow

MABC intern Tegan were asked if we

were daughters of Australia’s High

Commissioner to Malaysia!

One of the highlights during my

time in Malaysia was the opportunity

to meet various distinguished

gueststhrough networking, meetings

and business opportunities. I never

would have had this privilege if I

did not complete this internship.

This included Australia’s High

Commissioner to Malaysia, Andrew

Goledzinowski, members from the

Department of Foreign Affairs and

Trade, Austrade and the Ministry of

International Trade and Industry,

as well as Malaysia’s Deputy Prime

Ministerand Minister Murray. It was

fascinating to hear their career paths

and decisions that have led them to

their roles in Malaysia today.


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