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the Mist

One Man’s Journey in Search

of the Meaning of Life

Thomas Burns

Breaking Through the Mist



the Mist

One Man's Journey

in Search of the Meaning of Life

Thomas Burns




Dedicated to those who strive each day to make the world a better place.

Breaking Through the Mist

One Man's Journey in Search of the Meaning of Life

Text and photos by Thomas Burns

Copyright 2020 by Thomas Burns

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced by any means

without permission from the publisher.

Contact author:

501 S. 7th St., Livingston, MT 59047




Where there is nothing, there is God.

William Butler Yeats




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine


Know Yourself

To Be Loved

Finding Happiness

The Secret to Life

The Eternal Portal

Your Purpose on Earth

Change the World

Be Nothing

Be a Dreamer














into the future, or having life’s most profound questions

answered to your full satisfaction. Imagine knowing when

to push ahead, pull back, or make critical decisions with

total confidence.

Wouldn’t these grand abilities constitute the Grail

mankind has been seeking since time immemorial? Some

might admonish you for delving into areas they believe

should be left to the theologians, or question why you need

to know more than what’s already been penned in the

world’s sacred texts. Yet most would gladly give up everything

to access such wisdom and knowledge.


in Search for the Meaning of Life, is a compilation of my

insights drawn from the Higher Collective Consciousness,

where mankind's noblest thoughts and concepts exist, and

from where every evolutionary breakthrough originated

since the first spark of consciousness warmed the planet.

The treasures of spirit are available to anyone anytime,

through the simple conduits of intuition, meditation,

journaling, the arts, mathematics, physics, dreams, or any

other modality that connects you to your Higher Self. But

there’s a caveat: you must first crack the spiritual code of

your eternal soul—on your own terms.

As a writer, photographer, and seeker of Truth, my

quest has been to interpret inner and outer reality in words

and images, which in turn give my life meaning. My creative

process has opened the door to the subtle vibrations

of spirit. Through dreams, visions, and journaling, and

with an open mind and a desire to learn more of my inner

world, I’ve discovered a personal Rosetta Stone that allows

me to interpret the language of the Higher Consciousness.

As a result, I’ve experienced a dynamic shift in consciousness

from that of my early upbringing and social


conditioning. How I perceive myself, others, life, death,

and God, has evolved in ways I could never have imagined.

Yet, interpreting the frequencies of spirit did not

occur overnight, or in a vacuum.

In hindsight, there were pivotal moments in my life

that foreshadowed my transformation. They usually occurred

after I had resolved something blocking my emotions

or faced an uncomfortable truth. Each breakthrough

lifted a layer of mist shrouding the bridge between spirit

and matter, revealing a larger truth, a new perspective, or

in rare instances what I believe to be an etheric realm.

Did I accept every spiritual experience at face value?

No. Did my ego ever stop negating what my Higher Self

insisted was true? Hardly!

My pursuit of higher consciousness and the meaning

of life began in earnest after having had an out-of-body

experience while journaling in a coffee shop in Livingston,

Montana. Though I initially struggled to make sense of my

spiritual encounters, over time I’ve accepted them as a

natural part of life, embracing each new strand of insight

that supports my quest to know who I am and to further

free my soul.

My commitment in life is to plumb the depths of my

heart and mind that I might better understand myself as a

multi-dimensional being, to give form to the formless, and

to detail in words and images my spiritual experiences. My

journey in search of the meaning of life inspires me to rise

from bed each morning and embrace the full expression of

who I am.

I now wish to share my insights with you. Please

enjoy BREAKING THROUGH THE MIST, One Man's Journey

in Search of the Meaning of Life. Hopefully this book inspires

you to crack the code of your eternal soul and begin your

own journey of self-discovery.


Chapter 1

Know Yourself

3 Life’s Ultimate Challenge

5 Who Are You?

7 How You See Yourself

8 You Are Unique

11 The Essential Question

12 Searching for Answers

14 A Front Row Seat

16 Make Peace With Yourself

18 Your Life Seen From Outer Space

20 Wings of Acceptance

23 Why Question Life?

25 Kudos



Life’s Ultimate Challenge

Each of us is a unique facet of the Universal Mind,

existing simultaneously on infinite planes of consciousness.

The essence of our being imbues every particle of light

that gives form and substance to the conscious Universe.

Impressive as that sounds, it doesn’t lessen the difficulty

of knowing who you are or the direction of your life.

Despite every scientific advancement of our modern age,

knowing yourself still remains life’s ultimate challenge.


Who Are You?

Do you think of yourself as a physician, musician, parent, or athlete?

Think again! None of these titles define the essence of your eternal soul.

They are merely descriptions of what you do, not necessarily positions

earned in spirit through selfless expressions of love, kindness, or humility.

Yet many identify themselves by their worldly degrees and honors.

Some use status to exert power over others or to fulfill emotional needs.

In truth, only the love you’ve imparted, the humility you’ve displayed,

and the wisdom you’ve accrued ultimately define the person you are.


How You See Yourself

Many will judge you through the filter of their unresolved psychology,

but do they really know your struggles, or how far you've come in life?

You hope the world has taken note of all the good things you’ve done.

But don’t be naive. Many only focus on the flaws and weaknesses of others.

If you’re doing your best, why be concerned how others perceive you?

Who has a right to judge anyway? No one’s perfect. Everyone’s struggling.

Considering those you love and the positive changes you’ve made in life,

what counts in the eternal sense is how contented you are being yourself.


You Are Unique

The Universe leverages heaven and earth to advance the evolution of your soul.

Prior to conception, a configuration of stars aligned that set in motion the time, place,

genetic set of parents, and unique circumstances required for you to embody on earth.

Just as your soul vibrates at its own karmic frequency, you were born into a family

where every member was instrumental in helping advance each others’ consciousness.

Given your present spiritual attainment, and the wisdom your soul still requires,

your family and the landscape of your childhood provided you the perfect opportunity

to expand love and patience in your relationships with others, and with yourself.


The Essential Question

Most are too busy working or raising a family to consider whether

life has any deeper meaning, so they rely on the poets and philosophers.

Granted, family, friends, career, and a thousand other distractions

can easily sidetrack anyone attempting to make sense of a chaotic world.

But haven’t there been times in life when you stood awestruck beneath

a canopy of stars at night and pondered your existence in the universe?

Or times when you teetered on the thin line between life and death

and found yourself shouting to the heavens: What’s the purpose of my life?


Searching for Answers

Metaphysicians hold that because of our unique frequencies of consciousness,

every person, place, and circumstance in life exists to help evolve our souls.

Mystics believe we have a responsibility to fulfill a divine destiny corresponding

to our spiritual attainment and quest for enlightenment, and to awaken others.

Yet there are those who believe that we have little or no control over our lives,

and that we’re at the complete mercy of a random and unforgiving Universe.

Such beliefs aside, at the deepest level of our souls we're searching for answers

to enhance our creativity, expand our horizons, and give flight to our dreams.


A Front Row Seat

By taking on a challenge that is guaranteed to test your spiritual mettle,

you secure a front row seat to the inner workings of the healing Universe.

