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June 24, 2020 www.TheTownCommon.com

Page 3

Christina Eckert: Leadership in Action

To the editor:

Growing up in Boxford, it

would be hard not to know Christina.

My entire life, she has been

advocating for public school students

such as myself. Christina

co-founded the Masconomet Education

Foundation. Working with

the foundation, Christina used

her fundraising skills to raise over

$400,000 to fund the construction

of new STEAM labs in the

Masco middle and high schools.

Letter to the editor

I am a member of the graduating

class of 2020 from Masconomet

High School and my

classmates and I have directly

benefited from Christina’s work.

Access to new STEAM labs has

allowed my classmates and I

to explore new interests. These

labs have enabled students to

further their interests in different

fields that they otherwise

would not have the opportunity

to experience without the new

STEAM labs.

Christina has very well thought

out ideas and strategies for improving

schools in our district.

She understands that a good education

is essential to the future of

a student but for the future of this

district. We need a candidate who

has shown that fighting for our

schools is a top priority, which

Christina has demonstrated she is

capable of time and time again.

Luke Chadwick


Brighter smiles ...

The Golden Years

By J. Peter St. Clair, DMD

The Golden Years are much

more golden if your teeth are

in good shape. One of the most

difficult areas dentists have to address

are issues concerning aging

patients, specifically those who

require assisted or nursing care.

Whether you are the one making

decisions for someone else,

or you are making your own

decisions, regular dental maintenance

visits are the key to success

with your teeth as you age. Dental

health needs to stay at the top

of the priority list for many reasons;

quality of life and the link

between oral health and systemic

health are two big ones.

It's not uncommon for an older

patient to say, "I don't need to fix

that. How much longer do I really

have to live?" And the response

is usually the same every time, "If

you told me that you knew you

weren't going to be around next

year, I'd say I would agree with

you.....but you've been saying

the same thing for 15 years." You

can't predict the future. What

you can do now is decide how

healthy you want your mouth to

be now to enjoy. It only involves

a choice.

When an elderly patient has

a multitude of dental issues the

following should be considered:

* What is the general health status?

* What is the general prognosis


* Has the patient ever worn

anything removable in their


* What is the minimal amount

of dentistry that can be done that

will not alter the patient's quality

of life?

* What are other treatment options

to maintain or improve the

patient's quality of life?

The general health status of the

patient can play a role in deciding

how to approach a patient's dental

care. People who are medically

compromised but are well controlled

are usually okay to receive

general dental care. If a person is in

good physical and mental shape,

it's difficult to use age as a determining

factor for dental care.

The most important factor that

needs to be considered is quality

of life. Studies have shown that

loss of teeth results in a loss in

quality of life. While some patients

with dentures may say

they can eat anything, many others

would pay anything to have

their teeth back. Masticating

food properly for digestion and

not having plastic in your mouth

to disrupt the flavor of food, are

two great reasons to keep your

teeth. There is no one who could

argue that eating with false teeth

is as enjoyable as eating with real


If you have never worn anything

removable in your mouth,

it tends to get more difficult to

adapt to the older you get. Dentures

can be difficult to adjust to.

There are definitely better techniques

and materials than others

that can impact fit and function,

but it's still a piece of plastic in

your mouth. Poorly fitting dentures

can impact a patient's nutritional

intake and can be a serious

issue for an older person.

The best way to avoid having to

deal with major issues as you get

older is to make sure you take care

of your teeth along the journey

of life. If someone you love ends

up in a nursing facility, one of the

most important things you could

do for them is to make sure they

get proper dental care.

Dr. St. Clair maintains a private

dental practice in Rowley

and Newburyport dedicated to

health-centered family dentistry. If

there are certain topics you would

like to see written about or questions

you have please email them to

him at jpstclair@stclairdmd.com.

You can view all previously written

columns at www.jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.

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