YSM Issue 86.1

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Match, Manipulate, Medicate:

Old Drugs Targeted for New Use


In 1993, scientists working for pharmaceutical giant Pfizer faced

a conundrum. Their new wonder drug, the product of years of

intense and costly research, failed to show any effectiveness in treating

patients with angina pectoris, a common cause of severe chest

pain. Then named UK-92,480, the drug was destined to be shelved.

If it were not for the keen observation that some patients reported

sustained erections as a side effect of their treatment. The researchers

were baffled at first but then realized the opportunity on their

hands. Five years later, UK-92,480 gained FDA approval as an oral

treatment for erectile dysfunction and was released to the market.

Today it has been rebranded as sildenafil — or Viagra — and has

become a windfall for Pfizer.

Could other failed drugs find their own stories of serendipity?

Certainly, finding novel uses for failed drugs is not a new idea. Aside

from Viagra, a number of well-known drugs had originally been

developed for other purposes, such as Rogaine, which had started as

a drug for high blood pressure, and AZT, the anti-HIV drug that was

originally supposed to be a cancer drug. In each case, advances in our

understanding of diseases and human biology led researchers back

to the past, repurposing old drugs based on a better understanding

of their mechanisms of action.

Sildenafil, better known as Viagra: the little blue pill that

began its career as heart medication. Courtesy of The New

York Times.

Pharmaceutical companies have taken an interest in reviving their

failed drugs. From their perspective, drug development is a risky

business. Bringing a drug from the lab to the clinic typically takes 13

years and an investment of around $1 billion, with a 95 percent risk

of failure. Some drugs may not be structurally suitable for efficient

mass production, some show dangerous side effects, and some simply

do not work against the target disease. In total, around 30,000 drugs

have been shelved by pharmaceutical companies over the past three

decades, and some of these failed drugs have shown new promise

for treating other diseases. Because they have already been tested in

humans, details about their production, dosage, and toxicity are readily

available, which can expedite the process of developing new disease

treatments. Instead of starting from scratch, successful repurposing

of even a few drugs could save companies substantial costs and time.

The National Institute of Health is soliciting applications to

investigate new applications for drugs shelved by pharmaceutical

corporations. Courtesy of the Medical College of Wisconsin.

A new development in drug retargeting strategies has been the

creation of drug libraries that allow receptor sites to be matched up

with pre-existing chemical compounds. Last year, Dr. Elias Lolis,

Professor of Pharmacology at the Yale School of Medicine, and Dr.

Michael Cappello, Professor of Pediatrics, Microbial Pathogenesis,

and Public Health at the Yale School of Medicine, jointly published

a paper detailing how this approach can be applied to treating hookworm

infestations. Previous research had suggested that hookworms

manipulate the human immune system by mimicking a key human

regulator with their own protein, AceMIF. Together, Lolis and Cappello’s

research teams screened a chemical library of almost a thousand

FDA-approved compounds for possible drugs that could inhibit

AceMIF activity, effectively preventing a hookworm from shutting

down the human immune response. From this study, they were able

to identify two potential anti-hookworm drugs previously tested for

other purposes: sodium meclofenamate, an anti-inflammatory drug,

and furosemide, a diuretic.

Recently, the National Institute of Health, through their National

Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), launched a

massive $20 million program to reopen research into 58 drugs shelved

by various pharmaceutical companies. Worth up to $2 million each,

these grants will be awarded to proposals from academics, non-profit

groups, and biotechnology corporations investigating novel applications

for these failed drugs. Even this effort, however, has not been

without controversy. Some, like former Pfizer President John LaMattina,

have criticized the NCATS undertaking, claiming that companies

themselves have already taken similar rediscovery initiatives.

Others worry about potential intellectual property issues that may

impede the process to push the repurposed drug through to the

clinic. Companies may be hesitant to sacrifice any measure of intellectual

property rights of their compounds, which are central to their

value. On the other hand, without patent protection, researchers will

have a difficult time convincing companies to continue developing

off-patent drugs and bring them to market. Although advances in

both biological understanding and computational technology offer

exciting possibilities for old drugs, the road to the clinic remains

long and treacherous.

www.yalescientific.org January 2013 | Yale Scientific Magazine 27

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