Whether caring for an aging parent, opening your door to a foster child,

or providing hospice for a stranger, when engaged in the day-to-day drama

of tending to the needs of others, your patience and humility are tested.

Giving fully of your generous heart makes you vulnerable in the world.

You set yourself up for betrayal and rejection. But, just before falling asleep

at night, you'll also know the resiliency and expansiveness of your spirit.



Make Peace With Yourself

Winter is the quietest time of the year to sort through unfinished business

and clarify what’s truly important in your life, to rekindle forgotten resolutions,

let go of old resentments, and be more honest with yourself and loved ones.

The ethereal beauty of winter recharges the artist and poet within to set out

and explore the landscapes of your subconscious mind, and give form to spirit.

Maybe a promise needs revisiting, or a misunderstanding begs a phone call.

Because burnt offerings reach the hearts and minds of others sooner in winter,

what whiter page of the year to make peace with yourself and the world?


Your Life Seen From Outer Space

From ground level, the forest floor appears to be a haphazard mess:

lightning-struck trees, strewn bones, decaying leaves, broken boulders.

Yet the same forest seen from outer space is a shining emerald sea.

Though life can seem like a constant stream of unrelated circumstances,

from the cosmic view, our ever-expanding consciousness is spiraling

beautifully and rhythmically toward the Source of all existence.

We make hundreds of decisions every day, some of which turn messy.

But like the forest seen from outer space, we look beautiful to God.


Wings of Acceptance

Accepting who you are, despite what others think or say,

means embracing everything that makes you you—flaws and all.

It means totally accepting your strengths and weaknesses alike,

for they surely balance one another out to make you whole.

Given human evolution, we’re all destined to defy gravity and fly.

During the metamorphic process, we can appear gangly at times.

But those who accept themselves, even as 16-legged caterpillars,

believe that every stage of human evolution is beautiful.


Why Question Life?

Most people skate along the surface of their lives oblivious to their full potential.

They rarely question whether life has any deeper meaning other than to live and die.

Yet scientists have found a direct parallel between the time humans began questioning

the purpose of life and every consequential breakthrough in planetary evolution.

Poets have long mused that life is richer when its deeper meanings are considered.

Philosophers contend that by pondering life’s existential possibilities we discover

dimensions of our consciousness that enhance happiness, creativity, wisdom and joy.

And the mystics? Asked whether life has any greater meaning, they only smile.



Given the many challenges you've overcome throughout your life,

you would be amazed to see the progress of your soul in that arc of time.

The lessons that you spun to gold have earned you a coveted position

in the brotherhood of souls who guide human evolution on the planet.

The reward for your pursuit of Truth has been greater love and wisdom.

And though life has seemed unfair at times, testing you unmercifully,

by remaining true to yourself and others, those further up the mountain

applaud your unbreakable determination to stay the higher course.


Chapter 2

To Be Loved

28 Being Real

30 Set the Alchemy for Love

32 Attracting Love

35 A Currency That’s Earned

36 Love Backwards

39 Put Your Heart at Risk

41 A Work-In-Progress

42 Open the Floodgates

44 The Dream of Life


Being Real

Being real is a full-time job. So much in life is designed to trip you up.

Most of what appears in the world is purely for show—optical illusions

meant to trick you into thinking your neighbors have it more together.

Adding to the confusion, wizards are pulling strings behind the curtains.

To better understand yourself and others often takes an advanced degree

in psychology, a saintly eye, and a bottomless pail of ice cold water.

How does one stay real in a house of mirrors? Those further along say:

View yourself, others, and the world through the wider lens of humor.


Set the Alchemy for Love

The perfect love exists in life to complement your heart and mind.

But you must set the stage, for love is drawn to safe and warm encounters.

For the perfect love to find you in the world become a beacon of light.

Rise above the storms and shoals and radiate your love into the night.

Walk along the seashore. Ask the sand below your feet for guidance.

Stretch out beneath the stars and offer up everything you own for love.

Having made a promise that you’re sure to keep, the perfect love--

a loving soul to complement your own--will step out from the mist.


Attracting Love

Despite their own struggles and what their parents taught them,

those who raised you likely did their best given what they knew.

By example, whether right or wrong, you learned self-sufficiency,

especially when it came to subtle matters relating to the heart.

But parents are far from perfect and being human, have blinders.

Maybe you were taught that beauty, fame, or power, attracts love,

only to discover later, perhaps having been rejected by another,

you must be honest with yourself first for love to be returned.


A Currency That’s Earned

Expecting love from others only pushes them away.

Who enjoys being saddled with another’s expectations?

Love allows others the freedom to express themselves--

ask any happy couple who’ve been together fifty years.

Those expecting love from others, thinking they’re entitled,

lose sleep at night, disappointed no one writes or calls.

Love’s a currency that’s earned, not a debt to be collected.

If circulated freely, love returns infinitely multiplied.


Love Backwards

Asking others to fulfill what’s missing in yourself

is unrealistic. Children can’t always make straight A’s,

parents don’t always show patience or good judgment,

and what spouse can hang onto your every word?

Such outer demands arise from a needy ego trying to fill

a spiritual void through others—that’s love backwards.

If you feel disconnected, spill your guts out in a journal,

walk along the river, or adopt a tail-wagging dog.


Put Your Heart at Risk

Because love originates from within, why demand it from others?

On some level, everyone is struggling to be held in another's arms.

Expecting children, parents, friends, or an adoring public to love you

holds you ransom to human fickleness and changing circumstances.

Demanding love from others sets you up for pain and disappointment.

The best way to generate love in your life is to put your heart at risk.

Extending yourself, and loving others first, without any expectations,

turns their hearts and heads around to want to love you in return.


A Work-in-Progress

Your ego's primary job is to keep you safe from life's disappointments.

On clear and sunny days it reminds you that thunderstorms are predicted.

When starting something new, it reasons why you likely won’t succeed.

To protect you from the letdown of defeat, it keeps your expectations low.

However, the ego can stifle your success by keeping you from dreaming big.

If you hope to silence your negating self, be like the artist who envisions

his self-portrait as a completed masterpiece before he stretches the canvas.

By seeing yourself as a work-in-progress, your ego has nothing left to say.


Open the Floodgates

To heal a wounded heart, try this alchemical technique—

a little known secret the mystics say often brings resolution.

On a sheet of white paper list your struggles and regrets.

Separately list everyone and everything you’re grateful for.

In a ritual of self-forgiveness, burn your list of struggles.

Place your gratitude list in a sacred book by your bedside.

Affirming the good in your life and letting go of what isn’t

opens the floodgates of love to heal a wounded heart.


The Dream of Life

Most starting out in life look forward to a bright future.

Those happiest say the journey gives them greatest pleasure.

The sage is content on whatever pillow he rests his head.

He believes that everything in life is meant to benefit his soul.

He blesses every person, circumstance, and season equally.

Simple pleasures clear his head to give his heart a steady beat.

Because past, present, and future are one in quantum realms,

to the sage’s eye life streams magical in every moment.


