YSM Issue 86.1

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A schematic of PRO. When the dilute and concentrated solutions mix, they generate

osmotic pressure that spins a turbine to produce electricity. Courtesy of Menachem


material must allow water to diffuse freely

across it but simultaneously block the passage

of salts and other dissolved substances. These

ideal conditions are difficult to attain: small

amounts of salt from the concentrated chamber

are able to pass through the membrane

into the dilute chamber, and water from the

dilute stream may flow into the concentrated

stream as well. The net effect of these factors

is to increase the salt concentration of the

dilute stream and reduce the overall driving

force for osmosis, a phenomenon known as

internal concentration polarization.

An additional challenge with membranebased

electricity production is membrane

fouling: natural water sources contain organic

material, bacteria, and other contaminants

that can become trapped in the pores of

the membrane and lower its efficacy over

time. Since water treatment is an energyconsuming

process, the Elimelech group is

working to find fouling-resistant materials.

“Current membranes that produce a very

high water flux have some inherent surface

roughness…and organic matter likes to stick

to it,” says Elimelech. “The key is to make

more smooth membranes that organic matter

will not attach to.”

Reverse Electrodialysis (RED)

Unlike PRO, which relies on water transport,

reverse electrodialysis captures energy

from the movement of ions. Ions, charged

particles formed when a salt dissolves in

water, are abundant in seawater. When seawater

mixes with freshwater, ions naturally

diffuse into the less concentrated freshwater

to create energy. Just as the name implies, this

is the opposite of electrodialysis, which uses

energy to force ions against their concentration


RED uses two types of semi-permeable

membranes: anion-exchange membranes,

which only allow the passage of negativelycharged

ions, and cation-exchange membranes,

which only allow the passage of

positively-charged ions. The RED system is

set up with alternating salt water and fresh

water channels separated by membranes.

Each salt water channel lies between two

fresh water channels, bounded by an anionexchange

membrane on one side and a cationexchange

membrane on the other. A typical

RED apparatus consists

of many stacks

of these alternating

membrane pairs. As

salt water and fresh

water mix, anions

and cations diffuse

in opposite directions

toward two

electrodes on either

end of RED apparatus.


receive the ions and

convert this energy

into an electrical

current carried by a

connecting wire.

Research has

revealed that the

maximum amount

of energy that RED

can theoretically

produce depends on

the salinity, or salt

concentration, of the water source. Whereas

typical seawater can produce just under 1

kilowatt-hours of energy, highly concentrated

salt water sources like the Dead Sea can generate

over 14 times that amount. To optimize

power density, researchers are also working

to redesign spacers, structures that provide

mechanical support between membranes.

Conventional spacers interfere with ion transport,

but newly-developed conductive spacers

are permeable to ion flow.

A major challenge to implementing widespread

RED systems is the cost of the ionexchange

membranes, but researchers hope

that prices will go down as global demand

increases. Better production technologies and

more efficient membranes will also contribute

to a lower cost.

Microbial Fuel-Cells (MFC)

Thanks to the advent of new technologies,

modern methods of acquiring energy have

become remarkably diverse. In addition to

the water from oceans and rivers, scientists

have found that wastewater can be a valuable

resource. In particular, this energy can be

converted into electricity-using bacteria. Since

current wastewater treatment plants already

use bacteria to remove organic material from

the water, microbial-fuel cell (MFC) technology

can transform these treatment plants into

the power plants of the future.

Elimelech suggests that the energy created by PRO and RED

could be reused to desalinate water, creating a closed-loop system.

Courtesy of Menachem Elimelech.


January 2013 | Yale Scientific Magazine 15

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