Glam Africa: The Revolutionary Edition (2019)

2019 has been a special year for so many reasons, and Glam Africa is bringing the year - and the decade - to a close with our most ambitious edition ever: The Revolutionary Edition. In this edition, the reality TV phenomenon is front-and-centre, with Love Island star Ovie Soko joining us for his first ever cover shoot, as well as a fashion cover featuring Big Brother Naija and Dancing on Ice stars, power couple Mike and Perri Edwards. To pull off this one-of-a-kind issue, we said sayonara to our in-house editorial team (temporarily) and enlisted a diverse group of talented, young content creators for our first ever ‘digital takeover’, which sees online personalities including bloggers, presenters and YouTubers adapting their digital expertise for print media. Very few publications can boast such a diverse range of content, and whatever it is you're looking for, GA has got you covered. We might as well have called this ‘The Egalitarian Issue’, because there really is something for everyone.

2019 has been a special year for so many reasons, and Glam Africa is bringing the year - and the decade - to a close with our most ambitious edition ever: The Revolutionary Edition. In this edition, the reality TV phenomenon is front-and-centre, with Love Island star Ovie Soko joining us for his first ever cover shoot, as well as a fashion cover featuring Big Brother Naija and Dancing on Ice stars, power couple Mike and Perri Edwards. To pull off this one-of-a-kind issue, we said sayonara to our in-house editorial team (temporarily) and enlisted a diverse group of talented, young content creators for our first ever ‘digital takeover’, which sees online personalities including bloggers, presenters and YouTubers adapting their digital expertise for print media. Very few publications can boast such a diverse range of content, and whatever it is you're looking for, GA has got you covered. We might as well have called this ‘The Egalitarian Issue’, because there really is something for everyone.


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people telling us that they “liked us better - from our hair to our

attitudes - before this wild change.

Moreover, my faith strongly tells me to run my own race,

looking at the author and finisher, Jesus Christ, who was

known to be a radical, non-conformi who challenged

stereotypes and helped those deemed incapable of help.

Therefore, as a believer of Christ, I think anyone willing to

dim their light by only striving to pursue half their life’s purpose

to please others are doing themselves a disservice. I love to

see people walking in purpose, achieving their goals and

breaking glass ceilings placed on them. I believe it is biblical.

Whilst there is a desire to add more roles other than a 9-5,

I want to see more men and women pursue their purpose. A

woman chasing purpose is only too much for the man who

isn’t. And indeed, vice versa.

As I mature, I have seen the value and necessity of being

surrounded by people who can correct you, love you,and most

importantly, grow with. If you had told my twenty-one year

old self, that ten years later, she would be single and childless

as part of the purpose I am fulfilling right now, I would have

slapped you hard, and snapped my fingers above my head

and said, “OLORUN MA JE!” (Yoruba for ‘God forbid’).

However, I’ve recently found a new level of peace knowing

that I am becoming better equipped for what God has in store

for me, and indeed for my life partner, because of all of the

things I have accomplished and the lessons I have learned. I

am fully confident that all I have gone through was necessary

for the next chapter of my life. Even if my body clock, aunties

and uncles’ voices sometimes tick loud in my ear.

I think we can be ‘boss babes’ and still be attractive to the

right people in the right season. For example, for some it

may be a season to invest in your family and children - taking

time to build the relationships and foundational keys that you

will thank yourself for in the future. For another, it may be the

season to invest financially in your dreams, so budgeting,

saving and living life like you just got ‘flewed out’ just isn’t an

option. Or it may be the time to spend money on the house,

the business or yourself in terms of investing and working on

yourself. Alternatively it could be season that you sow into

others through voluntary service in your church, community or

organisation.. Once we have an understanding of the season

we are in, it is easier for us to embrace our inner boss babe

in that season. And remember my definition of ‘boss babe’:

‘dominating the space and season I am in, in the way that I

am supposed to’.

So for my fellow singles, it just may be the

time to invest in yourself now - financially,

emotionally and spiritually, because the

next season you may be required to invest

in others your partner and family. For

my wives and leaders in the home, it may

or may not be the season to build on the

business right now, but instead pour into

your children so that when the time is right,

you know that what you have invested in is

solid and you won’t feel guilty during the

season of rebuilding yourself.

I look at amazing women like Finally Fiona, who has been

open about having to go back to full time work, because it

was not sustainable to be a full time blogger/influencer in her

previous seasons of life. Whilst being married, a homeowner

and now a mother to a gorgeous baby girl, her journey clearly

testifies that there is a time and a season for everything, and

that balance is key. It is more than possible to be a ‘boss

babe’ at any stage of your life.

As we enter a new decade and indeed a new year, I think it

is important to redefine what a ‘boss babe’ actually means.

And to be honest with you, I think it can mean whatever you

want it to. For me, wealth doesn’t play a vital role for the term.

In my humble opinion, it means dominating the space and

season I am in, the way that I am supposed to. It is important

that we take time to redefine these trending phrases because

it is easy to say, especially to ambitious women, that because

you’re pursuing this ‘boss babe’ lifestyle, this is why you don’t

have…(insert desireable life goal). I think it’s unfair to make

women feel uncomfortable because they are passionate

about something. Instead of labelling women by one single

characteristic, be it ‘a career woman’, ‘a home-maker’, or

‘wife material’, why can’t we accept them for the seasons

they are currently in? And I very much include myself in that


Perhaps why we feel we can’t have it all, is because we

expect to have it all RIGHT NOW. But is it possible to excel

and flourish in all areas of our life in every season?

When you have articulated what season you are in: married,

single, divorced, or ‘it’s complicated’, you can then feel

confident that you’ll be able to discern what people you

need around you and who you can invest in too. This will

also eliminate the dangers of people-pleasing, because you

understand the season you are in, therefore you will know who

you can make time for and who you cannot. And hopefully,

they will be understanding that life works in times and seasons

and just because you may not be physically available right

now, it doesn't mean you cannot be emotionally or spiritually

available for them or that you never will be. Some seasons

can be extremely overwhelming and take longer to master,

and it is important that we surround ourselves with people who

encourage us. Similarly, it is equally important that we are

understanding to others when the roles are reversed.

As I close, we have touched on the changing narrative for

womenand this is a good thing, despite there still being work

to do. We are in a space where we also have some control

in how the narrative is shared. From the content creators on

our socials, to our classrooms and conference rooms. If we

are confident that we are walking in purpose, as opposed to

just chasing clout, then we can easily identify the people who

can support us.. Take this as a challenge to redefine the term

‘boss babe’ and reclaim your season so that we can flourish

in ways you have been called, because we can’t have it all

at the same time. Transition from the boss babe who was

#teamwantsitallnow to #teamdoingEVERYTHINGbyseason.


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