Chapter 3

Finding Happiness

49 Take Everything in Stride

51 Go With the Flow

53 Make Life Easy

54 Take the Reins of Your Life

57 Happiness Takes Any Seat

58 Salt of the Earth

61 Happy People

62 When in Their Presence

64 The Price of Happiness

66 A Satisfying Life

69 Being Light of Wing

70 The Book of Happiness


Take Everything in Stride

The hardest test for most, including spiritual masters,

is to live a balanced life given ever-changing circumstances.

Life is continually in flux. One minute you’re relaxing

on a sunny terrace engrossed in a good book, a minute later

you’re running for shelter from an unexpected downpour.

Your response to sudden storms reveals your flexibility.

Achieving happiness depends on taking everything in stride.

Perhaps while taking shelter, you meet your perfect love.


Go With the Flow

Let the tides, time, and gravity work in your favor.

Allow your children to find their way with your blessing.

Unfold your heart and fly above life's sharper edges.

The straightest path is always one of least resistance.

You can’t control a pack of wild wolves or the wind

any more than you can keep two destined lovers apart.

Be open to new ideas. Allow the spring runoff to take

its natural course. Let each moment be your guide.


Make Life Easy

Happy people have this uncanny sense that something

is percolating within and around them that lifts their spirits.

This seemingly irrational perception comes from knowing

there’s more to life and love than what they were taught.

They believe they'll always attract a steady stream of friends,

life-enriching opportunities, and serendipitous experiences.

And all they must do in return is surrender to the Universe

the job of orchestrating how all the details come together.


Take the Reins of Your Life

Ultimately, no parent, spouse, child, government agency

or Eastern guru can make you happy. It’s your responsibility.

Yet, how many seek love and happiness outside themselves

through power, fame, sex, money, or their religious affiliations?

Your life will never be your own until you mount your steed,

grab the reins, and ride out to greet the early morning sun.

Only then will the fires of inspiration engulf your entire being.

Only then will you know the source of your happiness.


Happiness Takes Any Seat

Maybe you’re asking yourself why you feel stuck in the back of a plane, squeezed

in a middle seat, while those sitting in first class enjoy better service and more legroom?

Or why you’re spending most of your time just scraping by financially while others

appear to do little more than fly to exotic resorts and dine at five star restaurants?

Actually, entertaining such complaints is silly to those living in third world countries.

From where they sit, you’re rich! They would gladly change seats with you any day.

So, given that your life is viewed as ideal by the majority of the world, why complain?

Isn’t the purpose of life being happy in any seat, whether it's in first class or coach?


Salt of the Earth

Good people have an innate understanding of how to get along in life.

They’re the first to extend a helping hand or listening ear to those in need.

They'll diffuse an argument with a loving gesture or compassionate smile.

They grease the gears of society by accepting everyone without prejudice.

They humbly accept life’s losses, even when they make little or no sense.

Like most of us, they have regrets but they've learned from their mistakes.

Good people are the trusty engines of the world, pushing humanity forward,

around the bend, and up the mountain toward a brighter future for all.


Happy People

Have you ever noticed that some people appear happier than others?

Psychologists have discovered that most happy people possess a passion

they are willing to devote a lifetime to accomplishing—one that not only

enhances their souls, but multiplies love and compassion in the world.

Despite their struggles, happy people tend to be optimistic at their core,

living as if God has granted them a second chance to get their lives right.

What sets them apart from the crowd is their unflinching willingness

to enter the dream of life and assume the role they were born to fulfill.


When in Their Presence

Every soul on earth has embarked on an evolutionary journey.

Happy people celebrate how far others have come in their lives.

Because everyone has wisdom and a worthy story to impart,

happy people try to make everyone they encounter feel at home.

Just as everyone is integral to the overall harmony of humanity,

happy people advance their own soul's journey by assisting others.

The reason why we feel so comfortable when in their presence

is that happy people only see the light that shines in everyone.


The Price of Happiness

Write down whatever you think will increase your happiness.

Now list everything you're willing to do or offer God in return.

Offer God? Yes! Did you think happiness falls freely from the sky?

It's found in beads of sweat while striving to achieve your goals.

Because happiness exists within, prepare your consciousness.

Grade roads. Lay rebar. Pour asphalt. Summon your courage.

To increase your happiness, anchor to the bedrock of your soul

an undying vow to God to do whatever happiness demands.


A Fulfilled Life

Living a satisfying life is predictably straightforward for most.

Embody the sacred teachings brought down from the Mountain.

Strive for contentment. Love your enemies. Always do your best.

Give of your time to family, friends, and the wider community.

Pursue a lifelong passion that inspires you to reach greater heights.

Let go of old regrets. And, face death with a clear conscience.

Most importantly, be grateful in every moment, as if experiencing

the wonder, beauty, and magic of life for the very first time.


Being Light of Wing

Living the abundant life means something different to every person.

Some believe that owning a white-columned mansion or driving a Ferrari

makes them rich, while others say close relationships and good health

constitute wealth. Though worldly possessions can enrich one's life,

if forced to choose, most would give up everything to live another day.

Then there are those who believe the abundant life is living freely.

This is why seasoned travelers, monks, and young people live with less.

Being light of wing they say, gives them flight to anywhere, anytime.


The Book of Happiness

As the author of your life, you can be anyone, do anything, live anywhere.

Deep within your consciousness there exists a temple housing all your dreams:

those of making wise decisions, of helping build a more compassionate world,

of strolling hand in hand along the river Seine with the person that you love.

On the central altar of your temple, your Book of Happiness is on full display.

As you turn its pages, assessing all the joys and struggles throughout your life,

you realize that, by overcoming so many challenges with absolute fearlessness

and optimism, you authored the perfect life for your heart and soul to evolve.


Chapter 4

The Secret to Life

74 Anything is Possible

76 The Secret to Life

79 Reality Check

80 True Prosperity

83 Create a Vacuum

85 When Losing Ground

86 The Power of Gratitude

89 Surrender to the Universe

90 A Cosmic Game of Chess

93 Two Views of Life

94 Release the Past

97 Welcome to Akasha


Anything Is Possible

Though you were born on earth to experience its beauty, master its physics,

and reconnect with old friends, you embodied primarily to evolve your heart.

To that end, go back in time and reflect on any unresolved traumas in your life.

Just as past, present, and future play out simultaneously in quantum realms,

looking at old wounds from a wiser point of view, forgiving yourself and those

involved, and applying that wisdom to your present life, your future changes.

Your inner critic might scoff and say: The past is past and can never be changed.

But your mystic self would likely counter: In eternal realms, anything is possible.


The Secret to Life

Most would agree that big changes in life often occur without warning or fanfare,

or that a lifelong passion can be ignited by a single word or one outlandish idea.

In your quest to discover the secret to life, could the answer be found just as easily?

You needn’t live atop a mist-shrouded mountain or walk the Way of the Cross,

because the secret is found within. To access its knowledge, wisdom, and healing,

you need only open your mind to the infinite possibilities that exist in the moment.

For some the secret to life is known having spent years in prayer and discipline.

But for others it reveals itself simply, perhaps by just holding the hand of another.


Reality Check

To access spiritual realms you must connect to your Higher Self.

From this elevated perspective, the purpose of life, the significance

of others, and how the universe works in your favor, is revealed.

Through the third-eye lens of your Higher Self you are able to pierce

the atomic veil of physical reality and assess its causal workings.

Much of what you thought was real in life, you now see as illusions.

At this juncture most pause to consider whether to proceed or not.

To do so one must assume the spiritual role of the humble servant.


True Prosperity

True prosperity is fired in the mind, forged on the anvil of creativity,

multiplied by kindness, and perpetuated by loud outbursts of gratitude.

Many believe that prosperity is measured by the things that they own.

To the sage, prosperity derives from one's ability to be unattached to things.

Lasting prosperity is generated by one’s efforts to strengthen love, joy,

gratitude, and optimism in the world—the combustion points of alchemy.

Those who’ve linked their dreams to expanding spiritual awareness

and changing the world for the better are, in reality, life’s richest souls.


Create a Vacuum

Giving nothing returns nothing. To fulfill a dream, attract prosperity,

or to heal yourself, offer God something of equal or greater value in return.

The Universe bends over backwards to provide all your essential needs,

but if you desire more, you must create a vacuum in your consciousness.

Why not make an offering of your pride, prejudice, or judgment of others?

If you hope to be debt free, overcome an illness, or even survive a war,

a price must be paid. It's a cosmic law: To receive, you must give in return.

With one caveat--your desire must increase love and happiness in life.


When Losing Ground

When losing ground, it's time to revert to your favorite pastimes.

Every friendship, dream, and project needs fresh air and sunlight.

Forcing life to go one way often sets the opposite effect in motion.

Perhaps tilling a garden or fly fishing is a better use of your time.

Relationships are strengthened when given healthy space apart.

Writers gain fresh perspective by taking walks between their drafts.

When your wheels begin to spin, letting go allows the universe

to scan its entire network for insights you may have overlooked.


The Power of Gratitude

By expressing gratitude for every person and circumstance in your life

you stoke the embers of Creation, the Granter of all your needs and dreams.

Being grateful for what you have, and don’t have, invigorates your mind

Genuine acts of gratitude magnify love, health, happiness, and prosperity,

and help shield your soul from the weight and drama of world karma.

When in a state of gratitude, you draw the cosmic life force to yourself.

You feel greater satisfaction with your life and others. Everything is lighter.

Whether standing in front or at the end of a line, you're perfectly content.


Surrender to the Universe

You have the same potential as any sage on earth to live free and be content.

But such a life demands a strong belief in the tried and true Law of Surrender.

The practical sage attracts all his worldly needs by igniting his clear intentions

on the front altar of his creative mind, where spirit and matter burn hottest.

Visualizing his needs already met, he releases any disbelief to a Higher Power.

In response, the Intelligent Universe sets in motion the most advantageous

circumstances, timing, and willing individuals required to fulfill the sage’s needs.

Trusting cosmic law, he then goes about his business with a knowing smile.


A Cosmic Game of Chess

Your Higher Self is the Grandmaster who directs your life.

In the pursuit of happiness, it orchestrates all your best moves.

When pressed against the rocks, or painted into a corner,

your Higher Self calculates the most effective means of escape.

To talk to God directly, or to summon your spiritual guides,

your Higher Self acts as a personal emissary to initiate contact.

On the chessboard of life, it plays a multi-dimensional game

against your limited ego to keep you several moves ahead.


Two Views of Life

Mankind has pondered the purpose of his life

since he first sought solace in the constellations of stars.

Though less mystified today than in centuries past,

many of life’s contradictions continue to perplex him.

Some would argue that we have only one lifetime,

and that after death we enter heaven, hell, or oblivion.

Others believe that we evolve over many lifetimes,

and that the ultimate goal of life is oneness with God.


Release the Past

To know your Real Self, the motives that rule your heart and mind

must be revealed, for the quest itself demands an honest reassessment

of all the thinking and programing that created your present reality.

To begin, close your eyes. Look out over your life. Reflect on the times

you were lost at sea, in the throes of a breakup, or alone in your grief.

Now release all your pain and fear into the Void. Vow to let it go forever.

You're not a victim of your past. Feel the exhilaration of letting go.

To know your Real Self, be at peace with the loving person you are.


Welcome to Akasha

The secret to life is revealed with every conscious step you take to know yourself.

At a point of critical mass on the Path, you will have a breakthrough in consciousness.

Your mind will be elevated to a spiritual realm that mirrors the progress of your soul,

revealing who you are, how you came to be, and what you must do to finally be free.

Most enter this state of being through meditation, dreams, or out-of-body experiences.

You made it through the portal by your dogged determination to know your Real Self.

Welcome to Akasha! Upon arrival, you will be given a tour behind the scenes where

the mysteries of the Universe are revealed and the purpose of your life becomes clear.


Chapter 5

The Eternal Portal

101 Open Your Mind

103 Two Paths Up the Mountain

104 Face to Face

107 Creating Heaven on Earth

109 Another Way God Communicates

110 Prepare for Adventure

112 Take the Leap

115 The Eternal Moment

117 A Lively Destination

118 The Hero’s Quest

120 Explore With Pen and Journal

123 The Secret to Life Revealed

125 Message of the Immortals

126 Book Passage Soon


Open Your Mind

Seekers of truth in every known religion are reassessing what it is they believe,

hoping to clarify their purpose in life and learn their rightful place in the world.

Though many theologians agree that passages of sacred texts have been altered,

misinterpreted, lost, or suppressed, many religious fundamentalists remain mired

in faulty dogma they believe is absolute truth despite evidence to the contrary.

But if God is to descend to earth from his golden throne, he must be met halfway.

Religious dogma is being put under the electron microscope of our scientific age,

not to dismiss its original intent, but to further expand its underlying message.


Two Paths Up the Mountain

Spiritual beliefs span the full spectrum of human consciousness.

Some believe that God is a fire and brimstone deity; that their religion

is the one true faith; that one must die first to enter heaven's gates;

that a fiery hell awaits unbelievers; that divine revelation ended with

the ancient prophets; that only ordained priests are privy to the secret

of everlasting life; or that by simply invoking the name of God,

one’s transgressions are forgiven without any karmic consequences.

Others simply believe that God exists atop a mountain of kindness.


Face to Face

There are times in life when we’re forced to awaken quickly,

to summon all our spiritual and emotional stamina to the fore.

Maybe it’s cancer, or someone close to us dies, that triggers

a reassessment of who we are and what’s important in our lives--

times that force us to our knees just to make it through the day.

Though the Universe prefers that every soul awaken gently,

there are unexpected losses in life that rough us up in the dark.

At times like these, God steps in to console us face to face.


Creating Heaven on Earth

The human brain has evolved over time into a complex neural computer

capable of processing more than 400 billion bits of information per second.

However, our brains are not who we ultimately are, only prisms refracting

the light of our consciousness into matter to create the world we inhabit.

Because our brains process consciousness, by viewing life as a white canvas,

we can create a world for ourselves that aligns with our version of heaven.

Given our unlimited potential as co-creators with the Universe, by projecting

our highest thoughts and feelings into matter, we create heaven on earth.


Another Way God Communicates

When your soul is being tested beyond the brink,

a breakthrough in consciousness can’t be far behind.

When stuck between two rocks, let the silence speak.

You will likely hear the reassuring voice of reason

offer a solution to your dilemma, or a way to escape.

When being tested, an answer is closer than you think.

Being wedged between two rocks can be painful,

but isn’t pain just another way God communicates?


Prepare for Adventure

When preparing to explore the subtle realms of spirit, seasoned guides suggest

packing only what is necessary. Mystics carry an oak staff representing wisdom,

a pendant symbolizing their inner quest, and a flawless emerald for third-eye clarity.

As with any journey exploring the unknown, remain disciplined and optimistic.

Those who know their way around spirit say square away your life beforehand:

pare your possessions and clarify your intentions prior to entering eternal realms.

Resolve any unfinished business you have with others, even if they've passed on.

And once you reach the other side, stay alert. You wouldn't want to miss the fun.


Take the Leap

Leaping into the Void from the safety of your life

is like skydiving from an airplane for the first time.

Though you’ve been reassured a thousand times

your parachute will open smoothly, and you’ll touch

the ground below in one piece, fear of the unknown

keeps most clinging to the frame of the exit door.

But, once you overcome your fear and take the leap,

you’ll finally feel the full exhilaration of your life.


The Eternal Moment

A spiritual awakening is like the eternal moment

when a shipwrecked sailor, having lost all hope at sea,

first sights land. Or the artist, searching for his muse,

catches his or her glance from across a crowded ferry.

In that transcendent state, the veil between worlds lifts,

the full orchestra of life breaks free from the clouds,

and your entire being is uplifted in a white spiral of fire.

Time disappears. Life becomes a slow-motion dream.


A Lively Destination

The world of spirit is hardly an endless stretch of nothingness, devoid

of colorful character, creative things to do, or unusual places to explore.

Those who've stepped over into spiritual realms, from lower astral planes

to the higher dimensions, describe spirit as a spiraling galaxy of light

populated by an evolving hierarchy of souls--your own soul included.

Because the undeveloped neurotransmitters of our brains barely register

higher frequencies of light, most imagine spirit as a cavernous void.

But to the sage's eye, spirit is just as lively as any place found on earth.


The Hero’s Quest

For greater insight into yourself as a multi-dimensional being,

why not embrace the classic role of the Hero who embarks

on a personal journey in search of the deeper meaning of life?

You need only chart a course, secure a ship, and set sail inward.

But be prepared for a lifelong odyssey. Once you open the portal

to the hidden temples of knowledge, there's no turning back.

And though you needn’t give up everything in pursuit of Truth,

those who’ve sailed the sea to distant shores say it often helps.


Explore Eternal Realms

Think of those times when you hiked deep into the rugged mountains

to get away from the clamor of the world and commune with nature.

Didn't such treks into the wilderness help revive your flagging spirit?

Likely, those heightened experiences still resonate fondly in your memory.

So why not consider new adventures, perhaps even more revitalizing?

Have you ever questioned the existence of God or heaven, or where

your soul travels to in dreams? If so, why not venture inward with pen

and journal to explore the undocumented landscapes of your mind?


The Secret to Life Revealed

Having prepared the way, the secret to life arrives on a wing.

Endless years begging God for answers, heaven finally opens.

All your life... prying up floorboards, peeling back wallpaper,

severing ties, moving cross country ... just to glimpse the Eternal.

Then, above a twilight sea, the sky catches fire; an orange glow

rises on the horizon, spreading its reflection on the water below.

Every longing you've had in your life breaks open your eyes.

An angel appears, and the secret to life is revealed in a sunset.


Message of the Immortals

Just as Buddha, Mozart, and Galileo rocked the world in their lifetimes,

you have the same potential to advance planetary evolution in your life.

Just as every soul in spirit and on earth evolved from the One consciousness,

you were born to balance karma, love others, and help change the world.

By doing your part, you fortify the Antakarana of Light—the etheric bridge

that connects God's wisdom and knowledge to souls embodied on earth.

And what do the Immortals residing in higher dimensions offer humanity?

A simple message: By raising your consciousness you change the world.


Book Passage Soon

Those who’ve journeyed to the other side and returned say there’s more to life.

Exploring spiritual realms rekindled their faith and loosened the grip of death.

Sages have long contended that one needn’t die first to walk along eternal shores.

Mystical writers have detailed healing centers, Akashic libraries, eternal fires,

and temples built on vortices of energy to give souls quick access between worlds.

Those returning from near-death experiences recount visiting with loved ones.

With the dawning of a new age, those in spirit are anticipating an influx of souls.

So, if planning to visit spirit soon, consider booking before the crowds arrive.


Chapter 6

Your Purpose on Earth

130 There’s More to Life

132 Your Higher Calling

135 Your Promise

137 Discovering Your Purpose

138 Life Isn’t a Race

140 What Ultimately Counts

142 The Light Within

144 Make Believe Again

146 Heed the Call!

149 Living to the Fullest

150 Angels in Embodiment

153 Unfinished Business


There’s More to Life

Many have this nagging sense that something big is missing from their lives.

They feel constrained and unfulfilled, wandering aimlessly from day to day.

Because nothing fills the void or relieves their pain, they begin to question life.

What’s my purpose? Does God exist? Will I ever experience true love or happiness?

Seeking answers, they look inward to better understand themselves and life.

They take inventory of what they’re doing, what’s important, what’s for show.

Some begin quietly, observing how a river flows to the sea, how a fallen leaf

merges with the earth, how the more they let go the more satisfied they are.


Your Higher Calling

Do you have a higher calling that catapults you out of bed every morning?

Is your quest to make the world a saner, fairer, more beautiful place to live?

Is your passion in life to protect the innocent, cure disease, or compose music?

At the deepest level, everyone aspires to accomplish something meaningful.

If your calling is to broker peace, build bridges, or write books, the Universe--

given your will and determination--provides everything you need to fulfill

your passion. But you must surrender to God how everything comes together.

The Universe can then work unencumbered to make your dream a reality.


Your Promise

As no two souls are alike, your journey on earth is a unique odyssey.

Prior to birth, you promised to make your life a grand adventure,

to trust your selfless instincts, and to open your heart to those in need.

Mastering the intricacies of the world, you became self-sufficient.

Taking responsibility for all your actions made you more empathetic.

Rising above how others perceived you set loose your spontaneity.

Attuning to your Higher Self, the inner secrets of life were revealed.

By keeping your promises to heaven, your destiny is being fulfilled.


Discovering Your Purpose

Those who believe that life has little or no redemptive purpose

are like shipwrecked sailors marooned on tiny uncharted islands.

Though some discover their purpose in life early, others must sail

to the furthest regions of their imaginations while fending off

the sirens of apathy intent on causing their ships to veer off course.

Having made the effort, most come to realize that the journey

is their purpose and that by charting their own course and taking

command of their lives, high adventure is theirs for the sailing.


Life Isn’t a Race

True success is an inner quest, the highest measure being

how many in your lifetime did you love, support, or inspire?

When comparing yourself to those seemingly ahead in life,

you restrict your soul to the world of unending competition.

Comparing yourself with others tends to magnify anxiety.

There’s always someone trying to overtake you from behind.

Life isn’t a frantic race up a mountain to plant a victory flag.

It’s reaching out to help those below who’ve fallen behind.


What Ultimately Counts

Having traveled far and wide along unfamiliar roads,

the obstacles you overcame helped define your soul.

Lessons you learned along the way instilled humility.

Self-reflection brought greater clarity of heart and mind.

And though you let yourself and others down at times,

what ultimately counts is that you took responsibility.

Worldly power, fame, or fortune may have eluded you,

but in the final tally, those you love count for more.


The Light Within

Some view personal struggles as a reason to blame, complain, or retreat.

Others see them as opportunities to expand their wisdom and creativity.

Within every struggle the sun is trying to break free from the clouds.

The effort you make to release its light clarifies your way forward in life.

Explorers, artists, and sages, in the process of overcoming their challenges,

discovered new lands, created timeless art, and opened the way for others.

By turning your most difficult challenges into sources of inspiration

the clouds overhead open and the light of your soul finally breaks free.


Make Believe Again

To bring your dreams to life, think and work in more creative ways.

Those who built castles from ordinary sand did so by believing they could.

Before entering the arena of dreams, believe yourself to be an Immortal:

run with wolves, stare down cobras, jump from planes, walk a tightrope.

Look in the mirror. Is your reflection the dreamer you aspire to become?

Real dreamers, like wizards, change reality by the flick of their wands.

Remember when you pretended to fly jets, or cup the stars in your hands?

Why not make the same magic now as you did believing as a child?


Heed the Call!

Artists, Poets, Musicians: You are summoned! Heed the call for a golden age to be defined

not by greed, conflict, hate or division, but by love, understanding, and respect for all.

You are summoned! Scour the lands of myth and legend for golden fleeces and holy grails.

True visionaries! Help heal division, disarm nations, find common ground, inspire hope.

In quantum realms, answers to humanity’s seemingly impossible challenges are found.

More daring souls! Breech the gates of heaven and snatch its blueprints for a brighter future.

Those who’ve reconciled their hunger for fame, fortune, and power—you are summoned!

Those in every creative field--Your time has come! Help create a more enlightened world.


Living to the Fullest

Living your life to the fullest requires an organized mind, a receptive heart,

a good accountant, and a wild streak for sanity. Living fully is a full-time job.

While many chug along in life without a purpose, others single-mindedly strive

to change the world for the better. They'll forgo a bigger paycheck to pursue

a dream of building schools in Mozambique, exploring the ocean in a submarine,

or, like Vincent Van Gogh, painting the "marvelous light" in southern France.

Living to the fullest isn’t always easy or appreciated, and may not pay the bills,

but if your dream inspires others to follow their dreams, you’re richer for it.


Angels in Embodiment

Contrary to the 24-hour news, humanity is moving closer to enlightenment.

Millions awaken every morning determined to make a difference in the world.

Through acts of kindness and courage, meditation, and living balanced lives,

dedicated souls in every field strive to offset those fomenting hatred and division.

Some would dive into icy waters or storm a burning building to save another.

With unwavering optimism, they promote peace and understanding on earth.

Because every soul has its own karmic challenges, these embodied angels

look for every opportunity to provide an extra boost of love to those in need.


Unfinished Business

To better understand yourself, why not revisit episodes from your past,

times when God reached out and snatched you from the bony clutches

of doubt, despair, or death, and set you gently down on firmer ground.

What divine hand pulled you back from the brink, or, having fallen asleep

at the wheel, awakened you just in time before you would have crashed?

Somewhere in your past you earned a second chance to get things right.

Since there are no accidents in the Universe, you were saved for a reason.

Your life was extended because someone, or the world, still needs you.


Chapter 7

Change the World

157 Embrace Change

158 To Advance Evolution

161 Make a Difference

163 The Mirror of Others

164 By Their Bold Strokes

167 Trust the Universe

169 Desire for Truth

170 Budding Alchemists

173 Truth Be Known

175 Nature Speaks

176 Lain Bare

179 Why?

180 Diplomats of Peace

183 The Coming Age of Wisdom


Embrace Change

Change is a universal constant that streams directly from the center of Creation.

Those who fully embrace uncertainty in their lives are less fearful of loss or failure.

Not to say that a chronic illness or the passing of a loved one wouldn't test them--

it likely would. Even spiritual masters are not completely immune to the pain of loss.

The practical sage prepares for such changes by cultivating deeper relationships,

strengthening his optimism, and by remaining unattached to the things of the world.

Then when the day arrives and the swells of emotion attempt to overwhelm him,

he can draw on his spiritual practices and lean on his friends to see him through.


To Advance Evolution

If we are to advance human evolution on earth, we must increasingly

strive to live in greater harmony with ourselves, nature, and universal law.

We've expanded our knowledge via the internet, created sublime music,

cured diseases, harnessed the atom, and set foot on the surface of the moon.

To advance love and harmony on earth we must further integrate with

the higher frequencies of Spirit for a multidimensional view of the future.

And what better time than now, as earth enters its next stage of evolution,

when the wonders of the Higher Realms are coming into sharper focus?


Make a Difference

So many are in a hurry, yet they're no happier when they arrive. So many are working

at jobs or living in places they loathe. So many have everything yet feel empty inside.

Then there are those who can barely catch their breath sharing what they have with others:

those who invent things to make life easier to bear; those who work tirelessly for justice,

peace, or develop cures; or those selfless souls who spend their time raising happy children.

And don't forget healers, protectors, teachers, and those who inspire others to carry on;

or countries that defend others from aggressors, or assist them in the wake of disasters.

Each day millions leave their comfortable homes to make a difference. Will you join them?


The Mirror of Others

Everyone in life is potentially your teacher, or your student, and often both.

Given the Law of Attraction, family and friends are in your life for good reason.

The sage listens to all those around him and gleans the wisdom each imparts.

Because we're all integral to the cosmic mosaic, when doing good in the world

or making peace with others, you help maintain the integrity of humanity.

To determine whether you’re holding up your end of the bargain, look around.

Every person in your circle of influence reflects an aspect of your consciousness.

Each mirrors what you have or haven’t resolved spiritually within yourself.


By Their Bold Strokes

Throughout the centuries enlightened individuals

turned the known world on its head for the better.

By their bold strokes, they painted a brighter future

on the ever-changing canvas of human evolution.

Guided by an inner drive, visionaries in every field

stood resolute before the naysayers of their time.

And what did they hope to achieve by their work?

Only to give the world a grander portrait of itself.


Trust the Universe

If the passion of your heart and mind is to enlighten humankind,

patrons in every field are waiting in the wings to advance your vision.

If you’ve put in the time and your work is worthy of promoting,

you will attract the benefactors needed to support your creative work.

By assisting you, they rise in the ranks of honored men and women.

If your desire is to awaken the world from its sleep and you’ve honed

your skills and talents, the Universe is compelled by its own laws

to bring to your doorstep those willing to help advance your dream.


Desire for Truth

More ignorance, fear, and superstition has revolved around spiritual truth

than every conspiracy theory on earth. As a result, few have seriously applied

cosmic law to fulfill their needs and dreams. Fewer yet have consciously explored

the multiplicity of dimensions that exist within the mind. Because most religions

reject progressive prophesy and instead rely on Scripture penned centuries ago,

many seekers of Truth wander aimlessly through deserts of spiritual ignorance.

But there’s hope! Despite man’s limited grasp of cosmic law, he has progressed.

Given each one’s inherent desire to do his or her best, mankind has evolved!


Budding Alchemists

Despite cultural differences, parents everywhere are expected to guide

and support their offspring until they leave the nest, and love them forever.

In turn, children are expected to show respect for their parents and elders,

perform basic household chores, and express gratitude for what they have.

Parents who also teach their children spiritual alchemy serve them longer.

Once they leave home, these budding alchemists know to apply this wisdom

and knowledge to attract all their needs and fulfill their deepest dreams.

As expected, those aligned with spiritual law are rarely found wanting.


Truth Be Known

Throughout the centuries scientific breakthroughs have enhanced our lives.

We no longer hunker in caves, strike rocks for fire, or communicate with drums.

Given the internet, we have virtual access to all the knowledge of the world.

We reside in solar-powered homes and crisscross the planet in supersonic jets.

But when it comes to comprehending the world of spirit, most are clueless.

Many still believe a bearded deity rules the earth from above, that we only have

one lifetime to reach our full potential, or that consciousness ceases after death.

When the Truth is finally known, such beliefs will go the way of dinosaurs.


Nature Speaks

By attuning your senses to the beauty and workings of the natural world,

you enter a dimension of consciousness that expands the meaning of life.

While walking along its shores, the ocean whispers the secrets of Creation.

Trees of the forest can be heard at twilight reflecting on the day's events.

Cosmic order is on full display when meditating on the starry constellations.

Nature's subtle palette is revealed after spring rains awaken prairie grasses.

Some see the future by interpreting the shapes of clouds moving overhead.

For answers to life’s biggest questions, attune to what nature has to say.


Lain Bare

Our souls are reflected in the seasons, and never more starkly than in winter,

a time when the slow whirling of Creation can be heard deep in the frozen forest.

As days grow shorter and food grows scarcer, winter can be the harshest season.

Those unprepared for the long stretch of overcast skies can easily lose their way.

To make it through the cold, dark nights, most cope by driving their faith harder,

drawing closer to the burning embers, or gripping the hands of angels tighter.

Having lain bare with God during winter strengthens our souls to break free from

the hard ground in early spring, and flow freely with summer’s sweet nectar.



Why are poverty, racism, and terrorism still rampant in our civilized world?

Why in the name of God, do religious fanatics continue to oppress and murder

those of different races, nationalities, beliefs, or cultures that tolerate freer lifestyles?

Why are so many religions bent on conversion, rather than promoting diversity?

What isn’t being conveyed in churches, mosques, temples, schools, or town squares

to inoculate humanity against these debilitating diseases of the heart and mind?

Moreover, why isn’t the same intensity that militarizes the planet being channeled

into love, peace, and cooperation among nations, religions, and individuals?


Diplomats of Peace

Cosmically positioned across the planet are those who act

as diplomats of peace, who help soften the sharp edges of life.

Mindful of their influence on family, friends, and strangers,

they keep the channels of love and acceptance flowing freely.

Gracious at every turn, they make every attempt to point out

the redeeming qualities inherent in everyone they encounter.

Knowing that every soul has something worthwhile to impart,

by listening to others, something of themselves is revealed.


The Coming Age of Wisdom

Since the Age of Enlightenment, the philosophical thrust of mankind has centered on

unraveling the mysteries of the physical universe through science and technology.

In every discipline, researchers are attempting to prove what the mystics say is true.

The very existence of God is being challenged in powerful electron beam accelerators.

If science can prove that God exists, in whatever form, Truth will be the beneficiary.

But some cry foul, arguing: Truth relies on faith, and the Old Prophets have the final word.

But what is faith? Don’t science and religion spring from the same omnipresent Source?

The mystics say that by embracing the best of both, the earth will enter a golden age.


Chapter 8

Be Nothing

187 Let Nothing Define You

188 Be Yourself Today

191 The Ultimate Quest

192 Be Free to Fly

194 Your Closest Friend

196 Wisdom of Nature

199 Staying Optimistic

201 Entering Eternal Realms


Let Nothing Define You

Let go of others’ expectations. Shed the roles you play.

Be no one in this moment—neither husband, wife, hero,

favorite son, nor daughter. Loosen your emotional ties.

Let nothing of the world weigh on your heart or mind.

You no longer need to chase love, friendship, happiness,

money, or redemption—for a change, let them chase you.

Centered in the peacefulness of knowing you are loved,

you needn’t please anyone any longer, not even God.


Be Yourself Today

Crumple your list of things to do. Claim this day your own.

Take the next exit, park your mind, and relax your shoulders.

Say I’ve had enough! to whoever or whatever holds you hostage.

You needn’t be anywhere but where you are in this moment.

Let nature draw you high above a tranquil mountain lake.

Observe the rising morning mist politely greet the light of dawn.

Watch a mother osprey gliding back to feed her hungry chicks.

Life is more than just yourself. Awaken now! Join the chorus.


The Ultimate Quest

We have free will to be or do whatever we desire

within the creative parameters of universal law.

The mystic chooses freedom of his soul as his quest,

allowing him to fly when and where he chooses.

He summons the winds of his spirit and harnesses

the power of his heart to fly above planetary inertia.

Because his buoyant heart gives his spirit flight,

everyone he encounters is an opportunity to soar.


Be Free to Fly

If you hope to fly, try letting go of whatever keeps you earthbound.

Flying is possible. Haven't you flown above the trees in your dreams?

To gain altitude, let go of always having to be in control of everything.

Can you remember a time in your past when you stood on the brink

of a breakthrough--perhaps as a toddler about to take your first step?

Didn’t your anticipation of running free propel your body forward?

In the space of nothingness, free of judgment, doubt, guilt, and regret,

beyond all worldly illusions, the runway of life is cleared for takeoff.


Your Closest Friend

The all-knowing Universe is your closest friend and guide,

and is completely aware of you as a uniquely evolving individual.

Unlike the mindless echo chamber many think it is, the Universe

has an infinite degree of anticipatory awareness of all your needs.

Like an astute teacher who provides his struggling students

with an added dose of encouragement, or a conscientious mother

escorting her young children across a busy street, the Universe

inspires and guides your soul through all of life’s intersections.


Wisdom of Nature

As the North Pole tilts closer to the summer sun, winter’s frozen landscape

gives way to cool rains, scented breezes, and an explosion of overnight growth.

What better time of the year than spring to observe the economy, mechanics,

and creativity of Nature, when the elements of earth work seamlessly together?

Likely, you’ve already leveraged the lessons of nature to satisfy your own needs.

Hasn’t taking the path of least resistance, bending your branches in the wind,

and living in greater harmony with your environment given you easier access

to nature's most dramatic sunsets, her greenest valleys, and brightest stars?


Staying Optimistic

Nature always finds a way to stay in balance with herself.

If you can navigate a forest like the wind, find the quickest

path to the sea like a river, or grow an orchid in the desert,

you've already mastered the ebb and flow of the Universe.

When in harmony with the rhythms of the natural world,

you will always gravitate to the right place at the right time.

By focusing on what works in life, rather than what doesn’t,

you begin to understand how nature stays so optimistic.


Entering Eternal Realms

As you draw closer to the realms of eternal nothingness,

aspens lining a rocky ridge break out in polite applause.

As the last flicker of daylight is consumed by the darkness,

a great horned owl swoops down from her sturdy perch.

As the forest surrenders its secrets, the Grand Rotunda,

that great hall of wisdom, rises translucent on the horizon.

As you step across the threshold, answers to your life

swirl about your head like scented lotus petals on a breeze.


Chapter 9

Be a Dreamer

205 Be a Dreamer

207 Bare Your Soul

208 For Dreams to Grow

211 Unfold Your Maps

213 Birth Your Dreams

214 Life’s Richest Souls

217 Where Dreams Begin

219 You Have the Same Potential

221 Seafaring Dreamers

222 To Manifest a Dream

225 The Sage's Dream


Be a Dreamer

One of the highest honors the world bestows on anyone is that of the Dreamer.

So why waste time trying to impress others or amass a fortune you'll never spend?

Why not aspire to become someone like Jonas Salk, Jackie Robinson, or Jane Austen?

Just as everyone delights in seeing children play, why not lose yourself in dreams?

Why not be the doctor, baseball player, author, or film director you dream of being?

True dreamers are simply those who make the most of scaling their imaginations.

Some believe that dreaming is a waste of time, that fate has the upper hand in life.

But what of those dreamers who, in one lifetime, made a better world for everyone?


Bare Your Soul

The surest way to live your dreams is to stand on stage and bare your soul.

What? Bare my soul on stage? Yes! Who said anything worthwhile was easy?

Certainly not God. God’s only promise is, The higher you climb, the better the view.

If you need inspiration, as everyone does, seek out those living their dreams.

Ask if they’re truly happy. If so, they’ll likely confide that nothing compares

to saddling up every morning and riding out to touch the edges of the sun.

And, if they’re living their dreams for all the right reasons, they’ll turn and say:

If your dream inspires others to follow theirs, consider your life a success.


For Dreams to Grow

Selfless dreams are tilled in spirit, seeded in the mind, nurtured in the heart.

They demand a gardener’s touch--weeding, watering, and loving attention.

You were born to break free of the earth, open your petals, and bask in the sun.

Dreams grow effortlessly when you step out of the shadows into the light.

If you haven't made a small fortune or walked on water yet, there’s work ahead.

As nothing takes root in fallow ground, you must supplement your dreams

by facing your fears, shedding your pride, and forgiving those who've hurt you.

Dreams give life purpose. For them to grow, you must grow alongside them.


Unfold Your Maps

Why not pack your bags, weigh anchor, and set sail to where the winds

of the adventurer press against your face and billow your imagination?

Why not live along the sea in the South of France, kayak up the crystal rivers

that etch the rugged landscape of Montana, or scramble up the Andes

to feel the magic of Machu Picchu? Why not live as if there’s no tomorrow?

There's no better time than now to unfold your maps and chart a course

to exotic destinations beyond the limitations of what others say is possible.

You have an obligation to your soul to live as if nothing holds you back.


Birth Your Dreams

Despite any doubts or fears, and those intent on blocking your success,

you have a sacred obligation to your soul to pursue a life of happiness.

Despite present challenges or prior setbacks, you have the same potential

as anyone on earth to birth your dreams and live them on your own terms.

But it's up to you to navigate past whatever obstacles keep your dreams

from breaking free, and push them from the womb into the light of day.

You must overcome all that keeps your happiness from breathing on its own.

Birthing dreams is never easy, but unless you try, nothing comes of life.


Life’s Richest Souls

When living your dreams, your heart, mind, and spirit resonate as one.

If acting in plays, flying to the moon, or painting landscapes enlivens your soul,

until you lay that first stroke of paint on the canvas you'll never be fulfilled.

What can be more exhilarating than taking the stage, lifting off, or creating art?

Whatever you do to express your spirit, in turn, multiplies your happiness.

Some believe that dreaming is impractical--You’ll never make a comfortable living!

In reality, life is more generous to those who steadfastly follow their dreams.

Those doing what they love most are, by every account, life’s richest souls.


Where Dreams Begin

To know yourself is where your dreams begin.

To live another's dream assumes their shadow.

When feeling hesitant, uncertain, or unworthy,

shine your light into the basement of your soul.

Send peace to those who caused you suffering.

Face the cold, hard ocean and shout out loudly

everything you've been repressing all your life.

When the gateway opens to your dreams, enter.


You Have the Same Potential

How did the Buddha, Lao Tzu, Plato, Pythagoras, Aristotle,

Jesus, Rumi, Gutenberg, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Magellan,

Galileo, Newton, Shakespeare, Franklin, Jefferson, Mozart,

Beethoven, Lincoln, Austen, Darwin, Pasteur, Edison, Tesla,

Carver, Curie, Anthony, Gandhi, Einstein, Turing, Hawking,

King, Gates, and the Dalai Lama help enlighten the world?

Each articulated a grander vision of how our lives could be,

and by doing so propelled humanity to greater heights.


Seafaring Dreamers

Some dreamers sail a lifetime in search of the Eternal Flame.

They claim the sun, moon, and every new horizon as their own.

They will only captain ships that are destined for adventure.

They’ll navigate uncharted seas to prove that God exists, or not.

They’ll sail into the blackest nights, facing every monster known,

risking all they own, just to touch the Cloak of Immortality.

These seafaring dreamers are the heroes who animate our myths.

They believe that dreaming is the wind that lifts their souls.


To Manifest a Dream

If you hope to manifest a lofty dream, prepare you life in every way.

Embrace the mind and spirit of the dreamer you're destined to become.

Don't hold back. Accept everyone. Rise early. Live light. Read the latest.

Walk across desert sands, swim shark-infested waters, tame a tornado.

Stand your ground when critics say your big dream is too impractical.

And if you hope to birth a more loving world, learn the art of midwifery.

If your dream is bigger than yourself, then don the cloak of humility.

But if your dream is simply to be loved, prepare to give up everything.


The Sage’s Dream

From the sage’s point of view, the purpose of life is simple:

Be mindful in every moment and embrace the light in everyone.

What greater purpose? It’s the path of every enlightened being.

Love and mindfulness elevate the sage to fly above the world.

Ask yourself: Do I inspire joy in the hearts of everyone I meet?

Is my body, mind, and heart in sync with the universal pulse?

If so, you are flying high above the dross and drama of the world.

And isn’t flying everyone's ultimate dream? It is for sages.




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